Beast Studio

Chapter 129 - Confess

“Awei, look at your cheap, you have the ability to go down!”

“Awei, go down and do it, we support you!”

“Open it! Guess who will win?”

“Hey, poor Bengal tiger, being teased repeatedly by Awei!”

The wild Bengal tiger’s temperament has changed drastically, and his eyes are now full of killings, completely killings in nature.

In the field of hundreds of kilometers, any animal will awed it when it saw its appearance, hiding far away, but at this time the human sitting on the tree is constantly provoking it.

It seemed to feel a humiliation.

The majesty of the king of the forest cannot be trampled upon.

The Bengal Tiger made an amazing move. It found the right distance, ran violently, and hit the tree with its strong body.

This is the only way it can think of at this time.

As a result, the branches and leaves of the tree barely gave him a little face, shaking slightly.

As for the trunk, the lines are still.

The big trees in this deep forest are more than a few hundred years old. They have well-developed root systems and thick trunks. If they are easily broken by a tiger, they will look too shameless.

The Bengal Tiger’s move against the tree amused the audience.

Luo Cheng couldn’t help but smile, “It seems that it is really anxious.”

Turned his head and told his men: “Learn more, Awei is a model of applying knowledge to reality. The most basic quality of our wild animal research workers is to learn and use!”

“Well!” several scientific research members responded.

Luo Cheng was relieved at this time, not too worried about Liu Wei’s safety issues. The next thing he had to do was to observe and record the behavior of wild Bengal tigers and enjoy Liu Wei’s charm when he faced the beast.

After the Bengal Tiger tried to hit the tree a few times, it felt that this method was useless.

It lay on the trunk again and shouted at Liu Wei, but Liu Wei sat on the branch relaxed and shook his legs.


The Bengal Tiger couldn’t figure it out, why did it threaten Liu Wei, and Liu Wei didn’t respond at all?

And Liu Wei made several provocative actions against it, and it will explode in mentality and want to eat each other!

The Bengal Tiger began to use his brain in desperation.

After thinking about it for a long time, it came to a conclusion-Lao Tzu was so angry.

The Bengal tiger put away his body and lay down on the ground again. He chose to continue to wait. As long as Liu Wei came down and fought on land, he was confident.

After taking a short break, Liu Wei felt that he had recovered a lot of physical strength, and did a few chest expansion exercises.

The Bengal Tiger felt Liu Wei’s movements. He immediately stood up and stared at Liu Wei. As long as Liu Wei climbed down the tree, he would slapped Liu Wei on the trunk without mercy.

Yes, he is sure that he can shoot Liu Wei, because he can shoot a few ribs of the wild boar under one palm.

who is it?

It is to be a tiger king like Chagill, with only other creatures in his eyes surrendering to it, and he cannot tolerate resistance.

Liu Wei realized that the Bengal tiger wanted to solve himself quickly, so he tentatively crawled down a few steps. As expected, the Bengal tiger directly pounced on the trunk, but the distance was still a little short.

Looking at the huge body of the Bengal tiger lying on the tree trunk, Liu Wei had a bolder idea.

He has ridden elephants and wild asses.

What would it feel like to ride a tiger?

This idea was seriously thought by Liu Wei. After going down, it is inevitable to fight head-on with the Bengal Tiger, which consumes attention, reaction and physical strength extremely, and rarely finds room to fight back. It is better to take advantage of physical recovery and direct Control it from the back of the Bengal Tiger.

Liu Wei hugged the tree with both hands, adjusted the posture with his feet, and pedaled the trunk to prepare to exert force.

The Bengal tiger opened his mouth wide, waiting for Liu Wei to fall. Unexpectedly, Liu Wei kicked his feet back and jumped down. The Bengal tiger watched Liu Wei fall down, hugged its back neck directly, and then quickly adjusted tightly Hold the stubby neck of the Bengal tiger tightly.

All over the back of the Bengal Tiger

“What is this operation?”

“Awei, are you from the Cirque du Soleil?”

“I feel like watching a stunt movie!”

“The most soulful thing about this live broadcast room is that Awei’s own program effect!”

“There are only actions that we can’t think of, and there is nothing that Awei dare not do!”

In the camera, the Bengal tiger violently began to shake his body violently, with a large range of movements, and he did not like the feeling of being riding.

It tried to throw Liu Wei down by twisting his body.

Liu Wei tied the Bengal tiger like a chain. Although he has high requirements for strength and physical strength, the Bengal tiger’s response is more physical in comparison.

Its body of more than 400 pounds has continued such high-intensity movements, and its physical exertion is faster. Besides, it still eats for a few days. According to its lifestyle, the stomach has been a little hungry these two days.

Liu Wei is even more confident to be able to grind down with the Bengal Tiger and grind it down to take the initiative.

Half an hour later, the Bengal Tiger was still shaking his body, turning his head hard, and constantly roaring to scare Liu Wei, but its range of activity was reduced by more than half.

At the beginning, it ran around back and forth with Liu Wei, shaking his body in a large area.

Now it twists its body in place, shakes its head, and occasionally makes two turns.

“Brothers, its physical strength has plummeted, and it is about to give up struggling!” Liu Wei laughed.

“Awei, although you may win in the end, but I think you are too bad, this is Laipi!”

“I finally understand what dead skin plaster means?”

“Awei, your move, I have served in Fenghua Xiaobawang!”

“Tomorrow’s headlines, the country’s top wildlife experts have done such a thing against wild Bengal tigers…”

Liu Wei actually enjoys the feeling of lying on the back of a Bengal tiger. The bumpy feeling just now is a bit like the feeling of a Spanish bullfighter riding a bull. It is described as “cool” in one word.


The Bengal Tiger screamed, which sounded not fierce at all.

After it staggered away for hundreds of meters, it lay directly on the ground.

Don’t move!

“Did you give up treatment?”

“What are you doing on your stomach? Get up and keep going!”

“Eh, I said brother, what’s the matter? You are the king of the deep forest!”

Liu Wei hadn’t spoken yet, and the audience in the broadcast room began to laugh at Bengal Tiger.

The Bengal Tiger closed his mouth and leaned his chin on his right forefoot. He stared at the soil under his eyes and blinked.

The drone’s eyes now look very wrong, and it’s a little bit cute.

It is really tired.

mmp, it never happened to meet a werewolf today!

No, it should be a tiger.

Was tortured for an afternoon.

Liu Wei reached out and touched his head. He tweeted softly and pulled his short ears again. It didn’t respond to any excitement. It couldn’t be excited, even if it was a large predator. The beast has never consumed so much physical strength.

The Bengal tiger now began to suspect that his tiger was born.

Liu Wei saw that it had no overreaction, and also got off from him, sitting cross-legged not far from his mouth.

The Bengal Tiger, like many beasts, believes that it is impossible to defeat its opponent, and it will express its awe of the opponent. Simply put, it is fear.

In his eyes now, he was a little afraid of Liu Wei’s shadow.

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