Be Gay Do Crime

Chapter 81

Ashe woke slowly from a pleasant doze, her eyes fluttering open in the afternoon light.  The TV was back to the streaming service’s splash page, and she wasn’t even sure what had woken her up.  She vaguely remembered Crystal saying something about stepping out to grab something they could cook for dinner, rather than continuing to live off of expensive restaurant fare. 

Her homework sat on the table, mostly completed, but she had some handwritten essays that she still needed to sit down and work on.  That wasn’t much of a concern to her anymore given she didn’t need the scholarships to pay her way into a good college.  Not that the school would ever dare to award her one.  If she’d ever been delusional about anything, it was that they wouldn’t sabotage her on an administrative level in a way that would follow her when she sought outside assistance. 

Stretching still hurt, but it was getting better.  Crystal was already weaning her off of the prescribed pain killers and down to nothing but over the counter, which just didn’t work nearly as well.  There was a constant, dull ache that never quite left her, even when she took the maximum dose.  There were days she considered sneaking more of the oxy goodness, but she had a feeling Crystal was keeping count of those pills. 

Another series of taps sounded, and Ashe realized that was what woke her.  Was there a woodpecker knocking at the damn door or something?  They were sharp and forceful, too much to have been from a bird.  Someone was knocking on the door.  She quickly checked her phone and saw no messages. 

Gritting her teeth, she got up despite her protesting limbs and grabbed her gun on the way to the door.  It was simply prudent when you were a known minority and surrounded by the worst examples of the so-called ‘master race’ to answer the door while armed, especially in a neighborhood like Crystal’s where they wouldn’t be afraid to start shit. 

Crystal’s door didn’t have a peep hole, or glass for that matter.  There was no way to confirm who was there without opening the door first.  It was a bit of a design flaw, but she also had a security door that could withstand a breaching charge, and windows that were rated for anything short of a proper siege. 

Besides, that was what the security cameras were for, cameras that Ashe forgot to ask for the password to access.  She would need to have a talk with her girlfriend about that when she got back, to make sure that she could properly access the security system in total for the next time she was left home alone.

She disengaged the deadbolt and door lock, then turned the handle and kept the gun at the ready as she pulled the door open.  There were several things she might have expected to see, but Crystal’s little brother wasn’t one of them.  He wasn’t alone either, a familiar toothpick of a redhead covered in freckles was standing beside him.

“Jason?” she asked, then turned to the other kid, her mind blanking for a moment.  “Fuck, I’m spacing here.” 

“Todd,” he said with a nasally voice.  “Jason’s…  Uh, friend.” 

“Right,” she said, rolling her eyes as she tucked the gun into her waistband, an act that Jason hadn’t missed.  “In that case, I’m Ashe, Crystal’s ‘friend’.” 

Jason snorted, even as Todd somehow turned even redder.  It was kinda cute and she had a feeling she was going to have a lot of fun teasing the kid.  She invited the pair inside, closing the door behind them as she did.  They made their way to the living room and Ashe reclaimed her little nest on the couch while the others claimed the same chair that Keiko had just days prior. 

At least that plan was proceeding apace and wasn’t requiring any constant micromanaging like she feared it would.  Brie had everything well in hand, their first little party had gone off without a hitch, and she was in the process of planning the second one.  Hopefully she would be ready by then, because as of right now, Ashe wasn’t up for it.

“Finally made it official then?” Jason asked.  She smirked, and the kid offered up a fist which she promptly bumped.  “Congrats, you two are good for each other.” 

Ashe looked away, more to hide the rising heat on her cheeks and the smile on her lips. 

“So, you’re the hard ass bitch that carved her way through an entire abduction team?” Todd asked, his eyes far more calculating than she expected. 

“Want to see the video?” she asked.  Jason raised an eyebrow as Ashe grinned.  “I was wearing a body cam for the entire thing.  Go make some popcorn and I’ll put it on.” 

“You sure you want others to see that?” Jason asked.  “You did a lot of illegal shit back there, no way you get away with it if it gets out.”  

That reminder sent a lance through her, at how her parents were purposely withholding evidence to keep her safe from reprisal.  Those responsible were dead, but the people that hired them were free and clear to try again.  Sure, her little slaughter of a well trained extraction team would give pause to anyone they tried to hire in the future, but the true believers wouldn’t care. 

“Enough people already know it was me,” Ashe said softly.  “Jason was there for the worst of it, so there’s little harm in showing the two of you while we wait for Crystal to get back.” 

“I’m game,” Todd said.  Jason glared at him but the kid just shrugged.  “What?  I’m curious to actually see it rather than just hear about this badass angel of vengeance that saved your sweet ass.” 

“He did pretty well for himself too,” Ashe said, having found the video file on the computer and brought it up.  She made sure to skip the infiltration and jump right to the confrontation right before the shooting started.  “Especially for his first firefight.” 

“That wasn’t your first?” Todd asked as things sprung into motion.  Ashe looked at Todd, he was far too perceptive to not already have some suspicions.  She needed Crystal there, her reassuring presence to help her through whatever game this kid was playing.  She then sent Crystal a quick text that Jason had stopped by with his friend, just so she wouldn’t be surprised.

