Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 237

Chapter 237 - Incident

“Disobedient child! Disobedient child!” King of South Jin vented his fury by overturning everything in the study. A line of quivering eunuchs knelt, enduring his wrath.

“Soldiers!” King of South Jin bellowed. The guards outside promptly entered, paying no heed to the disorder on the floor as they knelt. “What are the king's commands?”

“Convey my orders and summon the Crown Princess to the palace! Also, fetch State Duke Ann and Yueyang Marquis. I intend to inquire who empowered the Crown Prince to clandestinely mobilize ten thousand soldiers. Where did he find the audacity?”

The guard remained silent, retreating after receiving the directive, leaving behind a group of eunuchs on the verge of tears.

Since the King's hour-long seclusion in the Imperial Reading Room this morning, his rage had persisted. Not only had he laid waste to the entire study, but he also dispatched two insignificant eunuchs who displeased him. The identity of the disloyal son remained unknown.

The First Prince had maintained a low profile for years, confined to the ancestral temple in prayers for the nation's prosperity. Permission for his return hadn't been granted, and there was still no trace of the Third Prince, as if he vanished into thin air.

Apart from the Crown Prince, the others seemed inconsequential, overshadowed by his aura. Under the protection of the Crown Prince's influence, the other princes appeared feeble and inept.

Hence, the only individual capable of provoking such wrath from the king was likely the Crown Prince.

Yet, the nature of the Crown Prince's transgression remained a mystery, leaving the old eunuch, who had served the King for decades, baffled. The last time he witnessed such fury was when the King discovered Madam Ying's infidelity.

When Tang Yue received the imperial decree, he was at home preparing the next batch of herbs for purchase.

For the past five years, he had been accumulating medicinal herbs for treatments and remedies. Those with short shelf lives were recycled or converted into plasters and oils. Today, half of their storehouses were filled with medicinal stock.

However, these supplies were fast depleting, and considering the soldiers' consumption rate, his stockpile was insufficient.

“Young master, the king has summoned you to the palace,” the steward informed.

“Understood. Who brought the message?” inquired the steward.

“It was Imperial Censor Miao. I inquired about it. Rumor has it that the Great King erupted in the Imperial Reading Room, apparently due to an issue involving His Highness.”

“Ah, the time draws near. What must come will come,” Tang Yue thought, mentally prepared, yet uncertain how to confront the enraged King of South Jin.

Even as he readied himself, he harbored doubts about emerging from the Palace unscathed.

Handing his written list to the butler, he instructed him to deliver it to the manager of Huian Hall before changing attire and proceeding into the Palace.

At the Palace entrance, he encountered State Duke Ann and his father, Yueyang Marquis. In their silent exchange, they tacitly acknowledged the situation.

“Let me handle this. Both of you, remain silent,” Tang Yue asserted.

State Duke Ann emitted a cold harrumph, showing no deference, though Tang Yue understood his unwillingness to stay idle.

As for Yueyang Marquis, their familial ties meant he couldn't disengage. Their families were now interconnected, tethered like grasshoppers on a string.

Upon entering the Imperial Reading Room, Tang Yue observed the aftermath of the tumult, though the room remained disheveled. It was evident repairs hadn't begun.

“This servant pays respects to the king. May the king live long…”

The King of South Jin fixated on the trio kneeling before him, his countenance ominous and forbidding, prolonging their penance.

Tang Yue bowed silently, recognizing he must allow the king to vent his fury.

For four hours, they remained prostrate. Tang Yue, still young, endured alongside the aged State Duke Ann and Yueyang Marquis, who neared exhaustion.

At noon, a palace maid inquired about the king's meal, receiving orders to deliver it to the study room, disregarding Tang Yue and his companions.

Tang Yue, having eaten sparingly earlier, now felt his stomach protest vehemently, tantalized by the aroma of food, though the king withheld it, prolonging their suffering.

Once the king finished his meal, the empty plates were removed, leaving only the lingering scent of meat in the Imperial Reading Room, offering no respite from hunger.

Enduring another two hours of kneeling, Tang Yue felt a prickling pain in his knees, akin to needles. Glancing surreptitiously at the other two, he noted their foreheads beaded with cold sweat and their faces ashen with fear.

Tang Yue lifted his head to meet the gaze of the King of South Jin, posing his query with genuine sincerity, “May I inquire as to why the king has summoned us?”

Slap! The King of South Jin slammed his hand down on an inkstone table nearby, his voice thundering with rage, “Do you not comprehend my question? You and the Crown Prince are inseparable. How could you be unaware of his affairs?”

Unruffled, Tang Yue neither panicked nor countered, instead maintaining a respectful tone as he inquired, “I'm uncertain of what you're referring to. While I am acquainted with the Crown Prince's activities, I may not be privy to all of them.”

“Are you aware that the Crown Prince has clandestinely amassed an army of ten thousand soldiers?”

