Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 189

Chapter 189 - Unfortunately It's Hateful

With a genial expression, Tang Yue turned to the young man before him and inquired, “Who shared flower wine with Young Master last night? When did they depart? Young Master, kindly jot down their names one by one.”

The young man, despite his initial panic, found solace upon seeing Tang Yue. Despite his lack of influence or authority, he recognized Doctor Tang, the renowned Crown Princess.

“What brings Crown Princess here? I trust my Earl's Mansion hasn't disappointed you,” he asked.

Tang Yue knelt on the grass, indicating the ink and paper before him. With a smile, he explained, “Simply jot down the questions I've just posed; I don't intend to trouble you unnecessarily.”

“Does Crown Princess truly believe I'm a toddler? Since when did South Jin allow Crown Princess to apprehend and interrogate individuals? Do you comprehend the gravity of your actions?”

Rumor has it that Young Master Yuan is oblivious to matters beyond his love for fine wine. Your words don't align with that reputation. Does your father approve of your eloquence?”

A wry smile tugged at Young Master Yuan's lips as he clenched his teeth and responded, “I appreciate your compliment, Crown Princess.”

Tang Yue tapped the pen and paper on the table, maintaining a composed demeanor.

Young Master Yuan must have a close association with someone who shared flower wine with Wang Zixian. Typically, individuals of this nature kept a respectful distance from Crown Prince Zhao. Tang Yue's actions were driven by the fear that they might intentionally conceal the truth.

Fortunately, Young Master Yuan was not a troublemaker. He reluctantly wrote a few words and tossed the pen aside. Rising to his feet, he asked, “May I take my leave now?”

Tang Yue first reviewed the content he had written. Upon spotting Wang Zixian's name, he instructed someone to escort him out.

“Before Young Master Yuan departs, please offer him a cup of tea. We wouldn't want the Earl's Mansion to believe that the Crown Prince's Palace can't even provide tea,” Tang Yue remarked. fr(e)ewebnov(e)

Although Young Master Yuan shot him a disdainful glance, he refrained from arguing and dutifully covered his eyes as he exited the dungeon.

Tang Yue compared the new list to the previous one and instructed Wang Dingjun to retrieve those who had initially eluded capture. Although the distinction between one more or one less person didn't matter, caution was a doctor's guiding principle. After all, it entailed minimal effort.

Not everyone cooperated willingly; some individuals resisted yielding to the authority of the Crown Prince's residence, crossing their arms and sneering, appearing untouchable due to their fathers' influence.

“Are you sure you won't write it?” Tang Yue inquired once more. “Or is it that you lack the ability to write?”

The man responded with a disdainful huff.

Tang Yue advanced, his chin raised as he stared at the man, a small scalpel twirling in his hand with casual ease.

“Have you ever considered what it's like to cut a person open while they're still alive?” Tang Yue directed the knife's tip towards the man's chest. “Starting here, the blade would slice through more than ten layers of muscle, peeling them away one by one. Eventually, you'd witness your heart pulsating. Plop… Plop… Given your youth, your heart must be vibrant and bright red. Would you like to witness it?”

The young man trembled and took a few steps back, his eyes filled with terror. “You… you wouldn't dare!”

“Why wouldn't I dare? After you've had the privilege of admiring your own heartbeat, I'll assist you in suturing your flesh and skin. I assure you that you won't meet your demise. The wound will heal after a few days of rest. Even if you were to share this experience with others, would anyone believe you?”

The youth recalled the rumors circulating outside and recognized that at least 80% of what Tang Yue said was true. As he envisioned that gruesome scene, he couldn't help but feel nauseated, as though his blood was on the verge of turning to ice.

“Do you wish to become an adversary of the entire Duanmu Family? Didn't the Crown Prince inform you that our Duanmu Family commands the wood resources of the entire South Jin and is no ordinary clan?”

Tang Yue casually fiddled with his ears. He had heard similar boasts throughout the day. Upon his return, he intended to relay this information to Crown Prince Zhao and inquire about how he was privy to it all.

“It's merely wood. If your family refrains from acting, can't others handle it? Have you not considered that speaking in such a manner within the Crown Prince's Palace is unwise? With a single word from His Highness, the Duanmu Family could vanish from South Jin entirely.”

“You…” Fear now coursed through the young man, yet his unyielding pride prevented him from bowing his head. “Even if you were to kill me, I won't write it down.”

Tang Yue produced a stack of papers from his sleeve and proceeded to count them one by one. “Here is Young Master Yuan's statement… This is Young Master Lu's… This one belongs to Young Master Li… and this…”

After meticulously counting each paper, Tang Yue slammed his hand on the table with a resounding thud. “You're no exception. It's just that Young Master's attitude is exceptionally infuriating. I believe the entire Duanmu Family aims to align with Wang Zixian and oppose Crown Prince Zhao.”

