Be the Boss From Doupo

Chapter 786

Chapter 787 .756.

It happened that Sakyamuni felt miserable in his heart, but he still couldn’t say that he was uncomfortable, angry, and too bullying.

An Bufan naturally saw Shakyamuni’s dissatisfaction, and shouted: “Sakyamuni, I know you are dissatisfied, you are dissatisfied, you can say it!”

“Tianzun and Niangniang are both here at this time. They can both be the masters for you. If you feel wronged, just say it.”


When Yuanshi Tianzun and Nuwa heard An Bufan’s words, their expressions were slightly stunned. They looked at each other, and they could see the helpless look in each other’s eyes.

Call the shots?

Just the two of them?

Give back to Sakyamuni?

If they are the masters of Sakyamuni, then who will be the masters of their grievances?


The more important point.

They can’t be the master at all.

If Sakyamuni is wronged, he will be wronged!

Who is not wronged?

They are also wronged.

But they are strong inside, they don’t cry.

An Bufan’s words are not very lethal, but there is no denying that they are extremely insulting.


An Bufan insulted them from the beginning, Chi Guoguo insulted them.


When Sakyamuni heard An Bufan’s words, he couldn’t help but vomited a mouthful of old blood, what kind of anger was in his heart!

Is this An Bufan human?

Do not.

It’s not human words at all.

Can Yuanshi Tianzun and Nuwa be the masters for him?

Stop dreaming.

right now.

Everyone is a mud bodhisattva crossing the river and it is hard to protect themselves. At this time, everyone sweeps away the snow.

“Buddha, are you okay?”

Upon seeing this, An Bufan expressed surprise and said, “Should I send someone to get some elixir to heal the Buddha?”

Anxious on his face.

People who don’t know think that An Bufan is worried about Sakyamuni.


When Sakyamuni heard An Bufan’s words, his face was ugly, and he raised his arms and pointed at An Bufan tremblingly.


Shakyamuni’s just raised his hand and just confided the word “you”, but what was ushered in was an extraordinary, fierce and domineering long sword like a rainbow.


Falling on the golden body of Sakyamuni, there was another long bloodstain on the golden body of Sakyamuni. Under the bloodstain, golden blood was flowing.

Shakyamuni couldn’t stand it anymore, and he fainted.


Sakyamuni fainted, the long sword in An Bufan’s hand disappeared, and he coldly snorted: “It’s just a barbarian in the west, and I want to see the luck of the heaven in the east.”

“It’s just looking for death.”


Speaking of the last time, I didn’t forget to step forward and spit the star on Sakyamuni’s body.

“This one…”

Yuanshi Tianzun and Nuwa couldn’t help being shocked when they saw this. Is this still the Majesty in their impression? It’s completely different.


My heart is also slightly grateful.

Fortunately, it wasn’t me who fainted.

If he fainted, and when An Bufan spit on him, the face of their big brothers would be completely lost.

Shakyamuni was completely embarrassed and lost his home.

This spitting star is not very lethal, but it is undeniably extremely insulting.

So Sakyamuni also fainted.

If he didn’t faint and was so insulted by An Bufan, Shakyamuni didn’t know if he would die of anger?

Even if you don’t get mad, you will probably get mad!

Too insulting.

After spitting out the stars, An Bufan did not forget to rub his feet against the golden body of Sakyamuni.



Rubbing back and forth on the smooth gold body.

An Bufan felt that Sakyamuni was almost “insulted”, put his feet away, turned to look at Yuanshi Tianzun and Nuwa and said, “You two, how do you think I am doing?”


Yuanshi Tianzun and Nuwa were still in a state of perplexity, and when they heard An Bufan’s words, they immediately woke up.

They looked at each other and said respectfully in unison: “Your Majesty is wise.”

Compared to Sakyamuni.

Yuanshi Tianzun feels that he is lucky, and An Bufan is still polite to them, don’t believe it?

Look at the tragic situation of Sakyamuni!

Dignified Luo Jinxian.

Immortal, immortal, and immortal, it’s really embarrassing to have such a fate now.

An Bufan said, “Tianzun and Niang Niang are still satisfied with the merits of the deity?”


“very satisfied.”

Yuanshi Tianzun and Nuwa spoke quickly and said in unison.

In the case of An Bufan’s coercion, both soft and hard, it is hard for them to be dissatisfied!

Although I don’t know if An Bufan has the strength to destroy Da Luo Jinxian.

Can be used as the spokesperson of the way of heaven.

Can mobilize the power of heaven.

They dare not bet!

just in case.

An Bufan really has the strength to destroy Daluo Jinxian, so what should they do?