“Indeed,” Tang Yue responded candidly.

“And are you aware that his actions warrant the annihilation of his entire lineage?”

Innocently, Tang Yue replied, “How could that be? As the heir to the throne, if his family were eradicated, wouldn't it spell the demise of the entire royal lineage?”

“Quick-witted,” the King of South Jin retorted icily, “Do you realize I could execute you on the spot? He has commanded the Crown Prince to return to the palace and face justice. Even if the court officials acknowledge his status, they cannot condone such a grave transgression!”

“The King alleges that the Crown Prince has assembled a cavalry force of ten thousand men. However, these troops were contributed by various prefectures and entrusted to the Crown Prince for training. This arrangement was sanctioned by several dukes and the duke himself.”

“Prefecture soldiers? Do you take me for a fool?” The King of South Jin found the notion absurd. When had the nobility of South Jin become so benevolent? To entrust even prefectural soldiers to the Crown Prince for training was preposterous.

“Please permit me to explain further, Your Majesty. Since the signing of the peace treaty five years ago, the Crown Prince foresaw its eventual breach. Consequently, he commenced preparations for the impending conflict.

“Yet, wars require manpower and weaponry. The Crown Prince lacked both. How could he emerge victorious? After much deliberation, he conceived a novel approach to train an elite force.

“Had he proposed this plan in court, Your Majesty, you might have been the first to oppose it. Moreover, he harbored doubts about its feasibility. He merely wished to test his theory.

“Hence, the Crown Prince sought the cooperation of select families from the State Duke's Mansion and the Marquis Ducal Palaces to loan soldiers from their estates for training, aiming to validate his strategy.”

He assembled this group and tirelessly trained them, instructing in military formations and the utilization of new weaponry. Only witnessing their daily advancement bolstered his confidence.”

“Enough! I don't buy a single word of your tale. How could I remain ignorant of the ethical standing of a prefectural soldier? If the Crown Prince truly honed them into elite troops, why didn't he inform me beforehand, choosing instead to clandestinely bring them to Qinyang City?”

Tang Yue sighed, persisting in his deception, “You may not be aware, but the Crown Prince is a man of great dignity. If this endeavor had succeeded, all would be well, but if it failed, he would answer to you. Isn't that a blow to his own reputation?”

Therefore, for the sake of caution, His Highness deliberately kept this operation concealed from the public, awaiting its success before unveiling the cavalry to the world. Firstly, for his own prestige, and secondly, to deal a decisive blow to North Yue.

If this force were prematurely exposed, North Yue would undoubtedly receive wind of it, preparing countermeasures in advance, thus severely compromising the cavalry's effectiveness.

“You're quite adept at sophistry. By your logic, not only are the Crown Prince's actions not condemnable, but he deserves commendation?”

“I wouldn't dare to claim as such. His Highness is a scion of South Jin and the Crown Prince of our nation. It is his duty to repel formidable adversaries. Presently, he is solely dedicated to fulfilling his duty. No reward is necessary.”

“Hah, his duty entails mustering his private soldiers against such adversaries? Who granted him that authority? Who instilled such audacity?” The King of South Jin bellowed furiously.

Tang Yue composed himself and continued, “Your Majesty, I find your words disagreeable. Had the Crown Prince sought your approval beforehand, would you have consented to recruit ten thousand soldiers for the training of heavily armored troops?”

The King of South Jin shook his head. He wouldn't have entertained such a brash request. Ten thousand soldiers and three elite troops—how could he permit them to be under the Crown Prince's command?

“Heavily armored troops? Was this also the Crown Prince's scheme? How did he armor the warhorses? Where did he procure so many arms and armor? Could it be… the Crown Prince not only covertly assembled elite troops but also clandestinely forged arms and armor?”

The King of South Jin's ire began to subside slightly. Tang Yue blinked innocently, “You misunderstand. Even if His Highness desired to construct them, he lacked the funds. These arms and armor were provided by me.”

“You?” The King of South Jin was stunned. Outfitting ten thousand soldiers with top-tier equipment would have entailed considerable expenditure. Tang Yue had actually provided them free of charge?

“Indeed. Given my ample dowry, they were of no use to me. Thus, I commissioned arms and armor for the soldiers of various prefectures, contributing to the nation.” Tang Yue spoke with righteous fervor, though the King of South Jin remained skeptical.

Ultimately, every utterance from Tang Yue aimed to absolve the Crown Prince of blame.

The King of South Jin seethed with fury. He felt manipulated by the collusion of others, kept in the dark about such a significant matter. If they dared to conceal this today, what other audacious deeds might they undertake in the future?

“Men, escort the Crown Princess to the Jade Glow Hall. Without my explicit consent, she is not to set foot outside the palace!”

At the King of South Jin's decree, State Duke Ann and Marquis Yueyang could no longer maintain their silence.

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