Be King Arthur From Today

Chapter 34

Chapter 34: Leaving the field one after another and Saber’s questioning

The words of the Conqueror made Kenneth, the master of Lancer, silent.

He also saw Berserker who had disappeared and Lancer who was obviously low in fighting spirit.

Let Lancer in this state fight Saber, even if it is forced by the Command Spell, it is estimated that no one else needs to intervene, only Saber can defeat Lancer, right?

As if thinking of this, Kenneth snorted with disappointment and anger: “Humph~! Come back Lancer, that’s it for today. Rider over there, I hope You can keep your promise.”

As he spoke, Kenneth’s voice faded away.

The effect of the Command Spell at this moment seems to have been actively dispelled by Kenneth,

Lancer also nodded gratefully to the King of Conqueror at this moment, and then said apologetically to Saber: “I’m sorry Saber, I made you see such a rude scene, I hope we can proceed in an upright manner next time. Let’s fight and decide our victory.”

Lancer looked apologetic and disappointed, so Saber nodded slightly and comforted: “Don’t worry about Lancer, let’s fight again next time.”

It seems that Saber’s words of comfort made Lancer feel a lot better, and his face was not as ugly as before.

Only Lancer finally looked at Lin Sizhai, stared deeply at Lin Sizhai, and solemnly asked what he wanted to ask.

“Sa.ver, since you are also a king, are you serious about what you just said? Please answer me.”

Lin Sizhai was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a chuckle.

“Yeah, I’m serious. I don’t know what Saber over there is thinking, but for me. You just want to commit the following crimes, let yourself lead Master’s behavior is rude in my opinion. If it’s a normal person, it’s fine. It’s understandable to have an unhappiness with the Master and disobey orders. But it seems that you want to be loyal to your Master right now. ? Then this situation is equivalent to your master being your king. As a knight, you want to make the king follow your instructions, Lancer, don’t you think you’ve gone too far?”

Speaking, Lin Sizhai also deliberately lowered his face and said in a deep voice, “If you were a knight under my command, I would kill you on the spot when you disobeyed me just now. Because you are offending the majesty of a king.”

But it seems that because Lin Sizhai is not used to this way of speaking with a cold face, he also shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said: “But your Master does not seem to be a king, but An ordinary magician, so he probably doesn’t think like me. But anger is sure. So, Lancer.”

Open your heart and have a good talk with your Master. Otherwise, what happened today will happen again sooner or later. This is my advice to you.”

Lin Sizhai’s words seemed to touch Lancer very much. After listening, he lowered his head deeply, bowed slightly to Lin Sizhai and thanked him: “Thank you very much for your opinion, unknown king, I will go back I had a good talk with the master. I hope to have a good fight with you next time, of course, this is only my personal hope. If the master does not allow it in the future, then I can only forgive my rudeness…”

After finishing speaking, Lancer’s figure gradually faded away. Obviously, he has also left the battlefield.

After Lancer left, the King of Conqueror looked at Lin Sizhai in surprise: “I didn’t expect you to give Lancer such an opinion. You really deserve to be the king. The king’s demeanor is eye-opening.”

The King of Conqueror’s words of praise made Lin Sizhai smile slightly, appearing very calm.

In fact, in his heart, Lin Sizhai was confused: ‘Ehhh? Is this the style of the king? I just said it directly according to the atmosphere just now. I didn’t think about it that much at all. It doesn’t matter what Lancer is like, I just stand and talk without my back hurting. King of Conqueror, are you **** brother thinking too much? ’

Seeing that Lin Sizhai was not talking, the King of Conqueror also looked at Saber, who was not far away, protecting Irisviel and staring at Lin Sizhai, as if he had thought of something. The King of Conqueror also smiled boldly and said, “Hahaha, since I can’t fight today, I’ll go ahead. You seem to have something else to talk about, so I won’t bother. The King of Knights… Mmm…”

The King of Conqueror thought for a while, then changed his words: “Saber, let’s meet next time, I hope that when we meet next time, you and Lancer have already decided the winner. Sa.ver, then I’ll go first.”

Speaking of which, the King of Conqueror looked at Weber, who was lying motionless on the ox cart, and said suspiciously: “I said little Master, it’s over, we should go too… ”

With one tap, Weber fell down. This made the King of Conquerors quickly lift Weber’s collar and take a look.

“Acha…that’s what bothers me.”

Looking at Webber, who had fainted at some point, the King of Conqueror shook his head helplessly: “Forget it, I’ll go first, see you next time~! Drink~!”

With a burst of crackling lightning, the Conqueror left with his bullock cart…

Watching the King of Conqueror leave, Lin Sizhai also looked curiously at Saber at the moment.

Different from daytime, Lin Sizhai is always in a state of tension because of his mental state. At that time, he was on guard against Saber, afraid that she would call directly.

But now he has no such worries at all, so he looked at Saber Arturia very easily.

Seeing Artoria staring at him, Lin Si Zhai was a little puzzled.

“Saber, what, do you have anything to say?”

In response to this, Artoria, in the same puzzled expression of Irisviel, sullenly asked: “Why do you want to participate in the Holy Grail War? Just Just to save the world?”

Lin Si Zhai looked at Artoria with a puzzled expression on his face. He didn’t quite understand why Artoria asked such an idiot question.

But given his love for Arturia, he still answered this question.

“I also have no comment on the matter of salvation, but I can tell you about the Holy Grail. I am a person who needs the Holy Grail, so I will not talk about the salvation of the world. Just the Holy Grail, I am determined to win of.”

‘After all, the Holy Grail is related to my dungeon quest, so I won’t take it. If I don’t take the Holy Grail back, am I wasting a golden Holy Grail? That’s really a big loss. ’

Altolia couldn’t hear Lin Sizhai’s inner voice, but when she listened to Lin Sizhai’s words, her heroic and pretty face was completely distorted.

“Why…why are you after the Holy Grail!! Tell me why you are after the Holy Grail! Sa.ver!!!”

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