“Nonsense! The Duanmu Family remains loyal to the king!” Even the young man, despite his limited wit, grasped that such words would be a lethal blow to the Duanmu Family if they were to circulate.

“It's true that I've had some dealings with Wang Zixian before,” the young man admitted. “After all, I'm merely a junior member of the family. However, if the entire Duanmu Family were to support the Third Prince, the king would be the first to condemn our family.”

Tang Yue met his gaze with a sidelong glance and questioned, “How can I provide evidence?”

A scoff escaped him as he retorted, “You're just trying to provoke me into admitting defeat, aren't you? How does that relate to proving the Duanmu Family's sincerity?”

“Why wouldn't it be relevant? On the night of the attack on the Crown Prince at Su Ying Pavilion, both of you… and Wang Zixian were present. Who's to say you weren't all involved in the assassination attempt on the Crown Prince?”

“What?” The young man was taken aback. “What are you implying?” Crown Prince interjected, “You approached us for flirtation. Are you trying to pin Crown Prince's actions on us?”

“Tsk, it seems this ruse is proving difficult,” Tang Yue mumbled.

He shifted his posture to alleviate the numbness in his legs and inquired, “What do you have to say?”

“You're trying to frame us, aren't you? We left early that day and didn't encounter the Crown Prince at all.”

“Oh? When did he depart?”

“During the second quarter of the Hai hour,” the young man responded. “The second quarter of Haishi,” he added, casting a smug glance at Tang Yue. “Feel free to verify it,” he challenged. “Let's see how you intend to implicate him.”

Tang Yue probed further, “Did all of you leave together? I find that unlikely. Perhaps some of you left initially to create the illusion of departure, while others stayed behind to hatch a plot and then discreetly left after carrying it out. Who's to say you were truly absent from the scene?”

“How would I not know?” the young man shot back. “The proprietress of Su Ying Pavilion personally escorted us out at the time. There were also several enchanting women accompanying us. They can all vouch for us!”

Tang Yue pressed on, “What about Wang Zixian? Did he depart with your group as well?”

The young man hesitated momentarily. On that fateful night, Wang Zixian had expressed an interest in one of the new courtesans and wanted to spend the night. Naturally, he hadn't left with them. fre(e)webnov(l).com

He pondered whether he should reveal this information.

The young man glanced at the document Tang Yue held, realizing that even if he stayed silent, someone else might disclose it.

“I'm not sure when Wang Zixian departed, but you should inquire with him,” the young man pondered. “This is a dispute between the Third Prince and the Crown Prince, a matter he shouldn't involve himself in.

As for the outcome, why should he be concerned? At most, he'll lose a friend with whom he enjoys drinking and flirting with girls.

Wang Zixian wasn't known for his magnanimity, and his intentions for forming friendships weren't entirely pure. People were willing to hang out with him, but there weren't many who genuinely trusted him.

Despite the fact that Crown Prince Zhao had never befriended them and couldn't even recognize them on sight, the younger generation still placed their trust in him.

“Your words suffice,” Tang Yue replied, frustration evident in his voice. “I'm not trying to make things difficult for you. I merely seek some information, a glimpse of the truth. Why must it be so challenging?”

The young man grew irate, pointing accusingly at Tang Yue and exclaiming, “Given your attitude and this sordid place, why should I confide in you? How dare you threaten me? I'll report this to the Crown Prince and see if the Crown Prince's Palace operates with such lax discipline.”

Tang Yue stowed the document, tucking it securely under his arm, and stood up, offering Tang Yue a friendly smile. “The Crown Prince should be back by now. How about we share a meal at the residence?”

Tang Yue paid no heed to whether the young man consented or not, leading the way out. Behind him, two guards subdued the young man, their eyes concealed.

Tang Yue followed through on his promise. As anticipated, he arranged for a meal, complete with bowls, chopsticks, and a lavish spread of dishes for the young man.

The young man found himself dining alongside Crown Prince Zhao's classmate, his anxiety palpable. He cast pleading and angry glances at Tang Yue, who remained unfazed.

“Please, eat without restraint. You've already lost a considerable amount of time. Consider this meal as compensation,” Tang Yue offered politely.

The young man felt on the verge of tears, wishing he could turn back time. Had he known this would happen, he would have launched an attack from the outset or let them rip open his stomach. Anything was preferable to this hunger. Now, he had to endure the immense pressure from the Crown Prince.

The young man consumed his meal morsel by morsel, finding it tasteless. Regret gnawed at him when he considered the reputation of the Crown Prince's Palace's delectable cuisine. What a waste! How infuriating!

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