Beast Studio

Chapter 104 - Marmots worshiping the snow mountain?

The QQ group and the convoy are nearly full.

It proves that the current size of Liu Wei’s live broadcast room has exceeded that of medium-sized outdoor anchors, but there is still a long way to go from the outdoor top anchors.

Liu Wei chooses to be sloppy and develops well, and does not participate in the grudges.

He will not deliberately cause trouble, but he is absolutely not afraid of it.

What’s more, in his heart, there are no two people who can really talk about a meaningful outdoor anchor.

Cocoa Siri is a magical field.

A few days ago, Liu Wei encountered several animals that excite him all the way, and in the next few days, it was a little bland, from plateau bushes passing by high mountain grasslands to desert snow mountains, along the way basically Belonging to seeing the scenery.

For many viewers, they don’t buy the bill, and if they don’t see what they want to see, they will think that the anchor has a bad attitude and spend all their time.

Fortunately, Liu Wei has a mouth that can speak back, and every day he can take out a little of the knowledge in his brain and brag about it, which can also make many audiences listen to it with relish.

In fact, Liu Wei’s heart is sometimes even more anxious than the audience. Just like those outdoor game anchors, the Air Force has not shipped it and fans are definitely going to explode.

The bragging effects of the show are temporary, and they need content.

It is summer now. The snow and ice covered by the majestic snow mountains have melted a lot, the snow line rises, and the dusk of the snowy mountains is a paradise of fat animals.

They are free to move here.

According to Liu Wei’s personality like large animals, Ben had no interest.

I think there is no science animal for a few days, so it’s good to use it as an excessive program.

Greeting the wild donkey stopped, he jumped off the donkey’s back and raised the drone.

“Have you discovered?”

“Come here, the show is coming!”

“Let me guess what is this time? Is it a snow leopard?”

“I really like Snow Leopard, Awei, is it Snow Leopard?”

The audience in the live broadcast room has not been excited for several days. When he saw Liu Wei flying the drone, he guessed that he must have encountered a large beast!


it’s not true.

But the pictures taken by the drone are very warm and cute.

A few chubby “Groundhogs” stood upright like wooden stakes, holding small fists and closing their eyes to worship the snowy mountains. What makes people feel funny is that its pious appearance is due to the two front teeth. For the sake of making their actions extremely comic.

“Wow, the marmot!”

“I remembered the Douyin video, ah~”

“Hahahaha, this is the video, some time ago it was very hot!”

“Fat Dudu is so cute, Awei, go help me punch it!”

“Is there a groundhog at such a high altitude?”

Liu Weike said: “Brothers, this is not a marmot, it looks like a marmot, it is a relative of the marmot, and the Himalayan marmot unique to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau!

Marmots are squirrel prairie dogs, and Himalayan marmots are squirrel marmots. They look very similar, but the Himalayan marmots are much larger than the marmots. They are stout and fat. Tibetans also call it snow pigs. .

I haven’t seen animals for several days. It’s luck to see snow pigs here today! Do you want to see it?

If you want to see me, go up and say hello to them. If you don’t want to see it, let’s go ahead!”

“Think about it!”

“Don’t, Awei, I think it’s cute, go play with it!”

“I think this thing should be delicious!”

“Are you a devil? Want to eat anything!”

Liu Wei laughed: “The meat of the Himalayan Marmot is indeed delicious, tender and delicious, and has a high protein content. This kind of creature is a lot on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and often floods. Tibetan herdsmen will take regular killing to protect the grassland and prevent plague.

The Himalayan marmot not only can be used, but its fur quality is very good, and it can also be used as a coat. Its economic value is very high.

However, our live broadcast is to promote and protect wild animals, so we will not do anything to kill wild animals!”

Talking and approaching the Himalayan marmot.

Its hearing is very developed, the Himalayan marmots in the wild are difficult to access, and Liu Wei’s footsteps have disturbed their worship.

Collectively standing and turned to Liu Wei.

Silly looking at Liu Wei, he uttered a “Gubbi Gubei” cry.

There is a black triangle area from its nose up to the edge of the ear, and the rest of the colors are brownish yellow. It looks very cute and stares at Liu Wei with a face.

“so cute!”

“Ah~, my heart has sprouted!”

“Can’t stand the female fans in the live broadcast room, see everything cute, Awei, help me scare them!”

“Awei, can you learn how to march a marmot? I’ll give you a rocket!”

Liu Wei is not for gifts, but the audience in the broadcast room has not been so excited for a long time.

He stopped suddenly, shrugged forward slightly, put his hands down vertically, and suddenly opened his mouth: “Ah~”

The scared Himalayan marmot excited.

Turned around and ran quickly for dozens of meters, then lay on the big stone hit by the sunset, staring at Liu Wei like a sniper.

There was more than one laugh in the live broadcast.

“Awei, you learned too much!”

“Where it looks like, obviously it is!”

“Hahaha, my naina smiles when I laugh!”

“Which hurts?”

“Both hurt!”

Liu Wei smiled and glanced at the live broadcast room, “You guys are happy now! Hey, it’s humble to be an anchor, every day you dominate!”

“We don’t control you, Awei, it’s all show effects!”

The discrete silhouette sends out the rocket × 2.

Liu Wei: “Thank you Miss Rockets, we will meet them now. Himalayan marmots like to fight the most. They will fight if they don’t move. They are natural boxers. I used to let them fight the brothers!”

“I’ve seen them fighting in my mind, fat toots, and the stations are not stable, so cute and cute!”

“Don’t call the female fans upstairs, you call again, I will use my ancestral baby to suppress you!”

“Drive again? Sweat!”

“Hey, single dogs per capita in the live broadcast, seeing female fans, so excited!”

Liu Wei smiled at the barrage. Slowly approach the Himalayan marmot.

They were very cautious. Liu Wei took a step forward. They dragged the fat body and crawled back a step.

Liu Wei took a piece of Wangwang Snow Cake from his pocket and dangled in front of them.

The Himalayan Marmot no longer backed away, lying on its place, the breath out of its nose blowing the long beard and the dust on the stone.

Himalayan marmots are used to being given food by others. On the edge of many herdsmen’s homes in Tibet, they sway and move freely. Sometimes they run to the door to eat. Herdsmen usually treat them as pets.

Himalayan marmots and marmots are very similar to praying for food, and they will stand upright and hold small fists for humans.

Liu Wei took out Wangwang Snow Cake, they don’t know what it is? But they are clearly food.

As long as someone gives them food, they will think this is a good person.

But they are smart enough to tell if the food given by other people is safe, that is, is it poisoned?

Therefore, the herdsmen in Tibetan areas generally do not use poisoning to lure it, and more direct and tough measures are used to kill them.

Liu Wei has come to them!

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