Beast Studio

Chapter 41 - PK big anchor

On the way down the mountain, Director Zhang and Liu Wei had a lot of exchanges. He began to admire this young man. Both the nature of his work and his ideological awareness far exceeded those of his peers.

Director Zhang warmly invited Liu Wei to be a guest at home, but Liu Wei did not refuse.

Have dinner.

Betta official arranged a PK.

No way, in order to cut the leek, the official can say to rack up his brain.

Liu Wei received the news from the super tube, and his PK anchor was Honghu Xiaoxiao.

I was a little bit impressed. The super S-level anchor of the panda outdoor used to come to fight fish for a few months after the panda went bankrupt. Now it is also a big anchor of level 90 or above.

And Liu Wei is only 46 now.

The official is a bit skinny. Isn’t this to rub myself against the ground?

Taking into account the official PK, Liu Wei’s attitude should be made official.

If President Niu is in the live broadcast room, they should be able to win, but Liu Wei is not the one to take the initiative to find the big brother to help.

He said to the brothers in the live broadcast room: “Brothers, at ten o’clock, there is an official P, everyone support it, ideal consumption according to their own situation!”

“It must be won!”

“For the first time PK with other anchors of the platform, we must make a name for it!”

“Awei, we’ll get on first, you guard the tower!”

Liu Wei smiled: “Brothers, I know my size, mainly to cooperate with official arrangements, the result is not important!”

Water friends seem to think this is the same reason.

Don’t be too aggressive when you’re so frivolous.

The thing of the card face, when you have done the live broadcast, it will naturally be there.

ten o’clock.

PK connects Honghu Xiaoxiao.

Liu Wei: “Hello, Xiao Xiao!”

Xiao Xiao: “Hey, are you the one who caught the snake? I’ve watched your live broadcast, it’s amazing!”

Liu Wei: “Popular science is not catching, catching is illegal!”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I haven’t read many books and I speak directly.

We are almost the same, I caught fish and shrimp. “

Liu Wei: “You are humble, you are a big anchor!”

“What do you say about it, the brothers in the live broadcast hold it! I have a few pounds and a few pounds, and I have a number in my heart!”

A water friend from the Hongxiao Xiaoxiao Live Room reminded: “Brother Xiao, there are a lot of big brothers opposite, there is a local tyrant group!”

Xiao Xiao: “Awei, right? The brothers in the broadcast room said you have a local tyrant group, just rub it!”

Liu Wei: “Big brothers are not here. The official PK has to cooperate. It doesn’t matter if you win or lose, just be a friend!”

“I tell you, Awei, I don’t have any hobbies, I like to make friends.

Don’t you catch snakes…Science viper? Come to us, a group of Turkish deaf people. “

Tu deaf is a common name, and the scientific name is the short-tailed viper, Liu Wei’s next target for popular science.

Liu Wei: “Yes, Brother Xiao, I just want to take my brothers to meet the short-tailed viper!”

“Okay, you come to me here, absolutely good wine and good food hospitality, by the way, we are also very interesting to catch fish!”

Xiao Xiao is very enthusiastic, simple and simple.

Liu Wei asked the friends in the broadcast room, “Brothers, do you want to play?”


“Awei, let me tell you, there are many turtles in Brother Xiao, go to fight wild!”

“Go! People are so enthusiastic to invite you, and you don’t even think you are cold!”

“Yes, Awei goes to do the show with the anchor, let’s be diplomacy!”

Liu Wei compared to an oK gesture.

At that end, Xiao Xiao looked at the PK time to have two minutes, “Awei, although the second friendship in the game is the first, but the official PK, we have to take it seriously, brothers, there are two minutes, last one. .

Thank you Brother Yu for two super rockets.

Thank you Brother Wuhan for the 66 cards.

Thanks to the head of the 366 office card


Already reveled in the emotion of thanking the gift, forget it.

