Be King Arthur From Today

Chapter 148

Chapter 149: Situation and existing strengths

(with supplements!)

At the edge of the coastline, which is far from the Crystal Palace, on the ground that was once scorched by Lin Sizhai’s sword and light cannon, two familiar guests were welcomed.

These two guests, a man and a woman, were officially visited here yesterday.

The two are officially Lin Sizhai and Chief Okita.

The director of Okita, who was still a little dissatisfied before, has no dissatisfaction now.

Moreover, she also revisited the old place with Lin Sizhai in high spirits.

From this, it can be seen that Lin Sizhai was on the way here with the Chief Secretary of Okita, and Lin Sizhai definitely had something indescribable happened with the Chief Secretary of Okita.

This point, from the hands of Lin Sizhai and the chief director of Okita, which are closely linked at this moment, it can also be seen that there must be some differences…

He and Lin Sizhai came back here again, even less than 24 hours later, but came back again.

Looking at the scorched black earth that was completely scorched by Lin Sizhai’s light cannon, although he already knew that Lin Sizhai’s light cannon was very powerful.

But now in broad daylight, looking at this scorched earth, Mr. Okita had to sigh again.

“Si Zhai, your light cannon is really enough to damage the environment…”

Listening to Mr. Okita’s complaints, Lin Sizhai gave Mr. Okita’s forehead a snap with a black line on his face.

“Oh…why, I’m telling the truth…”

Shaking his head helplessly, Lin Si Zhai retorted.

“If I didn’t destroy the environment, would we lie down by now? Where’s the time to tell you the truth? Don’t forget that those Chellies didn’t have any tolerance for us before. . Once that overwhelming light bomb hits us, we will definitely die~!”

Lin Sizhai’s words made Director Okita roll his eyes angrily and mutter.

“I just ranted about it, Si Zhai, you bastard…”

Lin Si Zhai: “…”

Lin Si Zhai was speechless when he looked at the rogue Chief Secretary Okita. But he can’t say anything right now. After all, when Chief Okita was a little pissed, he comforted her on the road for a long time, which made her feel a little better. At this stage, it is better not to die, just admit it or change the subject. After all, once a woman becomes a rogue, whether it is your fault or not, she will take the initiative to take the blame.

This is the routine that Lin Sizhai, a dead otaku, saw in the novel, although many of the routines in the novel are nonsense. But Lin Sizhai, a first-time brother who has no experience in love, can only try it according to the script.

“Okay, alright, let’s just do it. Chief, you’re happy. But then again, Mr., have you noticed that we didn’t seem to see those things on our way here? Cherry, who chased us a few days ago…”

Lin Sizhai’s soft attitude of taking the initiative to admit counsel and change the subject made Director Okita seem to have won a battle, with his nose upturned. Hum to.

“Miss Ben discovered this long ago, and Si Zhai, not a few days ago, but yesterday! It’s been a few days since we entered the dungeon. But in this world, we It’s been less than a day since I left. You’re going to be back in time~!”

After being reminded by Chief Okita, Lin Sizhai also knocked his head and realized it.

“Indeed, the time difference is still a little bit back.”

Seeing Lin Sizhai knocking on the head, Chief Chongtian smiled slightly, and sighed with emotion in the distance.

” But then again, there is no Cherry, and no other foreign enemies along the way. And there are no traces of other people fighting. There is no reason why those Cherrys will all disappear inexplicably. Isn’t there any scattered foreign enemies over there, Jianse? There’s no reason why we don’t have them here…”

The words of Mr. Okita made Lin Sizhai ponder. He recalled a little about the experience he and Mr. Okita had here at first. Looking suspiciously, Chief Okita said.

“General Manager, do you think it’s because we have a BOSS-level foreign enemy here? That BOSS-level foreign enemy seems to be the leader of our Chellie foreign enemy. After you kill me, those Cherry Lies ran away on their own after being leaderless?”

Chief Director Okita looked at Lin Si Zhai and blinked his eyes.

“It makes sense when it comes to saying that, but in this way, aren’t we unable to brush the Holy Quartz?”

