Beast Studio

Chapter 131 - And the Bengal Tiger?

Liu Wei didn’t turn on his headlights, he felt that the Bengal tiger should have moved.

The Bengal Tiger’s eyes glow, and it looks very cold, if not stay beside him.

The two eyes that appeared suddenly were enough to scare away many people.

“Awei, why does its eyes shine?”

“It seems that all cat eyes glow at night?”

The audience in the live broadcast was puzzled.

Liu Weike said: “The Bengal Tiger has a reflective layer at the bottom of its eyeball, which can reflect the light that reaches the back of the eyeball through the retina and reflects it again onto the retina for imaging, so it looks like the eye will glow.

In fact, its eyes are not a light source, they just collect weak light and reflect it.

Bengal tigers have six times the eyesight of humans, and night has little effect on them, so Bengal tigers usually choose to catch their prey at night. “

Just finished, the Bengal Tiger moved.

The drone turned on the night shooting mode, and it was possible to capture the pictures of Liu Wei and Bengal Tiger at this time by borrowing a little moonlight.

Luo Cheng’s expedition team focused on the scenes that they wanted to see might happen tonight.

The Bengal Tiger is not walking fast, and Liu Wei can keep up with it only by slightly increasing his pace.

It is used to staying with Liu Wei, so he does not care about Liu Wei following him to hunt.

Liu Wei followed the Bengal tiger to a large mud pond deep in the forest and stopped.

“Brothers, I guess it will swim to the opposite side. It has smelled the prey. The drone will follow it to shoot. I will not pass. I am not clear about the environment here. If it is a pool of dead water or silt, I It will be very troublesome after going on!” Liu Wei analyzed.

The Bengal tiger lightened its footsteps and stepped into the mud pool step by step, exposing its head to swim towards the opposite shore. Its swimming movement looked very light, and it was hard to think of a 400-jin Bengal tiger swimming.

In the drone’s lens, after the Bengal tiger swims past, it is close to the prey a little bit. The drone photographed several elk that are tipping their toes and eating leaves in the moonlight.

The Bengal tiger stopped suddenly, its cold, glowing eyes stared straight at the elk without blinking.

It seems to be waiting.

The elk stood on its feet again, enough to chew on the leaves with its long neck.

The Bengal Tiger suddenly ran.

The elk instantly felt threatened and ran away after pulling its legs.

In less than a sharp bend, the Bengal Tiger pressed an elk to the ground, and he didn’t breathe for a few seconds.

The elk’s paw print was left on his body, and his neck was half bitten off.

“My Nima, so cruel!”

“It’s bloody!”

“A handsome horse, the king of the forest!”

“Does anyone remember the scene where the Bengal Tiger was ravaged by Awei?”


Liu Wei: “The feeding amount of an adult wild Bengal tiger is about 20kg, this elk is enough for it to pack a meal, and it will take a few days!”

“What is it doing?”

“Why doesn’t it eat?”

“Is it ready to drag its prey to a safe place?”

“Brother, I would like to ask what is unsafe for this area?”

When Liu Wei looked at the barrage, he realized that the Bengal tiger could not eat without it, but dragged its prey.

Liu Wei determined that it is now hungry. Under normal circumstances, Bengal tigers will eat and hunger immediately after the hunt is successful. They like the fresh **** smell.

Only female Bengal tigers who go hunting will leave their prey in place and then bring their children back to eat.

But this male Bengal tiger didn’t eat immediately, and was dragging its prey. Is it afraid that he would steal its food?

Liu Wei guessed.

No, the Bengal Tiger returned to the same way. It took a lot of effort to drag the elk from the mud pond back to the shore, and then stood in front of Liu Wei and called.


In the silent forest, its roar was particularly loud, and it was estimated that all the living creatures around were all gone.

“What do you want to express?” Liu Wei looked at it and asked.

The Bengal Tiger tears the elk’s body apart with sharp claws and teeth. Although it looks uneven, it can be regarded as being divided into two. It will use its legs to lift the upper half of the elk’s body to Wei’s feet, and then tens of meters away from the lower half of the body and begin to devour the elk next to a large tree.

Liu Wei is a bit ignorant!

What the **** is this?

Share prey?

And still so generous, I remember the last time the Wolf King gave him a big slap.

The Bengal Tiger was polite and gave him half.

“Awei, it will give you food, so amazing!”

“Awei, you stinky and shameless, eat and drink every day!”

“Awei, it’s your turn to eat raw meat again!”

“Oh~” Liu Wei nausea at the thought of this, and really didn’t want to try again.

The Bengal Tiger didn’t take a few minutes, and he swallowed up half of the elk’s body that was dragged away.

Liu Wei dragged dozens of pounds of elk meat under his feet and threw it beside the Bengal tiger, “You eat, I know you are not full, I eat this!”

Take out a canned beef and eat it.

The Bengal Tiger looked at Liu Wei for a few minutes.

“Did you watch enough during the day?” Liu Wei turned back and said disgustedly.

When Liu Wei spoke, he went to eat the remaining elk meat.

At the end of the broadcast room, Luo Cheng couldn’t believe his eyes. He had never seen a large beast sharing food with humans, and in the public’s understanding, Bengal tigers usually treat humans as their own food.

They believe that any living creature can be used as food.

So in the zoo, once the Bengal tiger bites, the management will pay attention to observe or even kill the Bengal tiger, because once the Bengal tiger finds a **** smell on the human body, it will feel that the human is a food at hand, and its inertness will make It may treat humans as food at any time, with unimaginable consequences.

Luo Cheng carefully recorded everything he saw tonight and wrote several large articles.

After waiting for Bengal tiger to finish eating, Luo Cheng called Liu Wei again.

“Awei, the view at night is not good, I hope you can seriously consider returning!”

Liu Wei: “Mr. Luo, I spent the night with Mangshan soldering iron head and Snow Leopard before. I have the experience and experience. I just saw this Bengal tiger actively sharing food with me. It should not hurt me. The friendship is getting stronger and stronger, and I want to establish a deeper friendship with it.

Before you came, you mentioned that the infrared camera captured the Bengal tiger three times, two of which were around where I am now.

If the Bengal tiger beside me is the wild Bengal tiger that I photographed in the previous two times, I make a bold guess. If the third Bengal tiger is another wild Bengal tiger, we What conclusions can be drawn? “

Luo Cheng suddenly realized, “You infer that there are female wild Bengal tiger activities around?”

“This is just my reasoning. Of course, I hope to be confirmed. The easiest way to confirm is the male Bengal Tiger beside me now!” Liu Wei said.

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