Beast Studio

Chapter 169 - I have to counsel

The leopard has a lonely personality. It is difficult to see group activities except for mother and child.

Liu Wei judged according to the leopard’s body type. The two leopards he sees now are adult leopards.

The young leopard needs many months of study to master the ability to climb trees. At this time, the leopard lying on the big tree has a relaxed face and no tension. There is also a gazelle fur hanging between the branches. Carry food to the tree to eat and avoid harassment by other predators.

If it is a young leopard, it must not be done alone.

Not to mention the leopard lying in the sun in front of Liu Wei, not to mention that there are not small wounds on the upper edge of the ear, which are wounds that have been bitten by mosquitoes and insects for many years.

“Brothers, I guess that the leopard living in the Valley of Death may not have met humans, so I can’t appear in front of it now, so as not to disturb it.” Liu Wei professionally analyzed.

If one is okay, now there are two adult leopards around.


Liu Wei saw another shadow in the afterglow.

He turned his head, and a leopard was walking from the rock wall. Seeing the direction in which it walked, it should have come towards the hole.

“Twist, three!”

“Did this **** go into the leopard’s den?”

“What should I do? Awei, can it be done?”

“Will Leopard eat people? I’m a little worried.”

“Afraid of chicken feathers, man, don’t be afraid of cockroach, Awei, go, I support you mentally!”

“Thank you for your spiritual support,” Liu Wei smiled. His current position is relatively safe, and his face is relatively relaxed. “Brothers, according to the big data analysis of Huabao’s research, it is extremely likely to attack humans. Low, we all know that Leopard has a wide global distribution, including Africa, the Indian Peninsula and other regions.

Only in this magical country of India, there is often news that the leopard attacks and even eats people. “

“It is indeed a magical country!”

“When I mentioned Asan, I thought of their military parade, ha ha ha!”

“Respect the culture of others!”

“I respect! But I cannot be forbidden to laugh, right?”

“Don’t mention India! Or imagine how to get these three leopards?”

Liu Wei was preparing to answer the question of the barrage, and a leopard appeared in his field of vision, which came out of the cave.

It walked to the adult leopard basking in the sun, and bit its tail with its mouth.

Liu Wei: “The last one came is a young leopard. About seven or eight months, it is learning hunting skills. The tail of an adult female leopard is usually a tool for young leopards to connect with hunting skills.

Today, we are so lucky that we have never found more than four leopard groups in the country. They normally act alone, but last year the staff of Jiaozuo Forestry Bureau captured three leopard groups through infrared cameras. The scene is already very rare.

Today, we are here, in the death valley of Shennongjia, we saw four leopards. “

The audience was attracted by Liu Wei’s excited expression and forgot the situation he is facing now.

The audience did not recover until Liu Wei moved again to climb up.

“Awei, what do you want to do?”

“Don’t be impulsive! That’s four leopards!”

“Lao Tzu appreciates Awei’s spirit that is not afraid of death!”

“Now is not the time for the limelight, we must think calmly.”

“I remember when Awei Kepu Tibetan Mastiff mentioned a news that a leopard in Yunnan had turned eight Tibetan Mastiffs. Now it is four leopards~ Hey~ I dare not imagine it, such horror!”

“Brothers, don’t worry, I will always pay attention to the leopard’s emotions. If there is no possibility of contact, I will give up actively!” Liu Wei continued to climb up.

At this moment, the leopard lying on the big tree suddenly raised his head, as if feeling something, he stood up, turned around, and was about to get off the tree.

Liu Wei also discovered its movement, temporarily stopped, the camera moved past, said: “Brothers, the situation is not very good now, it seems to have found me, meaning that soon the entire leopard group will find me For the time being, I am not sure what their impression of humans is. According to conventional reasoning, they often come into contact with human leopards. It will not object to humans appearing in their territory of activity, even if they do not see them, forming mutual interference. Situation.

But leopards moving in the Valley of Death, I am not sure whether they have been in contact with humans? It is very likely that they have not seen humans!

I can’t go any further, I need to stop and observe carefully!”

The audience in the live broadcast room became nervous again and began to worry about Liu Wei.

Many scenes emerged from their minds, including the scene where four leopards rushed to Liu Wei at the same time, tearing his body…

Thinking of such a scene, creepy.

I dare not watch this episode.

Liu Wei watched the leopard come down from the tree, his eyes did not leave him for a moment. The leopard dragged his long tail towards the cave, and the end of the tail curled into an unclosed circle.

Its entire body is moving in a certain direction, but its head is always in the direction of Liu Wei.

The adult female leopard playing with the young leopard saw her companion approaching, as if receiving a signal. It also stood up, looked at it for a week, and finally found Liu Wei.

The young leopard followed his mother’s eyes and locked Liu Wei.

The adult leopard who walked towards the cave over the stone wall also stopped. Its current vision is the widest. The road it is about to go back to the cave is the road that Liu Wei just walked over.

So it can see Liu Wei’s whole body state at this time.

Liu Wei turned his head and looked at it.

The leopard’s eyes did not change much, or Liu Wei’s naked eyes could not see any changes.

But Leopard opened his mouth, exposing a bit of its canine teeth, and then twitched his upper lip, and his nose also twitched. The lens of the live phone could capture his tongue.

“Meet at the entrance of the village, bring your own tableware!”

“I’ve seen this episode, Aweizu!”

“Listen to the water friends, go back and blow the air conditioner early, do you drink iced cola? Does it have to come to the cave.”

“I feel that A Wei was dug by the audience this time!”

“You know a fart, look at Awei’s face, the smile is still the same! The more fierce the beast is, the more excited it is, and I suspect that bronze blood is flowing on him!”


Liu Wei took the camera in the live room and scanned the four leopards watching it at this time. “Hey, brothers, I seem to have no way to go!”

The audience couldn’t understand his current smile in the live broadcast. Are they ready to take a break? Or are they ready to let go?



The leopard standing at the entrance of the cave issued two consecutive warnings.

Liu Wei was able to be sure that Leopard was now warning it that they were very unwelcome to enter the realm of their activities.

“Brothers, I may have to retreat first!” Liu Wei thinks it is time to counsel.

“Don’t counsel! Awei.”

“To tell a joke, the top domestic beast expert was scared to pee!”

“Awei, according to your ideas, safety is the most important thing!”

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