The corner of Lin Sizhai’s mouth twitched, a little helpless.

“There is no way to do this, the foreign enemies are gone, what can we do? Before we were running for our lives all the way, we wish we could not see a single foreign enemy on the way. Now it’s better, when we meet foreign enemies, Can’t find a single one. Really…”

He shook his head speechlessly, Lin Si Zhai sighed for a while, then pulled Director Okita to move on.

“Let’s walk, I remember that the front is where I got Arthur’s power. Under that cliff seems to be the beach where the Cherlies logged in. If there is no more there. Then we can only Back home.”

“Okay, let’s take a look.”

Lin Sizhai said so, and Director Okita will not refuse.

The two advanced a distance again, and finally came to the place where Lin Si Zhai obtained the power of the old sword Arthur. That’s where Lin Si Zhai first waved his EX curry stick.

The two stood here again, looking down.

This time, the two were not disappointed.

On the beach where Cheerlies originally logged in, there are still some Cheerlies left.

Although the number is not comparable to the scene all over the beach when I first logged in. But Lin Sizhai and Chief Okita made a rough estimate. There were at least hundreds of little Cherry Blossoms within sight of the two of them.

Most of them are blue, with only a few red ones. As for the pink ones, I can’t see any of them…

Looking at the large number of Cheerlies after all, Chief Director Okita took Lin Sizhai’s arm a little excitedly and said, “Look at Sizhai, there is also Cheerley. And the number is not yet. few…..”

“Well, I see…”

With a satisfied smile, Lin Si Zhai took out the holy sword without saying a word.

Before, he had nothing to do with these Cherrie who chased him all night, and when he obtained the power of the old sword Arthur, he only maintained a short sobriety for a short time. He quickly lost consciousness after that.

Although she also woke up later, Cherry was already swept away by that time. Therefore, this time, it can be said that it is time for Lin Si Zhai to prepare for real revenge.

But Lin Sizhai would definitely not say that.

After all, revenge is too narrow, and it doesn’t sound good.

Therefore, Lin Si Zhai took out the holy sword with a splendid face and smiled wickedly.

“Hey… It’s our King Arthur’s job to clean up foreign enemies. Since there are so many foreign enemies in Ben Arthur’s jurisdiction, King Ben Arthur must destroy them all. In order to protect Benya Arthur’s authority, and the safety of the people in Ben Arthur’s jurisdiction. This is a righteous battle…”

Seeing that the holy sword in Lin Sizhai’s hand seems to have begun to gather brilliance, ready to release the light cannon, Chief Director Okita hurriedly stopped.

“Si Zhai, you wait.”

“Huh? What’s the matter, Director?”

Suddenly interrupted by Chief Okita, Lin Si Zhai was a little puzzled.

In Lin Si Zhai’s doubts, Mr. Okita explained.

“Si Zhai, it’s not very good for us to directly release the light cannon at this distance. And I don’t know if there are other Arthurs around here. Although you rashly released the light cannon, you can destroy some of Cherrie. But if it is discovered by other Arthurs, and then they are robbed before we go down to pick up the loot. Isn’t it a big loss for us?”

After being reminded by Chief Okita, Lin Sizhai also came to his senses.

“It makes sense, I was too impatient…”

Lin Sizhai was really anxious when he thought that he could take revenge on these Cheerlies who chased him all night…

To disperse the magic on the holy sword, Lin Si Zhai looked down. After finding a place where he could go down, Lin Sizhai dragged Chief Director Okita and slipped all the way down.

“General Manager, you will take a good look at it later. After I finish setting off the light cannon, please notify me of any changes.”



Lin Sizhai and Chief Okita were preparing to clean up the rest of Cherry on the beach.

In the Crystal Palace, in the magic workshop where Medea is located.

At this moment, Olga Marie and Medea were looking at the distribution map on the sand table, frowning slightly.

It’s not that there are too many dots on the sand table with the same logo as the castle of Lin Si Zhai Crystal Palace.

