Beast Studio

Chapter 119 - Fall into the valley

Liu Wei’s voice just fell.

The snow leopard in the live video tentatively took a few steps forward, and after repeated tentative movements many times, he suddenly ran.


“Cross the sun, so fast and fast!”

“Go! Snow Leopard!”

The audience’s enthusiasm was instantly ignited.

It ran flat on the cliff, Liu Wei guessed right, and was running towards the narrow gap at full speed.

Liu Wei: “Brothers, it is still accelerating. It will leap from the gap of nearly ten meters to chase the rock sheep. Will it succeed?”

The snow leopard shrank, found a point of strength, stepped on the ground, jumped over the gap, and his body was completely stretched out in the air.

Perfect landing!

“Brothers, it jumped over, Yanyang already felt the danger!” Liu Wei said excitedly.


“Awesome, I jumped more than ten meters!”

“It has wings on it!”

“The flying action just now is so handsome!”


The leading ewe continued to scream, calling for the young sheep catching up behind, and the young sheep realized the danger and speeded up towards its mother.

Due to the panic, his hind foot emptied several times, but with his natural climbing ability, he quickly found an effort to catch up with the ewe.

After a short wait and hesitation, the ewe had no choice but to run in the direction it had determined. The lamb behind her had been trying to catch up.

The snow leopard runs extremely fast, and each jump can fly several meters away.

The ewe can no longer determine whether she and her children can safely escape. It has no way but to leave the young sheep cruelly behind and escape quickly with its familiarity with the terrain and experience.

Hunting to avoid natural enemies is the nature of rock sheep. When facing natural enemies, it must give up its natural nature of being a mother.

The young sheep has been calling, and its mother is getting farther and farther away from it. It has not given up and continues to run, but the snow leopard has already caught up with it.

The snow leopard made a leap to the young sheep.

The young sheep was struggling with the strength of the body. The snow leopard bit the young sheep’s throat without loosing, and rolled down the steep **** together.

I bumped on the steep **** several times and fell to a relatively gentle position.

The drone’s perspective followed, and the snow leopard and rock sheep fell more than sixty meters high.

Yan Yang was dying, his limbs twitched.

The snow leopard was still biting its throat, lying sideways on the slope, and after two breaths, it stood up.

However, his right forefoot seemed to be injured, did not fall, and bent up.

Now is not the time when it cares about its body, but when it enjoys this hard-won food.

The drone flew past.

The audience in the live broadcast witnessed the whole process of the snow leopard hunting the rock sheep. From the time it decided to launch the attack until it fell on the rock sheep and fell into the valley together, the whole process took only a few minutes.

But the look and feel of these few minutes is very cool.

“Brothers, Snow Leopard has started eating, and now is my best chance to get in touch with it!”

After talking, Liu Wei quickly descended the mountain and climbed up the opposite slope.

At a distance of tens of meters from the snow leopard, Liu Wei stopped and decided not to disturb it first and wait for it to eat quietly.

The snow leopard’s sharp teeth tore the rock sheep’s stomach, tearing down the flesh and internal organs in a big mouth, slowly creeping in the mouth and swallowing the throat, as if not chewing, and the mouth was covered with blood.

Its current image is very different from the image when it was first discovered. You will no longer find it cute, and the visual impact on you is rough and bloody.

“My Nima, I swallowed it in one big bite!”

“Too cruel!”

“Watching it eat meat, I’m very excited, Ao~”

“Brother upstairs, you are a wolf, the snow leopard’s cry is: vomit~”

“Awei, when are you going to approach it, it seems to be injured!”

Liu Wei: “Snow leopards often fall from steep slopes while hunting for rock sheep. For them, it helps them instead of letting the rock sheep find a chance to escape. Injuries are a common thing, but the animal’s physical recovery ability is extremely high. Strong, it wants to live in a severe natural environment, it must prompt its body to recover as soon as possible, because after a period of time, it also needs to capture prey in the same way…”

As he was saying, Snow Leopard suddenly stopped eating and raised his head again to look at the drone.

It still doesn’t understand what it is? But it has realized that this thing is watching it one by one.

Will it endanger it? Became a question of its thinking.

So Snow Leopard made a decision and prepared to drag the remaining uneaten Rock Sheep to a place it considered safe to eat.

“It seems to find me, it is ready to leave now, I must catch up immediately!”

Liu Wei climbed up quickly.

The rock on the steep **** was stepped over by Liu Wei and rolled down. Snow Leopard instantly felt something approaching it. It stopped, turned around, and suddenly a person bounced off the cliff.

Snow Leopard’s reaction was not fierce, nor was he rushing towards Liu Wei, but as a cat was frightened, his whole body stretched out and jumped up, and then shouted.


“What’s the matter? Laugh me!”

“It just seemed to be scared by A Wei!”

“No, would you be scared to eat meat so rudely?”

“Awei is the average person?”

Liu Wei laughed: “Brothers, cats are alert animals, and snow leopards are easily frightened by sudden things like pet cats in your family, but they will immediately adjust their status to face them. The performance just now was really scared me.”

Snow Leopard recovered, staring at Liu Wei, his mouth wide open showing four long sharp cracked teeth, showing a fierce look.

“Brothers, it does not seem to feel my kindness, it is reminding me to keep me away from it as soon as possible!”

Liu Wei said as he approached the snow leopard.


Snow Leopard screamed twice again, obviously screaming to intimidate Liu Wei.

“Calm and calm, please control your emotions now, big brother!”

Liu Wei hooked forward slightly and moved his feet sideways, ready to stroke the snow leopard’s head.

Snow Leopard has been backing away, its eyes have not left Liu Wei, nor has it put away its fierce look, it does not now think that a person who suddenly emerged while it was eating will treat it friendly.

Its loneliness determines that it will not easily believe any animals and humans.

When Liu Wei feels that it is not the best, he should track it first. When it is full and rested, it should be better to contact the snow leopard with the intimacy of the animal attached to the body.

“Brothers, I can feel that it’s emotionally very ups and downs now, perhaps because it hasn’t eaten for many days and the pain that has just occurred from the fall valley.

But I have appeared in front of it. I have no choice to retreat. I can only slowly approach it and try to appease his emotions at this time. As long as his emotions stabilize, I can get along with it friendly!”

With that said, Liu Wei raised his hand.

At this time, Snow Leopard made a shocking action.

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