Beast Studio

Chapter 6 - Teacher Liu

Douyu is headquartered in Optics Valley, Jiangcheng.

There is a direct high-speed train from county to Jiangcheng, which only takes two and a half hours.

Liu Wei brought the prepared documents to Jiangcheng.

The first time he came to a big city, his first feeling was lively and bustling.

He didn’t feel that the shame he wore was not in this city.

On the contrary, he appears very unique among the rushing crowd, like the most special ants in the thousands of ant colonies.

The door of wealth and fame has been opened to him, he just has to walk firmly.

Perhaps someone who passed him by accident and looked back inadvertently today will see him later in the live broadcast industry or on major video playback sites. At that time, he will recall that the celebrities are by their side, just **** It’s over.

Yes, Liu Wei has regarded himself as a tomorrow’s star, he walked confidently on the streets of Seoul in sandals.

Betta Headquarters.

Liu Wei got in touch with the super tube shark Ao Ao in advance, Liu Wei just started to think that the shark Ao Ao is a more man-like man. “Aoao~” This sound is like a howling wolf, and a person with a strong personality will like to take such a name.

When he saw a slender woman wearing a red skirt, he remembered “Aoao~” There is another explanation-the roar of the dragon.

“Are you Liu Wei?” the woman asked in front of Liu Wei.

Liu Wei nodded.

“I am your super shark wailing!”

“Hello, leadership!” Liu Wei called.

“Follow me upstairs first! Today two outdoor anchors are talking about a new contract. The district leaders are a bit busy and may require you to wait a moment!”

“It’s okay!” Liu Wei behaved very humbly. After all, it was the first time to come and converge a little, and it would never be wrong to give the leader a good impression.

In the pantry, Shao Ao made a cup of coffee for Liu Wei, “I watched your premiere. Your live broadcast format is unique. There is no precedent in the whole network. At that time, we also received reports, so we temporarily closed your live broadcast room. , I hope you can understand!” Ao Shao explained.

Liu Wei nodded, indicating that he had experienced the good intentions of the leaders.

“Did the information bring?”

“Bring it!” Liu Wei put the prepared materials on the table.

Shark’s work attitude is very serious. After reading the information carefully, she looked up again and her eyes changed.

There was deep suspicion in the surprise.

“How old are you this year?” she asked Liu Wei.

“twenty three!”

It is completely consistent with the data.

It is unbelievable that the shark wailing knowledge reserve does not believe that there is a 23-year-old animal research expert, and the information also contains the membership certificate of the Animal Research Society, and the most famous animal research magazine “zoological research newspaper” in China. Of two paper academic papers.

The 23-year-old already has the identity of the most authoritative organization, which is a bit incredible.

No matter how shark Ao Ao convinces herself, she still feels incredible.

“Wait a moment, I will hand in the information first!”

“Thank you!”

Shao Ao knocked on the door and entered the office led by the outdoor division. Two outdoor anchors were still negotiating contracts in the office.

“Leader, this is Liu Wei’s information, you need to review it!”

“Who is Liu Wei?” the leader asked in doubt. “Let’s put it on the table first! There is no time in these two days. The contract between 339 and 9438 is a big deal. You can let that Liu Wei go back and wait for the notification! When the time comes, notify him in the background! “

Shaoaoao wanted to say a few words for Liu Wei, because Liu Wei was the most professional person she had ever seen. If he did not choose to do live broadcasts, maybe the staff at the top and bottom of the fighting fish would not be qualified to point him at him.

They are veritable and well-documented animal research experts.

But the leaders are dealing with the contract issues of the two leaders in the outdoor division.

The shark wailed and thought about it, but he left the office first.

Returning to the pantry, I said to Liu Wei: “I’m really sorry, Teacher Liu, the things in the hands of the leader haven’t been dealt with yet. I’ll remind the leader later, if not, I can only wait a few days!”

Liu Wei barely squeezed out a smile. He must be uncomfortable in his heart. The district leader obviously did not pay attention to him, but the shark wailed attitude was very good, and changed to call him “teacher Liu”, Liu Wei decided to wait for a while .

It may be that the leader of the division has not seen his information.

The district leaders opened Liu Wei’s materials with curiosity while discussing matters.

“Member of the Animal Research Society”

Seeing this name, he frowned, and then the certification of the authoritative organization and the paper made him look very shocked.

He had to pay attention to Liu Wei.

Here comes a high-end talent.

After reading the information, he remembered professional explorers like Beyer and others. If the outdoor division of the fighting fish could be broadcasted by the most professional people, he would force him to go up immediately.

He is a person who is very sensitive to the market, and now he is talking about the outdoor 3.0 era, which is partial to the development of variety.

He saw another form in Liu Wei, similar to a documentary.

His thinking has been divorced from the contract issue he is talking about.

“I think the running water of 50 million yuan is still too high. Now the lucky gifts are not counted in the running water contract. We have a hard time completing it. If you go to the running water, there will be no time for the live broadcast to do the show, and the fans will be lost!” 339 Said the anchor flustered.

“Oh!” The district leader recovered. “Panic, wealthy. Let’s talk about it first today. The contract matters. The boss came back from a business trip. Let’s talk about it and perform it according to the original contract temporarily!”


Panic and Ma Fugui nodded out of the office.

Liu Wei often watched them live broadcast, two banners of Douyu outdoor, one with the strongest local tyrant group, and one with the largest outdoor mass.

Liu Wei stepped forward and greeted the two of them with a smile, “Panic, Ma Fugui, hello, I often watch your live broadcast!”

“Thank you for your support!” The two returned to him and left.

Liu Wei’s enthusiasm was neglected. If they had something to do, Liu Wei could understand.

But they will meet again soon, Liu Wei also wants to carry the banner of the outdoors.

The district leader came out to ask Liu Shao and Liu Wei in person, walked to the pantry, smiled and faced Liu Wei, “Hello, Teacher Liu, I’m really sorry, let you wait a long time, let’s talk in our office!”

Shaoaoao was the first time he saw the leader to deliberately please others. This was not the case in the office just now. Shaoaoao remembered that he also asked himself, who is Liu Wei?

It changed in a flash.

Don’t think about it, you must have read Liu Wei’s information.

The leader didn’t surprise Liu Wei’s age, but he didn’t need to care about these things. What he cared about was the outdoor development direction of Betta and the running water outdoors.

“Okay!” Liu Wei followed the district leader to the office.

“Teacher Liu, please sit down!” the leader said politely.

After Liu Wei sat down, the district leader smiled and asked: “Mr. Liu, I read your information. I want to ask if I can find relevant information on the official website?

Teacher Liu, I don’t doubt your information, but you know that our audit will be more strict. Douyu is now a listed company, and all aspects of its work…

and so……”

He smiled.

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