On the contrary, too few…

Yes, but too few. And it’s incredibly rare.

On the sand table of Medea, apart from Lin Sizhai’s Crystal Palace, you can no longer see the dots represented by other King Arthur castles.

What does this mean?

This means that there are no other King Arthur forces around Lin Si Zhai.

You must know that there are many King Arthurs around the three of Jianse, and the distance is not too far. Among them, the castles of Jianse and the three are the closest. From the sand table, the castles of the three of them are almost next to each other.

But Lin Sizhai couldn’t find one here, which seemed rather strange…

Turning to look at Medea, Olga Marie was puzzled.

“Medea, isn’t the proportion of your sand table wrong? Why don’t we have other King Arthur forces here? This is unreasonable…”

In this regard, Medea shook her head and explained.

“The proportion is normal, and I also enlarged it a little. The sand table used by the three friends of the Master is calculated for the area.”

“But we use a sand table of thousands of miles. From the area, our calculation is relatively large. And the three friends of the Master use temporary familiars to explore The scope is limited, and exploring a hundred miles is already the limit that is responsible for driving the magic power.”

” And the familiars on our side were made by me later, and the supply of magic power is completely responsible for me, so there is no problem of insufficient magic power. Just this time, I also let the familiars from time to time. I explored the surrounding area for thousands of miles. But the result is what you see. There is no other King Arthur’s castle.”

Exception, absolute exception.

It doesn’t need Olga Marie to say this, Medea knows it too.

But it was precisely because she knew that this was an anomaly that Medea specifically let Olga Marie know about it.

Now that Lin Sizhai and Chief Okita are out, they can only notify Olga Marie, the chief in charge, first.

Holding her jaw with her jade hand, Olga Marie thought.

“Medea, is the familiar you sent out still outside, or has it been taken back?”

To this, Medea replied.

“It’s still outside, but it’s only about a hundred miles away from returning. What do you think?”

Olga Marie nodded slightly and replied.

“Yes, I have a bold idea. But this requires your familiar to investigate. Medea, can your familiar be able to detect the existence of foreign enemies?”

“Foreign enemy?”

Looking at Medea’s confused look, Olga Marie knew that Medea probably had no knowledge about foreign enemies. After all, the heroic spirit summoned by Lin Si Zhai was different from that during the Holy Grail War. There is no Great Holy Grail responsible for instilling some basic knowledge in Medea and these heroic spirits.

So, Medea briefly described what a foreign enemy is, and then transferred the pattern of the foreign enemy that Lin Sizhai killed, that is, Cherry, in the system database. After letting Medea take a look, she continued.

“Medea, ask the familiar to check if there are any such foreign enemies nearby. It is best to record their range of activities and the image of the dense area.”

A gleam of light flashed in Medea’s eyes, who hid her pretty face in the cloak, she already understood what Olga Marie was thinking.

“I understand, I generally understand your idea. Although it is a little troublesome, it is not in the way. I am sending a few familiars to search in detail. See if there is anything similar to a castle. The remains of the ruins.”

Seeing that Medea understood her meaning so quickly, Olga Marie couldn’t help sighing.

“It’s easy to talk to a wise man. If only Chaldea were all Medea, a magician like you.”

The hands fluttered, and one after another familiar was quickly made by Medea, and then flew out of the magic workshop one after another and flew out of the castle. While doing all this, Medea replied.

“Although I don’t know what you call Chaldea. But at the level of modern magicians, it is almost impossible to keep up with my level.”

Her face sank slightly, although she knew what Medea said, Olga Marie was still a little unhappy.

Just in view of what happened in the big hole in Eastwood City, Olga Marie also has some sense of Medea’s temper. She sighed helplessly.

“Hi…know you’re great. But I’m not talking about magic, but IQ.”

As if thinking of something, Olga Marie helplessly sighed.

“I feel a little hopeless when I think that my Chaldea has to rely on the guy who only knows how to sleep in class. Although Chaldea still has the guy Matthew and Roman. The Lord has only that one guy, I always feel a little uneasy…”

Although she didn’t quite understand the series of words Olga Marie said, Medea still understood that Olga Marie was complaining and pouring out her unease.

