Be Gay Do Crime

Chapter 103

Adjusting a tie felt wrong in many ways.  Ashe hadn’t expected to ever wear a suit again after her mother’s funeral, but she had to admit that it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing.  She had a feminine figure, even if she was tall and skinny, and the suit was cut just right to accentuate that.  When she had been fitted, the tailor—who happened to be named Taylor, funny enough—took a few pictures in flattering poses to show that Ashe could absolutely rock a suit. 

Looking in the mirror, she was glad that hadn’t just been a one off, or the tailor picking a flattering angle.  No, Ashe could admit she looked good.  She’d filled out a fair bit with muscle since she started training with Eric and Kyle, and the suit somehow projected that she could channel some power through her limbs. 

Imposing wasn’t the word for it, but anyone who saw her would think twice.  She could pass as a professional body guard if need be and she loved it.  Too bad Kendall wouldn’t be around to make his usual comments on how she was rocking the look.  Her mood began to freefall, but she knew it would happen, especially with being back in her old bedroom.  It was funny, it had only been a few months since she started staying at Crystal’s home, and less that she began to stay at the apartments.

Five years she lived in this room, and already it didn’t feel like home anymore.  She’d been a criminal for all of four months, and it felt like years.  She’d often wondered how people seemed to age a decade in a year, and now she finally understood.  Looking into her own eyes, there was none of the innocence she once saw when she once looked into the mirror, marveling at the girl that looked back at her.

She still saw that girl, but she wasn’t the same person anymore.  Shaking her head, Ashe cut that line of thought off immediately, refocusing on the night to come.  Stepping away from the mirror, Ashe made sure she had everything in place.  Given that the suit was actually meant for someone working security, she wasn’t surprised that Taylor managed to make it accommodate her shoulder holster without showing.  She was bringing her personal firearm, which was fully registered and had her concealed carry permit in her wallet. 

If Crystal didn’t have a thigh holster hidden under her dress, Ashe would eat her tie.

She’d shared the evening plans with her girlfriend, who had proceeded to cackle at the audacity of it all.  Not that it was guaranteed to happen, but there was no way that Gray didn’t attempt something, and she would be ready to make sure that he didn’t hurt anyone else.  

A gentle knock at the door drew Ashe out of her thoughts, and prompted one last quick check of her outfit, smoothing a small wrinkle in her pants, before taking a deep breath and walking over to her old bedroom door.  Her hand paused on the nob, but she pushed through her hesitation and threw the door open, finding her mother on the other side, smiling. 

“Look at you,” she said.  “All grown up.” 

Ashe smiled, and it was only partially fake.  She was happy to have this moment, even if she was keeping one hell of a secret from her parents.  That was just a part of her life now, and there wasn’t much she could do about it that wouldn’t land her in jail. 

“It doesn’t feel quite real,” Ashe said, proud that her voice didn’t break.  

Her mother smiled back, looking her up and down.  “Not quite how I imagined my daughter going to prom, but it will be so entertaining to see how this plays out once the chaperones all realize that everything is above board.” 

“Including my iron,” Ashe said, smirking. 

Her mother looked at her for a moment, then shook her head.  “We’ll have to agree to disagree on that one.  I just hope you don’t give any of them probable cause.” 

Ashe shook her head.  “You taught me better than that, and we both know I won’t leave anyone that might testify against me.” 

A flat glare was her answer as her mother smacked her shoulder playfully.  “No implicating yourself in premeditated murder to an officer of the law.” 

Ashe gasped, clutching her chest.  “It’s not premeditated if it’s self-defense.” 

Her mother sighed in exasperation, knowing better than to argue.  “Come on you not so little shit, Linda wants pictures, and Crystal is waiting in the hall to make her grand entrance.” 

The thought of seeing Crystal in a proper dress had her breath hitching.  She’d heard her talking about it here and there, but not actually seen it yet, and to say that she was a bit excited would be an understatement.  The dress she had worn to that dinner wasn’t anything like a proper gown. 

Mother made her way into the living room where mom was waiting with phones in each hand, one recording video in landscape while another was snapping pictures in portrait.  Jasper sat at her side obediently.  Ashe couldn’t help but roll her eyes, but her smile only grew.  This was her day, and she was going to enjoy it, and may the goddess have mercy on anyone who would take that from her. 

