Be King Arthur From Today

Chapter 16

Chapter 16: weird situation

“Servant-Sa.ver (reliever), follow the call, may I ask if you are my Master…”

In the burning house, the blond prince in white armor asked the girl softly.

At this moment, the girl was stunned.

The thinking of the girl who could not understand the current situation so far came to a standstill, so that she could not answer the answer of His Royal Highness.

However, although the girl’s thinking has come to a standstill, the time in this world will not stop because of the girl’s pause.

Therefore, those walking corpses who were just blown away by the wild flying have now climbed up again and gathered in the direction of the girl again.

In this regard, His Royal Highness’s ears moved slightly, and he already understood the current situation.

After seeing the three Command Spells unique to the Master on the girl’s palm with sharp eyes, he already understood that the girl in front of him was his Master.

In the current environment, and the deceased behind him who kept roaring and walking towards this side, His Royal Highness turned around and whispered.

“The situation is generally understood, but…”

Turning around and looking at the very familiar walking dead, the corner of His Royal Highness’s mouth twitched helplessly.

“Zombie? You can see this kind of thing everywhere, but forget it.”

His Royal Highness held both hands empty, as if he was holding an invisible weapon, and swept it with a single blow.

An invisible sword energy swept out from the invisible weapon, instantly cutting the three zombies in front of you into two pieces.

However, in the face of this extremely powerful creature-zombie. Just this kind of slashing attack seems to be able to stop their progress.

Looking at His Royal Highness, who only had the upper body left, still crawling towards him with both hands, he sighed slightly: “The dust returns to the dust, the earth returns to the earth. Wind King Barrier!”

The invisible weapon in the hands of His Royal Highness Prince began to burst into a violent wind, which extinguished the fire in the room and blew away the zombies that were crawling here.

However, the strong wind was ruthlessly raging in the room, but the girl behind His Royal Highness, Miyu, had no influence at all. Just staring blankly at the broad back in front of me…

“Disappear~! Wind King Warhammer~!”

His Royal Highness the prince shouted angrily and waved the weapon with countless violent wind blades in his hand.

An invisible gust of wind like a missile struck straight ahead, destroying everything on the way…


Clap clap…

With a bang, everything disappeared.

Walls or zombies, everything disappears.

All that’s left now is some rubble that keeps falling…

However, for some unknown reason, after the wall was smashed by His Royal Highness’s Wind King’s hammer, the entire house began to shake violently.

This caused a drop of cold sweat to flow down the cheek of His Royal Highness.

“Um…Is this the load-bearing wall that I blasted off?”

Looking at the swaying houses all around, ready to collapse at any time, His Royal Highness the prince silently met with a sigh, then turned around and tucked Meiyou around his waist. A house about to collapse.


As Miyu and His Royal Highness left the room, the rickety house finally collapsed with a roar.

At this moment, accompanied by the roar of the house, looking at the collapsed house, Meiyou woke up like a dream, full of sadness and looked at the ruins that had completely turned into rubble houses.


Listening to Miyu’s deep whisper, His Royal Highness didn’t have to think about it, he knew what the **** was going on.

‘The three zombies just now seemed to be one man and two women, and they happened to be two big and one small. It is estimated that these three zombies are Chanel and aunt and uncle in her mouth…’

When he thought that his Master had suffered such a misfortune at such a young age, His Royal Highness also sighed slightly.

‘Poor little girl… eh… eh? ’

Just as His Royal Highness sighed, he finally noticed Miyu’s tear-stained cheeks.

A sense of familiarity came over His Royal Highness.

Looking at Meiyou’s familiar cheek, His Royal Highness’s eyelids twitched. At this moment, he finally remembered why Meiyou was so familiar.

At this moment, His Royal Highness was madly complaining.

‘No, hello, isn’t this Meiyou? Why is Meiyou here? Are there zombies here? ’

I quickly looked around and heard the roars of zombies and the wailing of the survivors. His Royal Highness confirmed this.

‘Why is Miyu appearing here as the second female lead in “Magic Girl Illya”? Shouldn’t she be with Elijah? And she looks like this now… no matter how you look at it, she doesn’t want to get the magic dress made by Jewel Weng, which means that she has not yet become a magical girl. But in the original book, she seems to have met that drill-haired eldest lady, Luviaselita Edelfelt, the noble magician, in her first appearance, right? ’

Seeing the situation that is completely inconsistent with the original book at this moment, His Royal Highness is completely stunned.

It’s not that he didn’t know that Miyu was not actually a person from the magical girl Illya’s world, but a person in a parallel world.

However, even in the parallel world, Meiyou seems to have never encountered such a zombie crisis, right?

Just when His Royal Highness wanted to know the situation. His Royal Highness suddenly jumped in his heart, and an ominous premonition occurred spontaneously.

Boom! !

Accompanied by the loud noise and the dust and gravel in the sky, a very neutral and tender voice came from the dust.

“Is that you? To conduct ghoul experiments here, you… um…”

In the dusty pothole, a beauty in men’s clothing with short purple hair came out.

Looking at this beauty in men’s clothing that he was also very familiar with, His Royal Highness was again frightened.

‘Bazette? Sure enough, this is the world of Xingyue, but why is the situation so strange? Meiyou encountered a zombie incident that did not appear in the original book, even Bazette was so weird…’

Yes, it’s weird.

In the impression of His Royal Highness, Bazette is the kind of very heroic men’s beauty, and also the kind of big sister-type men’s beauty.

However, the current Bazette seems to have some origins in his mind.

The biggest difference is that the Bazette in front of me is too young, or in other words, too young…

The age of Bazette in his impression is about 23~25 years old young men’s beauty big sister.

And now, this Bazette, who seems to be only in his teens, looks so weird…

Speaking of this, everyone understands the identity of His Royal Highness.

Yes, His Royal Highness is our protagonist, Lin Sizhai……


PS: Sure enough, I was a pigeon yesterday, I’m really sorry for that. bow……

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