Beast Studio

Chapter 157 - Disagreement

Bai Xionglen stared at Liu Wei, wondering what Liu Wei’s waving gesture meant?

It tried it.

Actually you can.

The audience in the live broadcast room saw White Bear waving at Liu Wei and marveled.

“Okay! Awei, get the white bear so fast!”

“Are you sure this is a wild bear? I feel like it was raised in a zoo!”

“Although the white bear looks ugly, it has a lovely character, why not!”

“Awei, what is the situation now? Has it accepted you?”

Liu Wei continued the experiment, changed his gestures, and made a calling gesture to the white bear.

Big White Bear opened his mouth slightly, glanced down at his forefoot, and then imitated Liu Wei’s movements.

Although it’s not very good-looking, but there are some.

The big white bear suddenly became excited, and it felt so interesting.

It can communicate with the human in front of it with body language.

Liu Wei: “Brothers, it is imitating my movements. It may be because when I just rushed towards it, it realized that I was imitating it and had an impact on its thinking.

It is now intoxicated by this simple physical communication. I try to approach it to see if I can get its permission and let me touch it?”

Liu Wei took a few steps forward.

Big white bear’s whole body fell down at once.

Liu Wei was caught off guard and was scared.

But the next big bear action is very comedy.

It bears a big tree on its head, rubbing up and down.

“Hahaha, what is it doing?”

“Afraid of being a mentally retarded child!”

“Frightened, I thought it would attack Liu Wei!”

“This bear is an iron fool!”

“The friction is refreshing once, the friction is always refreshing!”

Liu Wei: “Brothers, it’s tickling.”

Liu Dawei boldly went up and patted the back of the big white bear. The big white bear sniffed at Liu Wei with a long nose and turned back to rub the trunk.

Liu Wei patted again, and the big white bear shook his hand. Liu Wei hid quickly, otherwise he would be scratched by his paw.

At this time, Liu Wei learned its appearance, squatted on the ground, and then kept buckling his head with his hands.

The big white bear’s Yu Guang saw Liu Wei’s movements. Because he had just imitated Liu Wei’s excitement, he began to learn that Liu Wei used two forefoots to buckle his head.

The white bear’s head is too big, its body is fat, and its two forefoots are too short. Finally, it is difficult to squeeze his head hard, and buckle it to the place where his head is raised. After two cools, his body cannot support its current movement, and loses his balance. Planted on the ground and rolled around.


“Oh, my mom, so cute!”

“After the appraisal, this white bear must have a IQ.”


Liu Wei continued to move his head, this time, the big white bear didn’t learn anymore, it felt inconvenient at all, and still rubbed the trunk comfortably.

It went to the tree trunk on its stomach and started rubbing again.

Liu Wei leaned up and stretched his hand to scratch the big white bear’s head.

The big white bear suddenly raised his head and looked at Liu Wei, his eyes seem to be shining.

That’s how it feels.

The big white bear stayed for a while, then took the initiative to rub Liu Wei’s hand.

Liu Wei scratched it, “Are you comfortable?”

The big white bear seemed to be dissatisfied. He rubbed Liu Wei’s hand hard.

“The strength is small? Well, I know, I use a little force!” Liu Wei smiled, “Brothers, the big white bear likes my massage technique very much. This massage technique is passed down from my ancestors, and it can be used for luck and blood circulation. , Reduce swelling and pain, and balance yin and yang, several generations of single pass!”

“I’ll come first, yuck~”


“Smelly shameless, it’s bragging again!”

“Hahaha, Awei, I like to listen to cultural people like you bragging!”

After Liu Wei scratched for a while, he stopped, and the big white bear stretched out his two forefoots to hug Liu Wei’s hand, put it on his head, and narrowed his neck to look at Liu Wei, an expression of prayer.

“Well, I will help you to scratch again!” Liu Wei said with a smile.

The big white bear felt very comfortable, rubbing the trunk frantically than it was, and rubbing off the hair on his head too much.

Liu Wei scratched his side and said: “I just mentioned to the brothers that there is a big difference between the Asian black bear and the Shennongjia albino bear. Now I will give you a specific science.

In addition to the differences in appearance, the white bear in Shennongjia has better vision and smell than the black bear, and its brain is smarter. It can nest on its own, and the black bear completely depends on the ready-made nest.

The biggest difference between the two lies in the difference in life. We all know that bears have a habit of hibernation, including the Tibetan brown bears we encountered in the uninhabited area of ​​northern Tibet, and the non-albino Asian black bears all entering autumn Start storing fat and then prepare for hibernation.

But the Shennongjia albino bear does not have the habit of hibernating. On the contrary, it will live normally in the ice and snow, looking for food in the snow.

Shennongjia white bears are omnivorous animals like Tibetan brown bears. They eat everything. When we first saw it, we were probably eating grass or digging ant dens.

It is precisely because of some differences in living habits and body structure that there is a big difference in the understanding of this species in academia.

However, it is currently generally concluded that the Shennongjia white bear is an albino species of Asian black bear. “

“Awei, after hearing so many of you, what is albinism?”

“Why does albinism occur?”

“Feel this question is more mysterious than Savage?”

White is a clean color, but when the audience sees the white animal, it will feel very strange.

Liu Wei popularly said: “According to my knowledge and the industry’s point of view, there is a great disagreement on why animals are albino.

There are three common views at the moment.

The first kind, some scientists believe that it is the phenomenon of reincarnation, which is simply the degradation of species.

This phenomenon not only occurs in animals, but also in humans. In a family in Africa, all members cannot walk upright normally, and it takes a long time to walk on their stomachs, similar to the walking of apes.

In the last century, a similar case occurred in the Shennongjia area. At that time, it was rumored to be a savages. Afterwards, Chinese ancient anthropological research experts tended to be a phenomenon of repatriation after field investigation and comparison of human body structure. “

“The second view is that the animal’s albinism is due to a genetic mutation, which is commonly referred to as albinism, and this phenomenon has also occurred in lions and tigers.

However, from the analysis of known data, this phenomenon of albinism only exists in individual animals, and the phenomenon of animal albinism in Shennongjia is very common, more than one species of white bear. “

“The last point is what I think is relatively scientific because of the terrain of Death Valley.

Before we came, everyone saw that there were cliffs all around the Valley of Death, which was sunken like a loophole in the Shennongjia forest area, preventing many animals from going out.

Over time, the animals inside will inevitably have genetic changes due to the limitation of group activities, resulting in inbreeding.

Although some scientists have proposed to list white creatures as a new species, this view has not been recognized by the industry. In contrast, experts in the industry are more inclined to solve the mystery of the strange phenomenon of animal albinism in Shennongjia. “

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