Ashe paused in the middle of the room and struck a pose she’d seen another woman pull off in a suit that she had found rather alluring, the camera snapped once, then twice, and Ashe shifted to a second pose that was far more commanding.  More electronic shutter sounds followed and Ashe relaxed, her obligation complete for the moment. 

A quick gesture from her mom had Mother moving to the door, and she swung it open and Ashe’s breath was violently stolen by the vision of beauty standing before her.  Crystal stood defiantly in a sleeveless blue dress that matched her hair making it clear that she was hiding nothing.  The tattoos on her left arm were unmistakable for what they were.  The spider web on her shoulder between lesbian coded flowering vines that culminated in the Viuda’s telltale widow dangling from a thread at her wrist were all flavors of queer and Viuda. 

Midnight blue swept down her curves, hugging her form before flaring out past her hip where Ashe just knew she had her own sidearm, now legally registered in her name.  It had a split, which would allow her to remain mobile and unless Ashe was mistaken, she was wearing steampunk style mage boots with a slight heel that vanished up into the dress.

She kinda hoped they were knee highs, and that Crystal might step on her…  

Just a bit. 

Why was it so hot in the apartment all of a sudden, and damn was she feeling a bit thirsty.  A finger under her chin lifted up, and her jaw shut.  Ashe glanced aside, finding her Mother sporting a smirk as her hand retreated. 

“Yeah, she’s gay,” Mom added, still holding the recording phone.  “Well, don’t leave your date waiting, go welcome her in.” 

Right, she was supposed to take the lead for once, not that Ashe was unfamiliar with leading when it came time to get things done, she just tended to defer to Crystal in matters of their relationship.  Which made their plans for prom night a bit of a role reversal for them. 

She walked up to the door and held out her hand.  “You look lovely on this fine evening.” 

Crystal looked behind her to the window where an afternoon shower had blown through but was already retreating.  “I suppose it is, now that the rain has passed.  I thank you for—”  Crystal cut off, her face twitching at the corners before sniggering escaped and she fell into full on laughter.  Wiping a tear from her eye, rather carefully given the artfully applied makeup, she finally spoke.

“Shit, I can’t keep that up.  Get your ass over here and kiss me already.” 

Ashe raised an eyebrow, but Crystal’s hand snaked out, grabbed her by the tie, and pulled her in close.  Their lips met and Ashe’s legs almost gave out.  They had kissed plenty of times, yet something about it felt different, charged in a way that no prior kiss between them had before. 

When she pulled back, Ashe just knew that there was a dopey grin on her face, and she didn’t even care that she would need to fix her tie before they left.

“Alright, group photo before you start ripping each other’s clothes off,” Mom said with a shit eating grin. 

Ashe rolled her eyes, flipping off the camera as she kissed her girlfriend once more, trying to not laugh at the sound of the camera shutter snapping.  When she pulled back, one arm stayed wrapped around her date as she settled in for the inevitable posing for pictures as was demanded as tribute by the parental units of all high school seniors.

As they were directed from pose to pose, an idea came to mind.  “Crystal, let’s pose with our guns.” 

“You’ll need to take your coat off for that,” Crystal said as she flexed her arms and reduced Ashe to a blushing mess for the umpteenth time in so many minutes that it might just become a permanent affair.  “Besides, that’s one area I have you beat.” 

Reaching into her coat, Ashe pulled out her Glock.  “I meant these guns.” 

“None of that,” her mom said, pulling the camera away.  “We want no proof that we were aware you were bringing those just for plausible deniability.  If stuff happens and you’re forced to defend yourselves, us knowing you brought them could be claimed as not acting to stop a premeditated act of violence.” 

“And us bringing them without telling you changes what, exactly?” Crystal asked. 

“Very little,” Mother said.  “But we could have told you not to bring them, and it just adds another complication on top of things.” 

“Already scrubbed it from the video,” Mom said.  “Now put those away so I can get a few more pictures and we can see you off.” 

Mother nodded.  “Plus, the limo seems to be blocking part of the street, which can quickly turn into a ticket if they linger for too long.” 

Crystal squeaked, looking off towards the window.  “I didn’t even think of that when I suggested Preston drive us.” 

Laughing, Ashe patted her date on the back.  “It’s alright.  I’m sure that Jason and Todd aren’t objecting even slightly at having a few extra minutes without a sibling to bother them back there.” 

Crystal’s face started to turn red, but then the color fled just as quickly as the implications fully caught up with her.  “Maybe we should text that we’re on our way, before they get ideas.” 

