Beast Studio

Chapter 33 - Live room rhythm

Every outdoor anchor will face the same problem.

The ups and downs of live content.

When making a show, the audience is certainly happy to watch, but when there is no show, the live content is relatively boring, and many viewers buy it.

Rivers and lakes are called-paddling.

Liu Wei knew very well that his live broadcast room was the climax of the popular science beast. It is very plain like this now. When it is dull, it needs the anchor to do the whole job to retain the audience.

For the time being, Liu Wei has no talent to enter the room, and I hope that the game software behind can develop a few talent skills to enrich the live broadcast and spend the ordinary period.

The only thing he can do now is bragging and coquetry.

The operation of eating potatoes really cheapened the audience in the broadcast room.

Although the audience did not show mercy, they scolded Liu Wei again and again. In fact, they really liked the anchor and watched it lightly and pleasantly.

However, Liu Wei really fell asleep.

Just after Liqiu, but the sun still punches early.

The light passed through Liu Wei’s eyelids, and he felt the awakening of the earth and woke up.

Then I remembered the audience in the broadcast room.

There were more than 200 VIPs in the live broadcast room, and the water friends chatted privately.

Liu Wei asked not too embarrassedly: “Brothers, have you squatted all night in the broadcast room?”

“if not?”

“Go to sleep! Don’t wake up!”

“Don’t be a host in this live broadcast room, we can talk very much.”

Liu Wei wanted to cry without tears, “I’m sorry, I’ll draw you a breakfast. The barrage draw 20 20 yuan red envelopes, one minute, I’m sorry!”

“It’s almost the same!”

“You are a little conscience!”

During the draw, Liu Wei looked at Qi Dekang, who was washing his face in the river, “Uncle, when did you get up?”

“It’s been a while!”

Liu Wei was worried for a while. He was afraid that Qi Dekang would get up early to collect the clips. As a result, today’s live broadcast will be gone, and the friends in the live broadcast room will explode.

“Did you go to see the clip?” Liu Wei asked.

“No, isn’t it waiting for you!”

Liu Wei was relieved.

After awarding, simply cleaned up, patted the dust on the body, and wiped his face with the river water.

When the number of people in the broadcast room gradually increased, go to collect the clips.

“Awei, early!”

“Brothers, early!”

“Come here, dreaming last night, I was thinking about you taking wild boar!”

Liu Wei: “Let’s go, let’s make a quiz for everyone. Is there a wild boar hook?”

“Never press the Air Force!”

“air force!”

“air force!”

Liu Wei laughed: “The air force should be impossible. Uncle Qi is an old hunter and has rich experience.

Now I don’t have 320,000 fish balls, some only 150,000. The one on the left, brothers!

Two minutes of automatic closure, we set off! “

Liu Wei followed Uncle Liu to get the clip.

The place where Uncle Liu got out of the grip is really hard to walk, and the branches and grass blades hurt him.

“We are now at the first place to get a grip. Are there any goods?” Liu Wei said in a more mysterious tone.

The camera follows Uncle Qi.

Uncle Qi took the clamp decisively and shook his head.

“Hahahaha, Air Force!”

Liu Wei: “There are five clips in total, and there is hope. Don’t be discouraged!”

“Awei’s mouth, deceitful ghost!”

“It’s estimated that it’s gone. I’m already on the rooftop. Would you like to jump in and help?”

“The rooftop brothers wait for a while and jump together!”

Continue to receive the second clip, still not.

Coming to the thorn bush passing by yesterday, Liu Wei said: “Brothers, here is the most likely place to ship!”

Uncle Qi touched it, turned and shook his head at Liu Wei.

“This is the Air Force!”

“It’s over, it’s absolutely forcing the Air Force!”

“I pressed 50,000 fish balls!”

“Anchor retreat fish ball!”

Liu Wei’s mentality is stable, “There are still two clips!”

Sure enough, in the fourth clip, a gasp was heard behind a felled green bar tree.

“Wait, brothers, it’s in stock, it’s on sale!” Liu Wei said excitedly, and the camera followed.

Lying there was a wild boar who was panting, and his left hind leg was bloody. It should have been struggling violently, and now it seems to have no strength.

Qi Dekang smiled all over his face, “Although it is not a big product, it also costs a hundred pounds, which is better than going empty-handed!”

Liu Wei nodded in response to his thoughts.

“Checkout, brothers, the final result is in hand, and the brothers who are not there will see you on the rooftop!”

“Nima, there are too many people on the rooftop!”

“What are you doing? Can you let me feel the cool breeze of the rooftop alone?”

“Brother, stop bb, just jump!”

At this time, Qi Dekang took out his saber and prepared to solve it with a knife towards the belly of the wild boar, which is the weakest part of the body. Qi Dekang prepared to go back to his death.

It was his action to strike the knife that caused a lot of rhythm in the live broadcast room.

Someone stood up and said: “Aren’t you promoting the protection of wild animals? Why kill it!”

Then many people copied the barrage.

Then the live fans and Liu Wei’s true fans stood up.

“Regarding your fart, Awei is an animal expert, and Uncle Qi is a hunter. Why can’t people bring them back by hunting?”

“Tumbling, a set on the mouth, a set on the back, something in the table!”

“Shut up your stinky mouth, don’t scold people!”

“Spout feces!”

There are still people who make trumpets: “Animal experts kill animals and laugh at me!”

The barrage in the live broadcast room really exploded.

Before Liu Wei didn’t live broadcast, he watched the live broadcast of Betta and knew that Betta’s rhythm was very high, especially outdoors.

Today it is really felt.

Now the barrage in the live broadcast room was scolded wildly on both sides.

Not only that, but the fish bar has also become a battlefield. Someone posted a message about him, and the true love powder was brainless to maintain and went back.

Liu Wei did not expect such a thing to happen, because before entering the mountain, the audience knew the identity of Qi Dekang, the previous generations of his family were hunting, and the hunting certificate issued by the relevant unit, how did Qi Dekang deal with him The prey is his business and has nothing to do with the live broadcast room.

It was someone who took advantage of the rhythm.

A little trouble.

Liu Wei took Qi Dekang’s hand and told him not to cut the knife first, and then explained to the audience in the live broadcast room: “I will explain to the new audience. The old hunter with a hunting license next to me is right. The power you have obtained for the disposal of prey is not in conflict with my work, I hope you can understand it!”

“Awei, explaining a fart is all mentally retarded, come here to find a sense of presence!”

“You have no obligation to persuade? Isn’t wild boar a wild animal?”

“A group of virgin bitches, the fish in the Nima River are still wild, you have the ability to not eat!”

Obviously, Liu Wei’s explanation is useless.

Now the remedy may only be the wild boar.

Liu Wei asked Qi Dekang, “Uncle, can you still live if you release it now?”

“Can live, the wild boar’s life is very hard,” he felt wrong, “Why should I let it go? I’m working hard to accompany you and go back empty-handed? I’m also pointing at it to sell some living expenses!”

When the barrage exploded in the live broadcast room, Qi Dekang did not want to be a good person, Liu Wei had a headache!

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