Glancing at Olga Marie slightly, Medea did her job without saying a word. But Medea did not sneer. But quietly listening…

However, just as Medea acts as a listener, listening to Olga Marie’s complaints. A voice broke the somewhat harmonious atmosphere.



All turned back, Medea and Olga Marie looked towards the door together.

At the door of the magic workshop, a yellow-skinned electric mouse was looking around at the edge of the door.

Looking at the electric mouse, Medea tilted her head and recalled.

“This seems to be the Master’s pet, right? Was it left by the Master?”

“It should be like this, didn’t Si Zhai go to Jianse and the others before? If you go there, you can’t bring pets. So Pikachu should be left behind. Now Si Zhai and the general manager Shirou went out again. So Pikachu should still be left behind.”

As Olga Marie said her guess, she crouched down and waved to Pikachu, imitating Pikachu’s voice.

“Come on Pikachu, come to me. Your master is out~! He’s not here for now, but he’ll be back soon.”


Lin Si Zhai’s Pikachu seems to be able to understand people’s words, but it has a suspicious look at Olga Marie’s words.

Seeing the suspicious look in the eyes of a small electric mouse, Olga Marie felt that her heart was pierced by a sharp arrow, and her very injured hands were leaning on the table. Frustrated expression on face.

Looking at Olga Marie’s frustrated look with a half-smile, Medea shook her head and waved at Pikachu.

“The Master should be back soon. It just so happens that we have something to do with the Master later. Come and wait with us.”

Mediana’s more easy-going attitude than Olga Marie seemed to gain Pikachu’s trust, which made Pikachu smile and nodded his little head with red cheeks. With a trot, several climbs came to Medea’s shoulders in an instant.

Pikachu’s cute and easy-going appearance made Medea have a certain innate goodwill towards him.

Medea gently touched Pikachu’s little head and sighed.

“What a lovely little guy, how could there not be such a lovely creature in my time…”

Medea sighed when she thought of the monsters in the era she lived in.


“Why is there such a big gap between people…”

Listening to Olga Marie’s self-pity sigh, Medea chuckled and shook her head.

Touched Pikachu’s little head, touched Pikachu’s chin, scratched Pikachu and laughed for a while. Medea suddenly said to Olga Marie.

“There is news from the investigating familiar.”

Once she heard Medea said there was news, Olga Marie also regained her composure.

The self-pity just now was completely put away, and Olga Marie turned her attention to the sand table made by Medea.

“The scale of the sand table remains the same, but I will mark the existence of foreign enemies and some similar ruins with small dots of various colors. The foreign enemies are red, and the suspected ruins are yellow.”

As soon as Medea finished speaking, dots of various colors appeared on the sand table.

Looking at the dense red dots, Olga Marie’s scalp felt numb.

“There are so many? Fortunately, I don’t have intensive phobia, otherwise I can’t stand it…”

Medea looked at the red dots everywhere on the sand table and nodded slightly in agreement.

“It is indeed a lot, and it is roughly estimated that the number of foreign enemies is more than 30,000. And this is only the number that the Familiar sees at present. I estimate that there are many foreign enemies hidden in the woods. Because According to the information you provided, and the traces captured by the familiars. Those goblin enemies named Cherry are too small. There are too many places to hide. It is almost impossible to make detailed statistics. of.”

“But Mary, you should be fortunate that the direction of these foreign enemies is not around us, but in other places. Although they are numerous, they are still very far away from us after they are dispersed. Yes. It shouldn’t come to us for a while.”

Calculating the red dots on the sand table and the black dot representing Lin Si Zhai’s Crystal Palace Castle, Olga Marie nodded slightly in response.

“Indeed, according to this distance, they should not be in contact with us for a while. However, I didn’t expect my idea to come true…”

Listening to Olga Marie’s sigh, Medea looked blankly at the small yellow dots on the sand table. Each of these yellow dots represents a suspected wreck of King Arthur’s castle.