“No, it wasn’t,” Ashe said, pushing images of blood and death from her mind.  “My first was technically where I met Crystal, when she bailed me out of an abduction attempt.” 

“You’ve been in more since,” he said, watching the video as it played.  “Nobody moves like that unless they’re used to bullets flying.” 

He wasn’t wrong, and even then, she was practically shitting herself through that whole mess, despite how composed she might have appeared to Jason.  She’d had the same impression of Crystal as she stood up to the kidnappers, dropping them with insulting ease.  Ashe now understood that she was scared, that fear didn’t really go away. 

“Doesn’t mean I wasn’t afraid,” she said after a moment.  “I could have taken a fatal bullet at any point in that whole exchange.  Gunned down just as easily as any of the men I killed.  Hell, the final moments coming up did almost kill me, three days in a coma and I’m still fucked from it.” 

Her arm wasn’t in the sling anymore, even though it probably should have been but she didn’t like wearing the damn thing.  She still wore it anytime she had to get up and do something even remotely strenuous, like her morning walk since she was restricted from going for a jog.  Push ups were out, and like hell she would be able to manage a sit up for weeks if not months. 

It wasn’t perfect, but Ashe refused to let herself go during recovery.  She needed to be strong for when it mattered, when lives were on the line.  She flexed her hands, the muscles tightening as she did.  Her off hand was still stronger, despite the healing wound on her arm.  Her right hand remained mostly numb, and probably wasn’t going to get any better than it already was. 

Jason and Todd stayed silent as the final bit played out, as Ashe fell back, looking at the knife now embedded in her side.  Then Jason actually screamed when the gator snapped up her near killer.  Popcorn went flying, two boys clutched at each other protectively and at that same moment the front door was thrown open and Crystal came running in, gun at the ready. 

Ashe couldn’t help but grin as Crystal’s thunderous war face devolved into one of sheer incredulity at what she was seeing.  Ashe was all wrapped up in her microfiber blanket of pure warmth and comfort.  Jason and Todd had a big bowl of popcorn in their lap, mostly.  There was hardly any left in the bowl after that jump scare sent it all flying.

Goddess that was going to be a pain in the ass to clean up. 


“Hey, you missed the entertainment,” Ashe said with a cheeky grin, gesturing under her blanket to the screen.  “The gator got them good.” 

“So I see,” she said slowly, putting her gun back in the shoulder holster.  “I’d say make yourselves at home, but it seems you’ve already done so.”  

“Sure have,” Ashe said, her smile far warmer now.  “I’m thinking about making it permanent come summer, if that’s alright.” 

It was just a joke, some simple words, but it was the first time that she’d actually voiced her interest in staying with Crystal long term once she moved out of her parents home.  Ashe’s stomach churned with anxiety as she sat there, watching as her girlfriend’s face shifted through so many emotions before settling on warmth. 

“Oh good, then you can help with the chores,” Crystal said casually, though her cheeks were noticeably redder.  “Get that popcorn off our floor if you would, I’ve got groceries to bring in.” 

“Yes ma’am,” Ashe said cheekily, her own face burning.  “You heard the lady, clean that shit up.” 

“Pretty sure she directed that at you,” Jason muttered, but still got started on picking it up. 

Todd wasn’t moving to help, at least not right away.  He was instead fixated on the screen  as Crystal capped the last bastard while she cried ugly tears, doing all she could to stop Ashe’s bleeding.  Ashe both loathed and loved this part of the recording.  It was undeniable proof that Crystal cared for her, how deep her feelings ran.  Pure warmth filled her, and Ashe was content with her life.  She would do anything to keep her girlfriend safe, she would tear down the world itself to protect her. 

Villain origins indeed. 

That thought made her chuckle, which drew Todd’s gaze away from the TV finally.  His eyes narrowed at her, and she looked right back, unblinking. 

“You’re Inferno,” he said breathlessly. 

A glass shattered in the kitchen, much to Ashe’s surprise.  Had Crystal forgotten that the boy already knew?  Hell, had he forgotten as well?  He was staring at the screen, jaw held slackly as the video continued playing out.

“What of it,” she asked, tone neutral.  “Did you forget that you already guessed my identity a while back?” 

Crystal sucked in a breath from the doorway, her hand had been inching towards her holster up until then.  Crystal let out a heavy groan and pinched her nose, muttering under her breath as she started pacing. 

“I mean, I knew you were a criminal,” Todd said, blinking for a moment before he gestured at the screen.  “Seeing it like this?  I never understood just how dangerous you actually were.” 

“Extreme violence is fairly new to me,” Ashe said softly.  “I didn’t ask to nearly die there, but I wasn’t about to roll over either.” 

“Understatement of the century,” Crystal muttered.  “So, why bring it up?”

“I want in,” Todd declared.

The room froze at the declaration, and Ashe’s mind raced.  There shouldn’t have been even the hint of rumors that she was starting her own thing, so what exactly did he want in on?  Todd couldn’t have been older than seventeen, he wasn’t someone she would even consider bringing on.  