An Bufan smiled and said, “Satisfaction is good.”

“Satisfaction is fine.”

Immediately he shouted: “Come here!”

The sound came out from inside the Jade Lake, the barrier shattered and collapsed.

“His Majesty.”


The ten golden crows appeared in the Yaochi and saluted respectfully.

“I have seen Yuanshi Tianzun.”

“I have seen Empress Nuwa.”

After the Ten Golden Crows bowed slightly to An Bufan, they also bowed to Yuanshi Tianzun Nuwa Empress.

One is the big brother of the Three Realms Xuanmen.

A Virgin of the Terran.

They are all bigwigs of the Three Realms.

Their top ten golden crows are just small fairy gods, but they dare not want to be presumptuous in front of the two big brothers.

The appearance of the top ten golden crows.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Nüwa had already restored their former appearances, and the holy gods were incomparable.

An Bufan looked at the top ten golden crows, his eyes fell on the two golden crows and the big golden crows and shouted, “big golden crows, second golden crows.”

“Children are here!” ×2

The Big Golden Crow and the Second Golden Crow heard An Bufan’s words and hurriedly stood up.

An Bufan said, “Did you see Sakyamuni on the ground?”



Upon seeing this, the Big Golden Crow and the Second Golden Crow nodded quickly.


The Big Golden Crow and the Second Golden Crow subconsciously looked at the Sakyamuni who had fainted on the ground. At this time, the Sakyamuni was still full of golden blood.

The whole person fell in a pool of blood.

If they hadn’t been able to clearly sense the looming breath between Sakyamuni’s mouth and nose, they would have thought that Sakyamuni had fallen.

in fact.

Just now when I entered, the eyes of the ten golden crows fell on Sakyamuni. After all, the Sakyamuni at this time is very “charming”.

Only because Yuanshi Tianzun and Nuwa were here, when they came in, they just took a quick glance and then withdrew their gazes.


There are uncommon orders.

This time.

Then they could look at Sakyamuni in an open and honest manner, and immediately saw all the suffering of Sakyamuni in their eyes.

After seeing the tragic situation of Sakyamuni clearly, the ten golden crows couldn’t help but **** a breath of cold air, and the lake shook.


The ruler of the western sky.

The Buddha of Buddhism.

Now that it is in such a tragic situation, the picture is really “shocking”.

Sakyamuni is not a cat or a dog.

The other party is also a big boss in the Three Realms.

If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, who would want to believe that Sakyamuni, one of the bigwigs of the Three Realms, would end up like this?

The top ten golden crows came back to their senses after a short period of astonishment.

Can’t help but be curious, what happened?

What happened in this Yaochi just now?

Why did Sakyamuni, one of the three great leaders, become like this?

Not only miserable.

Also fainted and fainted.

Could it be…

Three-on-one happened just now?

Three fly one?

in the case of?

Don’t dare to think more?

I only feel that my mouth is dry now, and the flower door can’t help but tighten.

Subconsciously, he secretly looked at Yuanshi Tianzun and Nuwa.


Taking advantage of this, he hurriedly bowed his head.

I’m afraid that the “voyeur” just now will be discovered.

An Bufan ignored the thoughts and mentality of the Ten Golden Crows at this time.

He said: “Big Golden Crow, Second Golden Crow, you two send Buddha Shakyamuni back to Lingshan!”

“Yes!” ×2

When Da Jin Wu and Er Jin Wu heard An Bufan’s words, they nodded quickly.

Came to the side of Shakyamuni.

Carrying Sakyamuni who was in a coma to leave in the jade pond.

As all of this.

An Bufan looked at Yuanshi Tianzun and Nuwa and said, “Tianzun, Niangniang, I will trouble both of you in the next matter of enshrining the gods.”

In the end, An Bufan didn’t forget to warn him: “The matter of enshrining the gods is still my Eastern matter, and it has nothing to do with the West. I don’t want to bring wolves into the house again for the second time.”



Yuanshi Tianzun and Nu Wa also nodded slightly.

Especially Yuanshi Tianzun.

He knew the last sentence, the warning was for him.

Lead the wolf into the room.

He is talking about.

The matter of enshrining the gods is indeed an Eastern matter.

Has nothing to do with the West,

When Sakyamuni joined them, he naturally helped him.

Now An Bufan is warning him.

This made Yuanshi Tianzun a little embarrassed and touched his nose subconsciously.


When the Big Golden Crow and the Second Golden Crow sent back the unconscious Sakyamuni, the many Buddhas in the Daxiong Hall were bewildered and shocked.

what’s going on?

What happened?

How could their Buddha become like this?