And now, on the sand table, within a thousand miles of Lin Si Zhai’s Crystal Palace, there are more than a dozen of these little yellow spots.

In other words, more than a dozen King Arthur had been completely defeated in the last foreign enemy attack…

This is a pretty brutal reality…

It is such a cruel reality that Medea and Olga Marie understand how worthless the life of King Arthur on this continent is…

“A rough estimate shows that a dozen King Arthur who are similar to Master’s friends have been defeated. And around these ruins, foreign enemies are the most dense. The least number is more than a thousand. Judging from the information obtained from those friends of mine. Facing thousands of foreign enemies at one time, these King Arthurs are absolutely powerless to resist.”

Listening to Medea’s indifferent remarks, Olga Marie suddenly frowned as if she had remembered something.

“No, according to the records of the system. Didn’t Si Zhai and the others won the free-for-war gold medal presented by Merlin? Since Si-Zhai has it, they should have it too. According to the effect of the free-for-war gold medal, then But the invincible shield. There’s no reason for it to be broken so easily…”

Olga Marie’s words made Medea pause and asked her.

“Then Mary, is there any record in the system when Merlin gave the Master and them the gold medal for free from battle?”

Olga Marie was stunned for a moment, then replied.

“This, I remember it seems to be shortly after Si Zhai and Jianse finished the roundtable meeting…”

Speaking, Olga Marie frowned.

“No, it should be said that when Si Zhai was in a meeting with Jianse and the others, the foreign enemy should have invaded. So, did these King Arthur die in the first wave of foreign enemy attacks? But according to Si Zhai’s intelligence, didn’t they log in from the coastal area? And the leader of the foreign enemy in the coastal area was killed by Si Zhai…”

Before Olga Marie finished speaking, Medea pointed to the edge of the sand table.

“The coastal area is correct, but the coastal area is very wide. Our Crystal Palace is located near the northernmost strait. And near the strait slightly to the west, there are also registration sites.. …”

Here, Olga Marie finally understood. These defeated Arthurs estimated that the foreign enemies they faced were not the same ones that Lin Sizhai encountered.

But it makes sense. After all, according to the incomplete information of the system, the Sacred Continent is very huge.

Then there is only one foreign enemy landing point in the entire north, which obviously does not make sense.

“In other words, after Si Zhai solved the foreign enemy leader, he temporarily guaranteed the safety of our area. But there are no strong people like Si Zhai in other areas. So they Being defeated by foreign enemies with insufficient resistance? This is…”

“This is great news.”

Listening to Medea’s firm answer, Olga Marie also chuckled.

“Indeed, this is indeed good news. Since there are no other King Arthurs around. Then we can develop as we please. And Si Zhai is different from other King Arthur. The combat power is completely outside the standard of King Arthur. And the heroic spirits in our Crystal Palace are not comparable to those of the knights. Although the heroic spirits cannot be converted into factors like the knights in the previous information, to increase and strengthen the power of King Arthur. But Si Zhai It’s enough that the power of the Crystal Palace does not need to be increased at all. Then, in terms of combat power, our Crystal Palace should be the strongest on the entire continent…”

Medea nodded slightly.

“In a short time, it should be like this.”

“Well, I will inform Si Zhai of this. Medea, please plan the surrounding information. By the way, build a large warning barrier to prevent invasion by foreign enemies.”

“I know this…”

During the conversation between the two, Olga Marie was stunned for a moment, then nodded to Medea.

“Si Zhai and the general manager are back, I’ll go find them.”



In front of the gate of the Crystal Palace.

Lin Sizhai and Chief Okita returned with a happy face.

Looking at the two people who were filled with joy like peach blossoms, Sasaki Kojiro chuckled lightly.

“Master, seeing you so happy, is there anything to gain from going out?”

In response, Lin Si Zhai laughed and nodded.

