Beast Studio

Chapter 794 - Supplement knowledge

The prairie elephant has the heart to step on the dead brother.

Tanima was bothered.

I have been swaying in front of my eyes for a while.

It took a step forward, and the flat-headed brother retreated immediately, circling around its body. The grassland elephant couldn’t go out with a fire. There was no way to get the flat-headed brother.

The little things are too flexible.

Being thirsty by himself, large-scale activities will continue to consume the water in the body, and after a tangle of entanglement, it stops directly.

Liu Wei looked at the prairie elephant and said to Fatty: “Sometimes when you are facing an opponent with great power, you don’t necessarily need to defeat it to achieve the desired effect. Fatty, you have to learn more about the flat-headed brother. What a provocative kung fu!”


Chubby snorted and couldn’t look at this tactic in his heart.

But in fact it has the effect that the owner wants to see.

The grassland elephant bowed its head and used long tusks to pry the soil to absorb the water in the soil.

More than an hour passed.

The expert team contacted by Yoda arrived in a hurry.

After they learned that the water source was contaminated, they specially transferred three waterwheels and a forklift.

These large equipment are provided by IFAW (International Animal Care Foundation).

A middle-aged research expert named De Peng hurried to Liu Wei and shook hands with him. After introducing himself, he directly asked, “Liu, what is the situation now? Where is the water source?”

Three hundred meters ahead.

Because of the dry climate and too much water evaporation, the water level of the pond has dropped a lot, and you can’t see it in the past.

“OK! Liu, please take me over!” De Peng said.

Liu Wei took De Peng and the expert group to go. The researchers extracted water, tested the water quality, and calculated the hydrogen compounds and heavy metal components in the water using instruments, far exceeding the normal drinking water standards of wild animals.

“It’s terrible!” De Peng said angrily.

“What should I do now?” Liu Wei asked.

“This pond can only be filled!” De Peng said.

This is the most direct method.

However, heavy metal components and chemicals in the water can also contaminate the land and affect the growth of herbaceous plants. It is still possible to cause animal poisoning.

Liu Wei believes that the expert group will work out a detailed treatment plan. What he is most worried about now is that after this water source is filled, before the rainy season comes, where should the surrounding animals go to find the water source?

De Peng proposed his idea to Liu Wei: “We will contact the local government department as soon as possible to build an artificial reservoir in the shortest time and use the pipeline to lead the water in the Nile River basin!”

Liu Wei shook his head slightly, “De Peng, this is not a simple drinking water project!”

De Peng said: “Actually, we started planning two years ago, and the funds were provided by the foundation. Now we need the cooperation of local government departments!”

“I hope you can successfully complete this project!” Liu Wei said.

Depeng arranged the forklift to fill the water source.

The grassland elephant is enjoying the nourishment brought by the waterwheel. After taking a sip, spray water on the body to dissipate heat.

It found that the water source was being damaged and ran over immediately.

Several experts couldn’t stop it.

De Peng looked at the prairie elephant that was coming, and said to Liu Wei, “Liu! You need to continue to do its work!”

Hand points to grassland icon.

“give it to me!”

Liu Wei didn’t let Pingtou and Chubby go this time, and walked toward the prairie elephant himself.

Satisfied with the water needed by the body, its emotions have calmed down a lot.

Liu Wei reached out and stroked his ear, “The water there can’t be drunk! We are working together to solve the drinking problem!”

The prairie elephant did not show anger, but walked towards the right.

Liu Wei followed him.

It stopped suddenly and stretched its nose to sniff the dead impala body.

Immediately he looked up, his curly nose snarled.

It seems to be venting his emotions.

It seemed to know the cause of the death of this impala.

Can live till now, this grassland elephant must have escaped from the hands of poachers many times.

After venting.

The prairie elephant looked back at Liu Wei, blinked, and put a long trunk on Liu Wei’s shoulder.

Liu Wei stared at it.

It seems as if I have seen grievances on the face of this “old man”.

“It’s okay! With us here, you won’t be hurt!” Liu Wei gently stroked the elephant trunk with both hands and comforted.

The grassland elephant did not continue to prevent the expert group from filling the water source, and the huge body snuggled on Liu Wei’s shoulder.

It felt the most sincere goodwill of mankind.

Busy all night.

Liu Wei didn’t sleep all night.

De Peng and several experts set up a temporary camp here and continue to work.

Liu Wei took the prairie elephant back to the place where he camped last night.

Pick up the tent and turn on the live phone.

The prairie elephant started its daily life of “eating and eating”.

Facing the camera calmly, Liu Wei said nothing happened last night, “Brothers, I’m sorry, I’ve waited a long time.

After a night of hard work, I have developed a strong relationship with the grassland elephant.

Look! “

Walk to the grassland elephant and caress its body without any worries.

“Fuck~, what have we missed again?”

“Awei, how did you do it?”

“Your uncle, it will be broadcast every time it is wonderful, and I will do it again next time!”

“Hahaha, weren’t the previous programs frequent?” Liu Wei smiled. “Now the weather is relatively cool. While I’m eating grassland elephants, I’ll give you a simple science popularization.

In fact, the whole elephant family is the same in many habits.

We have seen Asian elephants and Borneo elephants before, and have also given you a lot of knowledge about elephants.

I will now add some knowledge about African grassland elephants.

The first is its nose. Elephants’ noses are very flexible, and they are inseparable from eating and drinking.

The tip of the nose of the grassland elephant is finger-shaped convex. Unlike the Asian elephant, the Asian elephant has only one protrusion, while the African grassland elephant has two! “

Liu Wei crouched down to shoot the long nose that was rolling grass. “Its nose is more powerful than other elephants and can pick up more than one ton of objects.”

“One ton! Lying trough, the weight of a van!”

“When the proboscis comes out, it sweeps!”

“Can’t help but squeeze his nose!”

“The strength of the elephant’s nose is really strong, and the thief is flexible. You just put a small peanut and it can be picked up!”

“It’s called stretching freely!”

“I suspect you are driving again!”

Liu Wei got up and said: “When I introduced Asian elephants last time, I only mentioned to them that they use infrasound to communicate.

The propagation distance of infrasound waves is affected by the airflow. Under normal circumstances, the propagation distance is about 11km. If the medium caused by the airflow is uneven, the propagation distance may be reduced by more than half. Communication, like the group will stomping together and produce a powerful blast, this method can spread the sound up to 30 kilometers away.

So although there are thick pads on the soles of elephants, they can still make a deafening sound.

The most amazing thing is that elephants can use bones to conduct sound waves, and the sound waves travel through the bones to the inner ear along the soles of the feet.

In addition, the fat on the face of the elephant can be used to amplify the sound to better accept the sound. This is like many seabed creatures. This fat is called the amplifying fat in the industry. “

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