“Explain,” Ashe said coldly.  “And spare no details on why you think it was a good idea to join up with a known murderer, who is wanted on Federal charges, in her girlfriend’s home.” 

He paused, clearly not having thought it through to that degree.  Was she also that stupid at his age?  Hell, was she still that stupid?  She’d jumped from being a respected daughter of a cop to being one of the most wanted criminals in all of Florida.  Stupid sure as hell was a word for what she had done.  Doing it just because a cute girl suggested it just made it worse. 

Crystal only presented the path to her, she chose to walk it.  Now, it seemed Todd was looking to make a similar choice.  The worst part, she needed the help, and dissuading him would only hurt her in the short term.  He was someone reasonably connected to her core confidants, he was less likely to turn on her. 

He would be a good member of the forming inner circle. 

Fuck, she was already thinking in terms of how she could use him, and the worst part of it, he would be very useful.  She had zero men in her employ, and that was something she needed to correct sooner than later.  She needed people that were willing to do things that the girls wouldn’t be safe doing. 

“Jason’s dad is a monster, but he’s not the only problem,” Todd started, his voice pensive as he stared at his fists.  He clenched his shorts in his hands as he trembled.  “The Iron Patriots are the bigger problem.  They’re a recognized religious movement for fuck’s sake, and they have plans to go national if they can get their guy into office.” 

“Good for you,” Ashe droned.  “You know the talking points and have enough conviction to be a follower.  I don’t need throngs of mindless followers, right now I need people that can lead and organize.  Why should I consider you?” 

“Look,” he said, taking a deep breath as he geared up for whatever was rattling around his head.  “Obviously you had a reason to be there that afternoon, and your video only confirmed it.  You want to take down the fascist pricks as much as I do, and I want to help.” 

“Todd,” Jason said, his voice barely a whisper.  “You can’t.  I can’t lose you.  What they’re doing isn’t safe, they’re probably going to be dead before thirty—” 

“Sweet, that’s better than the average in this state for me,” Ashe said, a touch of venom dripping into her words.  “Listen kid, you’ve been sheltered by having Theodore as your father, Crystal hasn’t and the man has already threatened to have me killed.  If it wasn’t obvious, someone already tried to have you killed.  Your boyfriend wants to step up, likely to help keep you safe, or am I off in that assessment?” 

“Not at all,” Todd said firmly. 

“Thought as much,” Ashe said  “Now, how willing are you to get your hands dirty?  I need people that can help me move the drugs I’ve stolen from the fascists.  I need ways to arm my growing organization that isn’t getting lucky when blowing up a pawn shop.  I have barely a dozen people working for me at present, how can you help grow that?” 

“I know the queer kids at school,” Todd said, slowly, hesitantly.  “Not sure if any would want to get involved though.” 

“Depends on how you frame it,” Ashe said.  “I was only aware of maybe three LGBT kids, the two of us included.  I don’t even know the third for certain as that’s just speculation.  Now, how ‘picked on’ are these friends of yours?” 

“Extremely,” he said.  “The only reason I’m left alone is because I’m friends with Jason and all the popular kids suck up because of it.” 

That was almost too perfect.  Could she use that as an angle?  It was worth a shot.

“How would those kids be treated if you had them deal drugs to the popular kids?” Ashe asked.  Both boys recoiled and Crystal’s eyes narrowed.  “Think about it.  The popular kids won’t pick on or sell out their dealers, it risks too many others in the process.  It might just help keep them safer.” 

“You can’t be suggesting,” Jason started.  “I’m not letting my boyfrie—” 

“She’s right,” Todd interjected.  “Fucking hell, but she’s right.  It would work too, and that’s infuriating as…  FUCK!”

It didn’t take much convincing from there, and he would start asking around and making arrangements, frame it as the Iron Patriots using the gay kids to their buyers, while the queer kids were told it was to help keep them safe.  Even Jason was coming around to the idea, even if Crystal wasn’t completely happy with the prospect, she too started offering ideas to help. 

Ashe hated every moment of it, but she was finally making progress again, and all it cost her was the innocence of a bunch of disenfranchised gay kids.  She deserved the worst interpretation of hell imaginable for what she was doing.  She wouldn’t ask for forgiveness if there did end up being an afterlife.  


She would own each and every atrocity she committed.

Author's Notes: 

I wasn't completely happy with this chapter, several things in the story changed between the first draft and this one, and making it all fit was a struggle.  Before any print release happens I'll likely clean up a few things, but for now it works well enough.

Editing of volume four continues, it is currently 2/3rds edited and I am hopeful I can have it done within the next week and shared to Patreon.

Next time, we check in with Brie as she does some nice, and not so nice, things.

Want to read up through the end of the third volume? Check out my Patreon! That's up through Chapter 99 of the story. Be sure to also check out Origin: Riptide for some of Crystal's backstory! There's also bonus stories available for higher tiers of support, such as the original Nano draft of Be Gay, which is nearly 100k words on its own.


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