Beast Studio

Chapter 198 - The leader of the cattle came towards me

Fatty saw the young takin with its head twitching more severely, and it looked very fierce as it could not contain sand in its eyes.

It has increased its vigilance against strange animals that appear in front of it, and is particularly worried that this guy, who is bigger than it, will attack his new owner.

Chubby tried to drive the takin by barking.

Liu Wei could clearly hear the fat panting. He turned back and squeezed the fat mouth, “Fatty, don’t call it, and alarmed the herd for a while!”

Fatty understood Liu Wei’s meaning and slowly closed his emptied mouth, but his eyes did not leave the takin that was looking at it and its owner for a moment.

The horns of the small takin’s head had just been exposed, and his eyes were full of curiosity, staring at Liu Wei and Chubby for more than a minute, and then plunged into the grass and disappeared.

Liu Wei was about to catch up, and the takin again showed its head from the thick grass.

It walked while repeating the same movements, Liu Wei smiled and said: “Brothers, it seems to be playing hide-and-seek with me, waiting for me to find it in the past!”

“What are you waiting for? Awei!”

“Little guy, quite naughty!”

“Fatty, go up and bite its tail!”

“Hairy tail!”

Liu Wei tried to touch the young takin, “Brothers, the takin has a tail, but its tail is very short.

In fact, takins are not cattle. They live in the subfamily Bovidae and are classified as tundra antelopes.

Because its body and temperament are similar to those of cattle, and its cry and appearance are similar to antelopes, it is called a takin. “

When he was about to catch up with the small takin, Liu Wei heard several deep antelope calls, and he stopped at the same place.

The call came from the four takins that were first discovered by Chubby. The takin with golden hair twitched its neck and seemed to be watching something. The cows around it continued to bark several times.

A few minutes later, other takins moved towards them one after another.

The takin, who had just played hide-and-seek with Liu Wei, also started to run. Its running posture looked a bit like a bear. It used both front and back feet and raised its high spine.

One after another, there are more and more takins coming by. This is a very large collective.

In Liu Wei’s field of vision, it is estimated that there are more than 20 heads. They ran around the takin leader to eat.

“Crooked day, so much!”

“Fucked a DJ and appeared!”

“Fortunately, Awei did not catch up, be careful to be topped!”

“Awei, are you ready?”

Liu Weike said: “Brothers, our inference is correct. This is a large herd of takins. After hearing the cows, all the takins approached.

Takins often transmit location information through low roars, so as to achieve the purpose of gathering and common feeding and migration.

The roaring of takin’s feeding movements occurred during the walk from one feeding area to another. I guess these four takins arrived at this position first, and then passed the sound to the members of other herds.

The cow that just vocalized should be a female cow, which from time to time emits a low and deep roar from the throat, which will cause other individuals in the group to move in the direction of its movement.

The roar of the female cow has played a vital role in guiding the activities of other individuals in the herd. Now the herd of takins in front of us is growing, and I have not been able to fully determine their number.

Let’s first observe that the herd of cattle will not actively attack people, but the temperament of the solitary cow is completely different. I can’t rule out that there are lone takins in the surrounding activities. You should still remember the lonely Tibetan wild yak encountered in Kekexili. Right! very dangerous. “

The atmosphere in the studio was suddenly tense again.

I have to say that Liu Wei is very good at adjusting the live broadcast atmosphere. It was originally a common knowledge science. His eyes and tone added an immersive atmosphere.

Light rain is still falling.

It is estimated that there is no intention to stop.

Rain was also on the face of Liu Wei. After the rain, the grass was a bit slippery. In addition, the area where the takins are now moving is a slope. If Liu Wei accidentally fell down or made a big movement, The entire takin herd should notice it immediately.

The most terrible thing is to be regarded as a dangerous object by “Duo Niu”.

When the herd is usually active, there is usually a strong takin standing and looking at the whistle. If the enemy is injured, the bull will lead the herd to rush forward, unstoppable, until it is out of danger.

It is conceivable that after Liu Wei was regarded as an enemy, the result of being slammed by a herd of cattle was not only as simple as heaven. It is estimated that his whole body would be crushed by strong takins.

He is still waiting for a suitable opportunity to approach the herd.

However, before he could find a chance, the golden fur takin came forward in his direction.

Liu Wei looked calm, “Brothers, I seem to have been discovered by the leader of the herd!”

“My mother saw it, you said a feather! Run quickly!”

“Fatty requests to go out and protect your master!”

“Awei, report the coordinates, and I will support you immediately!”

“Awei, hold on, I still have bandages and Coke on my hands!”

Liu Wei looked directly at the head of the cattle coming over. The only thing he could be sure of was that the takin had not regarded him as an enemy, otherwise he would not come over so easily, but rushed over without scruples.

This takin is sturdy, bulky, and has strong hair. Two horns extend from its head like two scythes, and the horns point toward its back. If it is not a antelope-like face and small Eyes, it looks quite majestic.

However, the long-term data memory in Liu Wei’s mind roughly analyzes that this takin’s shoulder height is more than 1.5 meters and its weight should exceed 350kg. It should be the largest among the takin species.

It’s no wonder that when you are old, you can stand still and continue to be its leader. It is estimated that it is difficult for other male takins to dare to challenge it.

Even with courage, the result will not be able to look directly, and will definitely be broken by the head hit.

The duel between the bulls is very cruel, especially when fighting for the right to mate, they are willing to use violence to solve the problem, through the deadly fight to compete for their ranking in the herd, the loser will take the initiative to leave the herd , Become the only bull.

Liu Wei watched the takin herd heading toward him as he approached: “Brothers, I decided to wait for it here to see how it reacted to human beings. I believe my instincts and judgments at this time. Did not treat me as an enemy.

Otherwise, its current posture should be to bend the head between the two front hooves, and then make a dull hum, rushing towards me with both horns!”

The audience looked at the takin that was gradually approaching, and their attention had been drawn away by its strange appearance. He did not pay attention to the current and unsafe situation that Liu Wei talked about.

Liu Wei is relatively calm.

But Chubby had already felt enough threats. It did not have the logic of Liu Wei to infer. It only knew that the big guy came towards his master.

Chubby jumped up to Liu Wei in a few steps and barked at the takin leader.

“Wang Wang~ Hmm~ Wang Wang~”

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