Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 196

Chapter 196 - Your Father Has Worked Hard

The disappearance of Wang Zixian generated suspicion that lingered for a whole month. It was only when the summer season gave way to something else that this incident slowly faded into the background.

The negotiations between South Jin and North Yue had achieved success.

The two nations had forged an agreement stipulating a five-year cessation of hostilities and the maintenance of friendly relations with neighboring countries. In the face of common adversaries, they pledged to join forces and provide mutual assistance.

Over these five years, South Jin and North Yue would engage in regular trade and permit their citizens to intermarry. Annually, North Yue would exchange one thousand war horses for five thousand South Jin silks and one thousand cows and one thousand donkeys for medicinal herbs, tea leaves, and various other commodities.

County Princess Liyang, originally intended to marry Crown Prince Zhao, was indeed wedded, but not to Crown Prince Zhao as his consort. Instead, she became the wife of the King of South Jin, a position second only to that of the queen.

However, observant individuals noticed that despite her lofty status, this lady seemed to have assumed the role of the North Yue princess and occupied a place in South Jin's harem without garnering the King's favor.

Upon reflection, this arrangement appeared logical. King of South Jin had already experienced betrayal once; it was not easy for him to place trust in people from North Yue. To avoid the possibility of siring another illegitimate child that could be exploited by North Yue, he exercised caution.

Setting aside the King of South Jin's unresolved resentment, the Crown Prince Residence remained tranquil.

Tang Yue had been entrusted with Wang Zixian's care, relieving Crown Prince Zhao of immediate military duties, allowing him to concentrate on strengthening his nation's power. This situation could be described as a double-edged sword of happiness.

Consequently, everyone within the Crown Prince's Palace noticed a recent transformation in Crown Princess's demeanor. Not only did she personally prepare a variety of delectable dishes, but she also distributed two sets of autumn attire and a bag of rice to each servant in the residence. She equipped the palace guards with the latest armor and weapons, and each of them received a generous ten-day leave.

Chief Lin and Chief Lin's approach made every servant in the Crown Prince's Palace deeply appreciative of Crown Princess. They had never encountered such a gracious and kind-hearted mistress.

“Your talent for winning hearts is truly remarkable. In another year and a half, the servants in the Crown Prince's Palace might only remember Crown Princess and Crown Prince,” Crown Prince Zhao playfully remarked.

Tang Yue chuckled, “You're just being a little jealous. If you smiled more often, people would naturally gravitate toward you.”

Crown Prince Zhao pinched his cheek, “Could Crown Princess really smile? As the crown prince of a nation, there are times when I need to maintain a serious demeanor. What kind of logic is that?” free webnov

Tang Yue shrugged, disinterested in explaining the benefits of amiability. After all, being well-liked was preferable to enduring the annoyance of others.

Fortunately, his Crown Prince wasn't someone who drew contempt from others; he simply felt uneasy in the presence of people.

Within a family, there had to be a contrast—one person who appeared timid and another who maintained a stern demeanor. Tang Yue believed this balance was just right, a harmonious match!

“I've heard rumors of a significant incident in the palace last night. Even the Queen Goddess was perturbed. Do you have any information?” Tang Yue inquired curiously of Crown Prince Zhao.

Information within the palace was limited, and Tang Yue didn't make an effort to investigate further. After all, Crown Prince Zhao was likely privy to matters he shouldn't be.

“Does it pique your curiosity?” Crown Prince Zhao rested his chin on Tang Yue's shoulder, inhaling the refreshing scent of soap lingering on his skin, intertwined with a hint of osmanthus, which induced a sense of relaxation.

They had been idling for some time now, and Tang Yue had taken to experimenting with various concoctions. Some experiments succeeded, while others failed. Among them, the soap bar infused with osmanthus fragrance had been the most successful.

It was rumored that when this item was sent to his father-in-law's residence, the mistresses and madams there developed a strong fondness for it. They even sent emissaries periodically to request it.

Witnessing their enthusiasm, Tang Yue generously shared the recipe. In less than half a month, news spread throughout the city that Her Highness Crown Princess had concocted a soap bar with a fragrance that had captivated the entire city.

Zhang Chun had taken special offense to this matter, scolding Tang Yue. “It's one thing to be generous to your own people, but why are you squandering your generosity on outsiders? If you had produced and sold this item yourself, it could have brought in a substantial sum—such profligacy!”

Little did Tang Yue anticipate that a mere soap creation would cause such a stir. Nevertheless, he offered Zhang Chun a suggestion. Apart from osmanthus, he could also market soap bars with scents like peach blossoms, begonia, and plum blossoms. After all, flowers bloomed in all seasons, so there was no fear of a lack of demand.

In addition to this, Tang Yue had also concocted a toothpaste that gained popularity throughout the country. He had grown tired of using salt to brush his teeth daily and enduring its salty taste.