A shake of her head followed as she wrapped her arm back around Crystal’s waist, trying very hard not to think about what usually happened once prom was over.  Ashe wasn’t sure if she was ready for that, but she wanted to try it at least once before she had surgery. 

Ashe knew her parents were following with the cameras, even as they exited the building and arrived at the limo.  Preston was there, eyeing Ashe like she was vermin, but his face didn’t so much as even twitch.  It was almost funny, knowing that an infamous killer from the old days was acting as the personal chauffeur for four gay people. 

He bowed slightly, opening the rear door in the same motion. 

“Thank you, Preston,” Crystal said. 

“Of course, Lady Ellington,” he answered primly. 

Ashe held Crystal’s hand as she stepped into the limo, sliding over in the seat as she did.  Ashe then turned, ignoring the Nazi, and faced her parents again.  Both were teary eyed and holding one another’s hands.  The phones were firmly put away at that point and she stepped over and was promptly pulled into a group hug. 

“We’re so proud of you,” Mother said.  “Seeing you here, today.  After all the struggles you faced.  It’s an inspiration.” 

And just like that, the guilt crashed into her all over again.  She couldn’t even tell them why, because of the lines she crossed.  All she could do was hug them tighter, wondering what she might have done had it been her mom that recognized her instead of Kendall.  Would she still have shot her? 

That was a question she would never know the answer to, and one she hoped would never come up in the future.  She broke the hug, wiping the tears away, and let them think they were tears of joy rather than of sorrow. 

“You’re both heading in after this?” Ashe asked. 

Her mother nodded.  “We all know something is going to happen, and it isn’t like you’re going to come home tonight.  Not that we would stop you if you did decide to bring Crystal here after prom.” 

“We might be your parents, but we aren’t hypocrites,” Mom said. 

Just twisting the knife without even realizing it… 

“No, we’re going back to Crystal’s home after,” Ashe confirmed.  “Though we might stop at a friend’s place on the way.” 

“No admitting to underage drinking, please,” Mom interjected. 

Ashe chuckled at that.  “Right, can’t make you be a hypocrite after all.” 

“Damn right,” Mom said with a grin.  “Now go have fun.” 

Shaking her head, Ashe turned and climbed into the limo.  The door was promptly shut behind her, and she got her first look at Jason and Todd, as well as their ‘dates’.  The pair was absolutely snuggled up, but the girls they came with were more amused than anything. 

“This is gonna be hilarious,” Brie said. 

Her dress was a purple number that was fairly form fitting, but far more tasteful than what she usually wore when she was ‘working’.  The makeup work was also far more reserved as well.  The other girl across from her grinned, her red dress absolutely eye-catching, with a plunging neckline.  It was guaranteed to break the minds of every boy there and make more than a few girls question their own sexuality. 

“Damn right it is,” Jessica answered.  “Ready to go sow the seeds of chaos?” 

Ashe leaned back, putting her arm around Crystal who was struggling valiantly against the amusement at what they had planned.  Chaos was the right word for it, and she was the maestro that would set it all into motion.  Regardless of what Gray had planned for the evening, she knew that her own plans were far more interesting. 

“The stage is set,” Ashe said as the limo sprung into motion and the city began to pass them by on their way to the convention center where the prom was being held.  “Now we cast the first die.” 

“Nerd,” Brie said, sticking out her tongue.  “Come on, just say we’re gonna fuck shit up like a normal girl.” 

Rolling her eyes, Ashe grinned.  “Fine, let’s go fuck shit up.” 

It should have concerned her that Brie cheered, but honestly?  Ashe was looking forward to it just as much as they were.  After tonight, nothing would be the same, and Ashe couldn’t wait.

Author's Notes: 

Prom is officially underway!  I hope you're ready for the longest night in the story, because we're gonna be here for quite a while.  Lots of fluff next chapter, because there's no way I'd ruin prom for Ashe before she got to enjoy herself. ;)

Want to read all of volume four right now? Check out my Patreon! That's up through Chapter 129 of the story available to Knight tier and above! Be sure to also check out Origin: Riptide for some of Crystal's backstory, also available to Knight tier backers! Paladin tier supporters get access to the prototype draft of Be Gay (100k words) as well as other bonuses.

The Reluctant Ranger (A Sentai styled Alien Invasion tale) is currently Patreon supporter exclusive and updating twice a week (Sun/Thur), so check that out if you want some monster fighting action! The story is gearing up for an official release in the coming weeks, so please look forward to it!


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