When I went out, I was fine.

Why are people carrying them back when they come back?


What’s this?

Maitreya Buddha opened his mouth and said: “Amitabha!”

“Your Highness, what’s the matter with my Buddha?”

Maitreya Buddha asked about the Big Golden Crow and the Second Golden Crow.

This is the situation of Sakyamuni.

They don’t know what happened, but to be sure, if they want to know what happened, then they can only ask the Big Golden Crow and the Second Golden Crow who sent Sakyamuni back.


The Big Golden Crow and the Second Golden Crow looked at each other upon hearing this.


Maitreya Buddha put his hands together and said: “Two majesty, is there something unspeakable concealment?”


Da Jin Wu and Er Jin Wu heard the words of Maitreya Buddha, and shook their heads quickly, Da Jin Wu said: “The future Buddha, it is not that we are unwilling to tell, but we don’t know what happened.”

“Why is the Buddha like this? I guess only when the Buddha wakes up, you will ask him yourself.”

The Big Golden Crow and the Second Golden Crow are also curious.

They also want to know the “truth”, but they really don’t.

They are just following orders.

Second Golden Uda: “Future Buddha, Buddha, we have also delivered, and we are considered to have completed the things that His Majesty ordered, we will leave first.”

“Kassapa, send off to your two princes.” Maitreya Buddha said.

“No need to!”


The Big Golden Crow and the Second Golden Crow left.

With the departure of the Big Golden Crow and the Second Golden Crow, many Buddhist masters looked at each other in the Daxiong Hall.

You look at me, I look at you. Everyone has a look of astonishment on their faces.

The atmosphere in the Daxiong Hall became suppressed.

“Cough cough cough…”

At this moment, a violent cough broke the depressive atmosphere in the hall.


Sakyamuni, who was originally in a coma, coughed violently at this time, slowly opened his eyes, struggling to get up.

When Maitreya Buddha saw this, he didn’t hesitate to quickly help.

The rest of the Buddha awakened and quickly cast his gaze towards Sakyamuni, their gazes full of curiosity.

Maitreya Buddha was concerned at this time and said: “Buddha, what happened? What is your situation?”

“How could you suffer such a severe injury?”

Tears slipped quietly across Sakyamuni’s eyes, and Sakyamuni said weakly, “The burning lamp has mistaken me!”

This time.

Shakyamuni was ashamed and left home.

in fact.

He has never fainted.

All is just his pretense.

He knows.

Under the situation in the Heavenly Jade Pool, he can only pretend. If he doesn’t pretend, who knows if he will suffer any “unfair” treatment?

But it’s just pretending.

Sakyamuni still did not escape being “insulted”.


He wanted to “wake up” and said to An Bufan: “Haotian, you deceived people too much.”

But he finally chose to endure it.

Ren Youan insulted him extraordinary.

In 30 years Hedong, 30 years Hexi, Sakyamuni will avenge him.


When the Maitreya Buddha and the many Buddhas in the Daxiong Hall heard this, they all expressed astonishment and astonishment.

I don’t know what the great wisdom is in this?

Yao Chi.

When the Big Golden Crow and the Second Golden Crow came back.

The Big Golden Crow and the Second Golden Crow respectfully said: “Your Majesty, fulfill your mission.”

“it is good.”

An Bufan nodded slightly.

Looking at the two cheap sons in front of him, he immediately looked at the other eight cheap sons.

“Little Golden Crow.”

“His Majesty.”

“The son is here.”

Little Golden Crow heard An Bufan’s words and quickly stood up.

Little Golden Crow was excited.

He really came.

Your Majesty is finally going to arrange things.

I’m so excited.

An Bufan felt a little, and looked at his face excitedly and said: “Little Golden Crow, I have a big thing to hand to you. I wonder if you are up to it?”


Little Golden Crow heard the words, his eyes shone.

Sure enough, the secret road.

The immature face said excitedly: “Your Majesty, please speak.”

“Little Golden Crow must complete the task perfectly.”

After the other nine Golden Crows heard such serious words from An Bufan, their spirits were shocked, and their nerves suddenly tightened at this time.

They wanted to see what important task his Majesty would give Little Golden Crow?

If it is too important.

Little Golden Crow is very difficult to complete.

As older brothers, they should share the burden for this “little brother”.

Even the Queen Mother next to An Bufan was interested, she subconsciously looked at An Bufan, and wanted to see what important task An Bufan had for Little Golden Crow.

Little Golden Crow is still young, and his mana is not strong.

A task that is too difficult and too important is impossible for Little Golden Crow to complete, and at the same time it cannot be completed.

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