Beast Studio

Chapter 183 - Observe again

Liu Wei’s hands exerted a little force, and the carrion attached to the skeleton turned into a pulp and emerged from the fingers.

The live phone shooting is very clear.


“Crooked day~, so disgusting!”

“Wow wow wow~, I vomited.”

“Looking at me is uncomfortable!”

“My mother’s brain may be a little problem, actually look at this look!”


The barrage reacted strongly.

At this time, the four vultures did not retract their wings. They were watching Liu Wei, jumping in a small range, moving small steps.

They did not know that Liu Wei wanted to help them.

But they knew that the forest musk corpses that had been emptied became very light, making it very inconvenient for them to continue preying.

A little forceful tearing of the skin on the skeleton will move with the skeleton, and the efficiency of eating will be much lower.

The vulture that first discovered Liu Wei, its wide wings illustrate its status in this group of vultures.

The other vultures are waiting for their reaction. If they choose to continue to peck and have not been injured by humans, they will jump on the skeleton of the corpse again and continue to collect the debris.

They are nature’s cleaners, they cherish this title very much, and are very responsible in their jobs.

The corpses that had not been cleaned and scraped in front of them needed them.

They believed that it was only after they had scraped away the skin and flesh from the corpse that the Lin Musk could be reincarnated for several days.

Liu Wei looked at the vulture big vulture, “Can you hurry up? Tooting, I am helping you now!”

The vulture flicked his head a few times, suddenly flapped his wings and flew towards the skeleton, and his strong claws almost caught Liu Wei.

“Lying trough~” Liu Wei hid sideways, “Brother, you deliberately!”

The vulture stood on the skeleton and kept a distance of tens of centimeters from Liu Wei. It did not immediately peck, but looked at Liu Wei motionlessly.

Liu Wei shook his head. Sure enough, he couldn’t talk about IQ with the beast, just like playing the piano to a cow.

The red color of the vulture’s head and neck is still rich and has not been eliminated.

It is enough to show that it has not completely let go of its anger towards Liu Wei.

But it didn’t want to fight because of the residue on the skeleton and Liu Weishu, so it chose to observe.

Like every time it observes whether the body can be eaten?

Liu Wei: “Brothers, it is observing me. According to its character, the scene where it and I look at each other should last for a long time.

The vulture’s observation ability is very strong, to be precise it is inherently cautious.

The vultures have a long observation period before eating animal carcasses. After a long period of observation, the vulture learned that mammals like to gather together to rest.

Based on this information, it will pay special attention to the animals lying alone on the ground. Once it finds the target, it will carefully observe the other party’s movements.

If the other party is still, it will continue to hover in the air to observe. This observation takes a long time, at least about two days.

Many people ask why vultures choose to peck after the animal carcasses begin to rot, rather than eat when the animal dies?

Some people think that it likes to peck carrion, and its stomach acid decomposition ability is ten times that of humans, and does not worry about problems such as digestion and poisoning.

The key reason is actually here.

The observation period of more than two days is enough for a dead animal carcass to rot.

During the period when the corpse began to decay, after the vulture determined that the corpse could not move, it would lower the flying height and observe it more carefully.

From a close distance, check if the other person’s abdomen has ups and downs, and are your eyes turning?

If there was no movement at all, the vulture landed, spread its wings, and slowly walked slowly towards the carcasses on the ground.

Even after it has been determined that the animal in front of it has died, it will hesitate, but can’t wait to start.

So it opened its mouth, stretched its neck, spread its wings, ready to take off at any time, pecked at the body with its mouth, and immediately jumped away again.

If the corpse still does not move, it will inspect the corpse again. After many observations and attempts, the vulture will feel relieved and finally rush to the corpse. “

The audience in the live broadcast directly listened to dumbfounding.

“What is it? The vulture is too stupid!”

“How troublesome is eating a corpse!”

“No wonder there is no hair on the top of the head, and there is a problem with the brain. A Wei also said that it has strong observation ability, just to find a reason to excuse it!”

“Brother upstairs, you can’t be overly general. Those with no hair on their heads may not have problems with their brains, such as Einstein~”

“I don’t think you have hair on your head. Lao Tzu is talking about animals. You **** humans, can you compare?”

“Continue, I like to watch the barrage against each other!”

Liu Wei looked back and preached to the live broadcast room, “I don’t have time to wait for it to observe.”

After that, Liu Wei broke a bone directly from the skeleton of the corpse, and there was still a lot of carrion attached to the bone.

He fed directly to the vulture’s mouth.

The vulture hesitated for half a minute, then quickly took a sip, then looked up at Liu Wei.

There was no change in Liu Wei’s expression, and the vulture took a quick peck, and every time he pecked, it paused for a moment, just half a minute at first, then ten seconds, a few seconds, when it found that Liu Wei had no threat to it , Its neck is like a pile driver, da da da ~, pecking at a high frequency.

It found that with the help of external force, it pecked the debris on the skeleton much smoother.

The three vultures in the back watched it finish eating a bone, and then slowly approached.

Liu Wei pressed the spine on the back of the corpse, several vultures jumped up, and his wings flapped out a few gusts of wind.

This is to let Liu Wei smell enough!

Liu Wei blamed: “Your uncle’s, can you move gently? Really his grandma’s stink, hurry up!”

Several vultures pecked at the skin of the skeleton.

While watching them eat, Liu Wei preached: “Brothers, we just said that when observing animal carcasses, they usually hover over the carcasses. Like hawks and falcons, vultures are very capable of gliding.

Before the science owl, I said that the eagle owl’s wings are large and wide, and it can use the thrust of the airflow to maintain a long gliding state.

The same is true for vultures. In raptors, the flying ability of vultures is relatively weak. It will reasonably use the thrust of the air flow to maintain the gliding state and promote it to be active in the sky for a long time.

Their wings are very wide, and they have a natural sense of catching the airflow. They rely on the rising airflow to continuously raise the body.

This flying ability can ensure that they can go to tens or even hundreds of kilometers away to catch food, and at the same time bring the food to the nest 100 kilometers away to feed their offspring.

Some brothers may ask, these vultures are obviously enjoying their own meals, and have swallowed the meat into their stomachs. What should they feed their children?

And the vulture’s load-bearing capacity is limited. How can the food be brought back under the condition that it will not affect his flight? “

Liu Wei pointed to the vulture’s throat science and said: “In fact, it is very simple. Most birds, including some jackals and other mammals, will swallow food into their mouths and store them in the roaring sac. They do not enter the stomach through the esophagus. They It will take the food back and spit it out a little bit from the roar, and the pups will take the initiative to peck at their mouths.”

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