“A bumper harvest, it’s a bumper harvest. The chief and I just went to clean up the foreign enemies near the beach. As soon as I fired the cannon, more than 20 holy spar and more than 3W were exploded. Crystal coins. It can be summoned again. Hahahaha…”

Although I don’t have a clear concept of holy spar and crystal coins for the time being, but Sasaki Kojiro looked at Lin Si Zhai so happy, and congratulated him: “Oh? That’s really congratulations, Master.”

“Tong Xi Tong Xi, Xiaojiro, do you have anything you want to eat? Or tell Mary if you need anything. Now we have more crystal coins, and if you need anything, just mention it. There is no need to be tight. ”

Lin Si Zhai’s generous attitude made Sasaki Kojiro nodded with a smile.

At this moment, a yellow electric mouse came running from a distance. He jumped onto Lin Si Zhai’s shoulder and rubbed Lin Si Zhai’s cheek affectionately.


“Pikachu, I’m so sorry, I just left you alone in the room.”

Listening to Lin Sizhai’s apology, Pikachu patted Lin Sizhai’s cheek with a smile, saying he didn’t care.

At the same time, Olga Marie came to the castle.

“Si Zhai, you’re back. I have something to tell you.”

“Ah? Good. But Mary, I went out with the general manager, but I earned more than 20 Saint Quartz and 3W multi-crystal coins.”

Lin Si Zhai’s flamboyant expression made Olga Marie slightly happy.

“Oh? Yes, that’s pretty good. But let’s put that aside for now. I have something to tell you.”

Nodding slightly to Sasaki Kojiro, Olga Marie took Lin Sizhai and Chief Okita away.

While explaining a little about the intelligence detected earlier, Lin Si Zhai sat in the conference room stunned and whispered.

“The King Arthur around me has been wiped out? This is a bit unexpected. But if the number of foreign enemies is in the thousands, it is not surprising that they will lose. After all, I have faced more than 500 Cherry. That kind of overwhelming rain of bullets is really fatal…”

“These don’t matter now, Si Zhai, we need to determine the development plan now. It is rare that there are no other King Arthur around, we can develop as soon as possible. And Si Zhai, your combat effectiveness is in this period It is far superior to other King Arthurs. You have to use this advantage to expand the advantage.”

“Now start a large-scale hunting of foreign enemies as soon as possible, and hoard resources to expand our advantages. Otherwise, after Merlin reacts and strengthens the foreign enemies, we want to hoard hard resources such as holy spar and crystal coins. It’s difficult.”

“Also, although Si Zhai, you are stronger than the other Arthurian kings combined. But your current strength is almost the limit? It must be difficult to improve. And other Arthurian kings only need Strengthening the quality and quantity of knights can quickly become stronger after factor conversion. Therefore, our advantage is limited in time. Comparing the future King Arthur and Si Zhai, it is hard to say who is stronger and who is weaker.”

Lin Si Zhai agrees with Olga Marie’s remarks.

After all, I have seen the power increase obtained by other King Arthur’s knight factor conversion before. Once the number of knights increases, Lin Sizhai can’t guarantee that he can beat Jianse and the others.

No one knows how many knights these King Arthurs can convert, nor where the upper limit of their strength increase is.

So it is necessary to take advantage of the existing advantages to expand the advantages now.

In this way, there was a big conflict with Lin Sizhai’s previous thought of going to learn the secret sword Yanhui with Sasaki Kojiro…

Lin Sizhai whispered with a thoughtful expression: “Let me think twice…”


PS: At five o’clock, the electric drill next door is drilling the wall, and at six o’clock, I come to my house and knock on the door and say to pull the wire. At seven o’clock, because a certain stupid B drove a car last night and broke the electric pole. Power outages to replace the poles. Today is so miserable…

Today this chapter is coded in the Internet cafe. Both the coding software and the input method say that they are not at home, and there may be many typos or wrong names. If you see it, please remind it in the barrage. After the home has electricity at night, it will be corrected one by one. Thanks!

PS2: The foreshadowing has been basically completed, and it is almost time to enter the plot of the second wave of foreign enemy invasion. I don’t know if you are interested in guessing what the second wave of foreign enemies will be?

Guess it right and there is a prize!

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