Beast Studio

Chapter 28 - Old hunter

There is no need to live stream the funny dog ​​content.

Liu Wei didn’t start the live broadcast, and passed by the door of Liu Chengcai’s house deliberately as usual.

Liu Chengcai’s daughter-in-law reminded: “Liu Wei, get around! The dog bite, I am not responsible!”

Ignoring her, she is a famous long-tongue woman in the village, and she has something to say about the whole village. It is like a national event that all villagers should pay attention to.

This character offended many people.

Liu Wei’s mother Wang Xiulian had an argument with her in the first half of the year because of the Qingshui River water diversion.

Plus the grievances left over from the ancestors.

Liu Wei’s family are all detours, do not pass by their door.

Liu Wei often dangles for no other purpose, just to shake in front of you to make you look uncomfortable.

So Liu Chengcai’s daughter-in-law brought the local dog that had been tied to the back of the house to the front door.

The dog is really a little tough.

Liu Wei was scared a few times before, so he didn’t pass by.

But today he came with a purpose. He was not targeting Liu Chengcai’s family, but the dog.

Liu Chengcai’s daughter-in-law reminded several times that Liu Wei didn’t care. She was still a little worried in her heart. In case the dog ran out to bite him, first of all, the hospital vaccinated thousands of medical expenses, and they had to take it.

Secondly, the two have to quarrel again.

Although she believes that her quarreling skills do not lose Liu Wei’s mother Wang Xiulian.

But noisy, it will inevitably attract people around to see the excitement, she is not afraid of anything, mainly because the person in the family is ashamed.

Her man is the director of Liujiawan Village, what a great person in the village.

After thinking for a while, she decided to stop Liu Wei from letting him pass the door.

She put down her work and came out aggressively and said, “Are you deaf ears? Speaking of dogs, you have to go here and bite, your mother has to come and fight with me again!”

Liu Wei smiled and bypassed her directly, looking at the earth dog lying under the pepper tree.

The earth dog moved his ears, his forelegs stood up, his eyes fierce.

“Wang Wang!”

Screamed twice.

Liu Wei shivered.

I’m a little puzzled. Is it more useless to increase intimacy?


He believed in the software bound in his body and took two further steps.


The sound of the soil dog is getting lower and lower.

“Is your fine baby sick? I repeat, bite, I am not responsible!” Liu Chengcai’s daughter-in-law kept talking.

Liu Wei felt that the dog’s eyes had a timid taste.

Its anterior body lay down slightly, eyes hanging up, “Hmm~” in his mouth, he seemed to dare to cry.

When Liu Wei walked in front of the soil dog, the soil dog was lying on the ground, and the pair of ears that had just been raised also thumped down.

Liu Wei reached out and touched his head, and turned back to Liu Chengcai’s daughter-in-law: “You still have to bring the dog to the back of the house! Otherwise, the villagers would be inconvenient to cross the road, and I know that if you bring it over, it will scare our family , It turns out that it is a dog!”

Liu Wei got up and clapped his hands away.

Liu Chengcai’s daughter-in-law has an incredible face. It shouldn’t be. His own dog can’t be more clear. The people around him are afraid, and some say that it is a crazy dog.

It is also a symbol she uses to promote herself as a representative woman in the village.

However, when the dog just faced Liu Wei, he fell down, indicating that he was afraid.

Shouldn’t it bit Liu Wei with his mouth open?

No, what medicine did Liu Wei buy to poison his dog?

Liu Chengcai’s daughter-in-law hurried up and found that the Tugou had returned to the state of bravery.

She is confused!

Can’t think of why Tudog was afraid of Liu Wei alone today?

Liu Wei returned home with a smile on his face, and he confirmed that his ideas were correct.

Increased animal intimacy can reduce the danger of beasts.

After getting the conclusion, Liu Wei did not delay the time and packed up the live broadcast equipment and prepared to enter the mountain.

Before entering the mountain, in order to ensure that he can meet the wild boar, he needs to visit an old hunter who moved out of Qijiagou.

The old hunter’s name was Qi Dekang, and Zushang was a famous hunter in the village.

According to legend, officials from D County Office came to Qijiagou in the late Qing Dynasty for Qi Dekang’s grandfather to lead the team.

Before going, Liu Wei had to do a little bit in this respect.

Ask others to do things, you can’t go empty-handed!

He started the live broadcast and rode three rounds to the street.

“Awei, where are you going?”

“Mountain off-road vehicles are all mounted, where else can I go? It must be the wild boar!”

“A little excited!”

Liu Wei: “The place we are going to is an uninhabited mountain forest. I inquired locally that there was a resident ancestor who had moved out there and was an old hunter.

I’m going to visit now, I hope to persuade him to take me into the mountain, in this way, the security is higher!”

“Yes, safety first!”

“Hunter? I haven’t heard this name in a long time. There may be only southwest minority areas in the country?”

“Meaning you will take us to hunt?”

Liu Wei nodded, “It’s true! We followed the old hunter to see the excitement!”

“Think about it all!”

“You must roast wild boar at night!”

“Damn, I really want to go to the scene, as if I have smelled the barbecue.”

The car stopped at the door of a small supermarket on the street.

Liu Wei: “Before visiting him, I have to buy some gifts!”

“Awei, pay attention!”

“Awei, there is nothing wrong with being a man!”

Liu Wei: “Buy cigarettes!”

The lens is aimed at the smoke cabinet.

“Must be Chinese!”

“1916 will do!”

“Cheap is not in line with Awei’s identity!”

“Don’t bullshit, a jade stream is almost in the rural area!”

Liu Wei said to the boss: “Boss, give me two jade streams!”

“No problem!”


“All for the sake of making programs for the brothers, please don’t **** up in the future, and give Awei gifts if possible!”

Liu Wei carried the cigarette and went to Qi De Kang’s house in the lower street. Qi Dekang, a relocated household for poverty alleviation, enjoys the national government’s preferential policies for poverty alleviation. He borrowed some more money and moved his family to the streets.

Counting it, it has been on the street for four or five years, and after the state has strict control of guns, he also slowly put down the hunting industry and went out to work. Now that his son is married to his wife and gave birth to a grandson, his task is left to take his grandson to study.

Liu Wei went to his door.

Qi Dekang was sitting at the door rolling his leaf smoke, so he took two breaths.

“Uncle Qi, are you busy?” Liu Wei said kindly.

Qi Dekang raised his head and looked at him, and for a long time did not recognize who he was from.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t know, it is more convincing for Liu Wei to take out another identity.

“Uncle Qi, I am an expert in animal research,” Liu Wei submitted his membership card, “This is my work permit!”

Qi Dekang heard, “Expert” is not a small name, quickly invited: “Leader, sit inside!”

Liu Wei followed him into the house, Qi Dekang tea served, “Leaders drink some water!”

Liu Wei took the cup and placed it on the table next to it, “That’s it, Uncle Qi, I am now doing a national animal inspection work. I came here for the five-step snake. I heard people say that the Qi family There is a lot of wild boar in the ditch. I want to take a picture. Do you think it’s convenient for you to lead the way?

Qi Dekang raised his head when he heard the wild boar, his eyes focused.

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