Of course, this toothpaste didn't resemble the modern kind. It was a molded substance, a mixture of cinnamon powder and honey, inspired by what was said to be used by South Americans for dental hygiene. Their teeth were known for their whiteness and health.

With toothpaste in hand, there was no need for Tang Yue to create a toothbrush. Zhang Chun engaged a craftsman to craft one in just two days—a simple, environmentally friendly toothbrush that sold well.

“Certainly, I'm curious. Now that things have settled down, I can only rely on a bit of gossip to pass the time,” Tang Yue remarked, patting his slightly fuller belly.

Lately, there had been a surplus of delicious food, and Tang Yue had indulged himself. His weight had increased slightly as a result.

Fortunately, he had identified this issue in a timely manner. He had recently begun an exercise routine, which prevented him from becoming the second Noble Heir of State Duke Heng before reaching twenty.

“I came across an invitation yesterday. Since I'm feeling a bit restless, how about I go out for a change?” Crown Prince Zhao didn't object to Tang Yue attending various gatherings; it was beneficial for Tang Yue to expand his social circle.

Since Zhao Sanlang and Ping Shun had entered seclusion for their training, there hadn't been much entertainment for a long while.

“Oh, it's an invitation for me to consult a physician. I asked them to refer it to another specialist. It's not really my field, so I passed it on to Elder Chen and the others.” Tang Yue's true expertise lay in surgery. He only occasionally reviewed some internal medicine cases with Elder Chen and his colleagues. He didn't actively seek out such cases.

Nevertheless, due to his actions, rumors began circulating in the city. They claimed that Crown Princess's status was quite important now, and she needed medical attention. While most people understood this, there were still some who expressed dissatisfaction with Tang Yue.

Tang Yue understood there was little he could do about this situation. Doctors weren't all-knowing, just as patients needed the right treatment, they also needed the right doctor.

What good would it do for a patient with appendicitis to visit the obstetrics and gynecology department?

“Let's not change the subject. Tell me, what transpired in the Palace yesterday?” Tang Yue lightly tapped Crown Prince Zhao, not wanting him to be concerned.

Wait. Over time, everyone would come to recognize their abilities, so they should be able to understand, right?

Crown Prince Zhao shifted his position, placing his hands on his chest and resting his head on Tang Yue's lap. He casually remarked, “It's nothing significant. The harem mistress simply can't stand solitude and wants to enter Royal Father's chambers.”

Tang Yue was taken aback. He clicked his tongue and thought, “Polygamy really leads to such situations.”

Apart from evoking some tongue-clicking, it wasn't that surprising. He posed another question, “Who is it? Do I know her?”

Tang Yue didn't notice the cold smirk on Crown Prince Zhao's face but heard him reply, “Madam Li.”

It took Tang Yue a moment to realize that Madam Li referred to County Princess Liyang from North Yue. He suddenly felt awkward.

He had encountered County Princess Liyang before. She was youthful and attractive. He might be willing to forget about marrying the King of South Jin, an old man who could be his father, but she still sought to join the royal bed. Wouldn't that make her uncomfortable?

Nevertheless, he understood that within the palace, a woman's fate hinged on earning the king's favor. Without it, her life would be desolate and frigid. Furthermore, without a man's offspring, she couldn't give birth to a son, leaving her without a support system for the rest of her days.

This was a concern shared by every woman who entered the palace.

“It's a tragedy… that woman ultimately became a pawn in the politics between the two nations,” Tang Yue remarked. In her view, marriage was an unreliable factor. The South Jin wouldn't yield to the North Yue simply because Madam Li was added to the equation, and the North Yue wouldn't sway their overlord's heart just by marrying off a daughter.

County Princess Liyang's life would likely be even more wretched than her predecessor's.

“So how did the king handle her?”

“Her status is clear. How could His Majesty treat her arbitrarily? Besides, Lady Li is young and beautiful, possessing a graceful figure. His Majesty isn't at a disadvantage in any way. Others might criticize him for it. It's true. I heard that she spent the past few nights with Madam Li.”

“Isn't the king worried about another Wang Zixian situation?”

“As long as His Majesty hasn't lost his wits, he won't allow her to bear a child. The women of the harem aren't entitled to bear the royal heir,” Wang Yao explained.

“Is that so? Then why do the birth mothers of the First Prince and the Eleventh Prince seem to have lower status?”

“Exceptions exist, of course. The First Prince's mother has a humble background, but His Majesty holds her in high regard. The Eleventh Prince was conceived when His Majesty was inebriated and involved a palace maid. Only after his birth did everyone learn about it and avoid the scandal.”

Tang Yue chuckled and shook his head. “It's truly intricate. It must be challenging for you, Your Majesty, to manage so many women.”

Crown Prince Zhao raised an eyebrow, gazing at Tang Yue in bewilderment. He couldn't quite fathom his feelings at that moment.

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