Liu Wei said: “Brothers, rational consumption, the days are long, we live slowly!”

“Call Brother Niu!”

“Call Director Zhang!”

“Call Brother Forest!”


Obviously, the water friends in the broadcast room are still very eager to win.

The noble enters the special effect display: Welcome the super emperor “the only three seconds old cow” to the live broadcast room.

“I’m coming!”

“He’s here, he’s here!”

“He came back with a fishbone!”

Seeing the big brother coming, the water friends climaxed.

Only three seconds old cow: “Brother, what happened?”

Liu Wei: “The official arranged a PK!”

Only three seconds old cow: “Oh!”

Only three seconds old cow sent out super rocket ×1, ×2, … ×5.

The name change meeting wins a super rocket × 2

Sunny day sends out super rocket × 1

Friends in the broadcast room: “Big brothers guard the tower, the last ten seconds!”

Xiao Xiao smiled: “Hey, hey, he died in a second, Awei, your family is too fierce!”

Liu Wei: “Brother just happened to pass by! Sorry, Brother Xiao!”

The outcome is fixed.

Liu Wei won.

Xiao Xiao: “It’s okay, let’s have fun with PK. Let’s get to know you! I will personally trust you later, you add me WeChat, tell me in advance when you come, I will send a car to pick you up in Jiangcheng!”

“Thank you!” Liu Wei said politely.

“Okay, slip away first, we are going to close the net!”

Turn off PK.

Liu Wei ran to the Honghu Xiaoxiao live room and sent two super rockets.

Going to others to trouble others, the number of courtesies is necessary, not to mention the opposite of the big anchor, it is still necessary to send some gifts for diplomacy.



Xiao Xiao smiled and said, “What are you doing? What are you doing? Too polite, Awei.

Thank you Awei for the two super rockets, and I won’t say anything else. You come to me and I will definitely arrange it for you!”

Liu Wei smiled and quit the Honghu Xiaoxiao Live Room, and said to his brothers in the live room: “Brothers, come here first today! Director Zhang, they are about to take a rest too. I’m afraid to disturb them. Go tomorrow. There, Xiao will start broadcasting when you get there. Everyone pays attention to the live broadcast!”


“Bye, brothers!” Liu Wei closed the live broadcast.

Leng Shui took a cold shower, lay in bed and booked a ticket to Jiangcheng tomorrow, then added Xiao Xiao’s WeChat, and sent him the train time.

Xiao Xiao replied an oK.

Waking up the next day, Director Zhang rode a battery car to send Liu Wei to the town. He happened to go to the government to hand over the information.

“Leave, Director Zhang!” Liu Wei greeted.

“come back next time!”

Liu Wei waved his hand and got into the car.

The car arrives in the HS city at 9:30 and transfers to the high-speed rail at 13:00 and to Jiangcheng at 16:00.

Liu Wei contacted the driver who sent Xiao Xiao’s car, and it was another one and a half hour trip, and finally arrived at his home-Yanwo Town.

“Welcome welcome!” Xiao Xiao and his team greeted at the door.

Liu Wei humbly said: “Excuse me!”

“If it doesn’t exist, it’s a guest, feel free,” Xiao Xiao said enthusiastically: “Brothers, welcome to take a wave!”

Liu Wei looked at it, the big anchor was different, the barrage was brushed too fast, and you were dizzy.

Liu Wei sent another super fire.


“This anchor will come!”

“I also watch his live broadcast, people are cultural people, so they can understand it naturally!”

“Brother, you are too polite, don’t really send it anymore, you have to send it again, I have to return to you,” Xiao Xiao said, holding Liu Wei’s shoulder with a smile, “Go, go over there for dinner!”

Liu Wei followed Xiao Xiao to a bamboo house at their base. When he saw the dishes on the table, he was a little shocked.

PS: Thank you for the three big brothers “Tianya Yiqing”, “Legend of Reliance”, “One Page of A Boat and the Wind”, thank you.

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