Beast Studio

Chapter 8 - Wang Jinshe

“I’m coming!”

Liu Wei just opened the live broadcast room, and the iron fans began to pull the barrage.

Yesterday he said that the broadcast started at 10 o’clock every morning, and the water friends were standing in advance and waiting in the broadcast room.

Liu Wei: “Good morning, brothers, thank you for your black screen guard last night!”

Water friends are happy and like to be on a streamer. It’s easy to be stunned, just like their loved ones. You want to know what he is doing every time.

To be affirmed by the anchor is also a compliment for the water friends, proving that they are iron fans.

The camera faces Guanmen Village, surrounded by desolation.

Liu Wei: “In the past, this piece of land was all fields, but now it is deserted. The villagers have to go out to work or move to the streets. So what we see now is a piece of red land overgrown with weeds. Today we want to be the object of popular science. Activities in this area.

According to my years of research on soil quality, water quality, temperature, and living habits of Wang Jinshe, here, we have a 98.135% chance of encountering Wang Jinshe!”



“Awei, how much did you just say?”

“Awei, you are amused!”

Liu Wei made a joke, and the atmosphere in the live broadcast room became active.

He took the live phone and walked up the weedy path.

Because the temperature is too high, the grass on this red land has been sunburned, and when it is stepped on, it makes a croaking noise.

“Awei, are you afraid of snakes in shorts?”

Liu Wei: “The viper has to make a detour when I see it. Only I go to find the part of the snake actively. No snake comes to find me!”



Follow the route provided by snake perception while chatting.

There was a wide paddy field in front of me. Obviously, there was no water anymore. The small ditch next to the river went straight down. No one came to divert and manage it. In addition to the frame of the paddy field on the outside of the paddy field, there was only one sunbed The weeds fell to the ground.

The location provided by Snake Awareness is here, the huge Wang Jin snake is less than 20 meters in front of Liu Wei.

Liu Wei’s vision locked in his target. He didn’t speak. He slowly moved closer to the lens and focused on Wang Jinshe, who was lying lazily crawling in the ground.

“Lying trough, Shrimp Laozi jumped and his phone fell off!”

“Large, good Jill!”

“Awei, hurry up, grab it!”

Liu Wei said: “The snake at noon at this time is very lazy. Like people, it has a poor mental state, but once someone threatens it, it will immediately raise its spirit to attack you.

Wang Jin snake is a giant non-venomous snake. It has a strong attacking ability and can devour highly virulent snakes such as cobras that are smaller than its size. Therefore, we should lean on it gently. It is best to take it when it has not yet produced a sense of protection. Download it!”

“Awei, don’t go!”

“I know that Wang Jinshe is the Great King Snake, a fierce horse!”

Liu Wei temporarily ignored the barrage in the live broadcast room, lowering his footsteps and leaning forward.

Snakes have a strong sense of perception. Wang Jinshe feels that someone is approaching it. The first reaction is to quickly twist his body and prepare to escape.

Liu Wei grabbed its tail and dragged it back. Wang Jinshe curled his body, raised his head, and the body under the third of his neck shrunk together to maintain his attack.

“Brothers, unfortunately, it was discovered by it, I can only play with it first!”

Liu Wei moved his body from side to side, Wang Jinshe opened his mouth, his upper lip slightly tilted upward, exposing his fangs, expressing his anger at this time.

“Brothers, let me put you down first, this snake is very irritated!” Liu Wei adjusted the angle of view and fixed the phone holder.

“It’s started, it’s started, Awei is going to attack the snake again!”

“MMP, I’m so scared!”

Liu Wei opened his hand, “Baby, take it easy, I won’t hurt you!”, and said to Wang Jinshe.

Although Wang Jinshe is a non-venomous snake, he was bitten by it, and it was equally uncomfortable and extremely painful. Its bite force was the strongest in the snake.


When Liu Wei crouched down to appease it, his curled upper body was ejected instantaneously, attacking Liu Wei.

Liu Wei reacted extremely fast, avoiding its attack, and it shrank again to maintain its attack.

“Brothers, seeing it, Wang Jinshe’s attack speed is very fast. It is difficult for ordinary people to avoid its attack if they are not highly concentrated.

But I’m okay. I can predict the direction of his attack in advance according to his body twisting direction. I can’t say it’s 100% accurate, but so far, no accidents have occurred.

Therefore, non-professionals should not take the initiative to seduce fierce snakes. My current movements, and brothers, don’t imitate them. It’s dangerous!”

“I can’t mimic it!”

“I don’t want to die!”

“Let’s take a serious look at your snake! Professional is not professional, and I don’t want to see that stuff!”

Liu Wei squatted down sideways, making it easy for him to evade the attack of Wang Jinshe in time.

He still uses the method of attracting attention. His left hand is constantly shaking in front of the snake’s head. The snake’s head and eyes will also shake, and then his right hand goes around and gently grabs Wang Jinshe’s tail.

Wang Jinshe didn’t turn around quickly to attack, but kept staring at Liu Wei’s shaking left hand in his original posture.

“Brothers, under normal circumstances, a snake that keeps attacking, if you touch any part of its body, it will attack you at the fastest speed. The snake’s body is very sensitive.

I can now grasp its tail, mainly because I have attracted its attention with my left hand, and the technique of snake control.

Many brothers may see the video of catching a snake on TV or online, and even hang the snake around their neck, it will not attack.

The reason is that it does not feel threatened and hostile. The snake control is like holding a baby. If you hold it gently in your hand, it will crawl along your hand and hang on your body very comfortably. !”

While explaining the basic method of controlling the snake, Liu Wei withdrew his left hand and slowly lifted it up along the abdomen of the snake. The just fierce Wang Jinshe closed his mouth and spit the snake letter. Look around.



“Awesome, Awei!”

The Rockets will be presented at the name change meeting

Liu Wei: “Thank you for your free barrage, and thank you for the big brother’s rocket.

I have controlled this King Jin snake now. The weight of this snake may be around 4 pounds. It is an adult King Jin snake. If the ordinary person drags it in this position, he will definitely feel sore arms. Next, if your movement is slightly changed, it will be cautious, and it is very likely to launch an attack, which is very dangerous.

I am very confident in my strength, so I can keep him suspended in mid-air.

It’s time to start the class again. To avoid foolproof, I need to put it down, grab its head, and make it completely incapable of attacking!”

Liu Wei put down Wang Jinshe and used the same method of shifting his attention to grab Wang Jinshe’s head. During this period, Wang Jinshe launched two attacks, both of which were easily avoided by Liu Wei.

“Brothers, I gave you a wrong demonstration just now. When you divert its attention and try to grab its head, you must be decisive and don’t hesitate, otherwise you may be attacked. The probability of being attacked at such close range is as high as 96%!”

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