Beast Studio

Chapter 812 - Zebra

The third “African Rangers Award Ceremony” was held as scheduled in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan.

Moderator: “Mr. Jack Ma, a well-known entrepreneur, philanthropist, and initiator of the African Ranger Award, is invited to give a speech!”

Jack Ma walked onto the stage with ease, took the microphone from the host, walked to the center of the stage, and a series of photos of rangers’ work was shown on the big screen behind him.

“This is the third African Rangers Award Ceremony I participated in, and I will participate in every subsequent session.

This time was different from last time. I came to Sudan ahead of schedule. Just yesterday, I went to a checkpoint in the East Sudan prairie under official arrangements to visit our ranger friend.

I witnessed a battle between rangers and poachers. Gunshots seemed to roar past my ears. At that moment, I was nervous.

I don’t think any living person is not nervous, because we are facing death.

I was deeply touched by the personal experience yesterday. Thank you for coming to the scene today and for every ranger friend who is still patrolling the grassland at this moment. You are the great men of this era.

I think protecting the earth should not only be the job of rangers, but the responsibility of everyone. If we don’t protect these wild animals, we can only see rhinos, lions, and elephants in books. Luckily, I saw yesterday. When I arrived at the grassland elephant, I also had the opportunity to touch it. At the moment when I touched its body, I could feel the special feelings and the inseparable bond between us.

If we persist in doing this, the earth will be endless.

In my opinion, no other planet is more comfortable than the earth. I like to live on the earth!

Thank you! “

After speaking, with a slight smile, the microphone was handed over to the staff.

There was thunderous applause from the venue.

The rangers who were shortlisted for this year’s awards saw their own photos on the big screen of the stage, and their hearts were tense.

Moderator: “OK! Thank you Mr. Ma Yun for his speech. Mr. Ma Yun is invited to take a seat first and then proceed to our award ceremony!”

The award ceremony for the African Rangers is being held lively. Liu Wei has left Hunter’s base and continued on his way with the fat and peaceful head brother.

Over a small hill.

The vegetation on the grassland has undergone significant changes.

Transition from grass to jungle.

This means that the water resources in this area are relatively abundant.

Looking at the satellite map again, the main stream of the Nile River Basin is less than 20 kilometers ahead.

Liu Wei stopped to rest and took a drink.

The flathead brother started his daily activities, shaking his body and ran out.

Fatty squatted beside Liu Wei with Liu Wei.

After a while, several zebras appeared in the distance of the jungle.

As soon as the kettle was twisted, he turned over and stood up, Liu Wei was very excited, “Here, it’s finally here!”

If he arrives in the Nile River Basin and has not seen the zebra, Liu Wei will go directly to find Gustav.

Zebras are still relatively common in the African savanna. If you don’t run into them this time, you can go to other countries to touch them.

Flip the lens to focus the zebra.

The mood of the audience was as excited as Liu Wei.

“I finally saw a live zebra!”

“What a beautiful pattern!”

“I saw it once at the zoo, and the zebras there are not spirited!”

“Nonsense, living with food and housing!”

“Awei! Come on!”

Liu Wei smiled and said: “Wait a minute, zebra’s sense of hearing and smell are very keen, and they will find it if they run up, and I need to find a chance to touch it quietly.

Brothers, look, they are eating now. I can be sure that this is a small family. Only seven of them appeared in the field of vision, led by an adult male zebra, and the other female zebras are its harem beauties!

Zebras are very vigilant. During group activities and eating, zebras will watch out. Once they find danger, they will roar to remind group members. All members will run away immediately after receiving the information.

The speed of zebras can reach 70 or 80 kilometers per hour, and the endurance is very strong, I am not sure to catch them! “

Liu Wei observed patiently.

When the zebras finished their food and combed their hairs, Liu Wei saw an opportunity: “Usually the zebras we mentioned are the general term for three zebras. They are Grevy zebra, mountain zebra, and plain zebra. Among the three zebras, The adult male of Grevy’s zebra likes to live alone, and it is also the most endangered species, which is hard to see on the grassland.

The other two zebra subspecies are very social and belong to social animals. Except for the fierce struggle between males for mating rights, the relationship between other members is very harmonious. They are consolidated by combing their hairs. feeling.

The zebra we see now is the plain zebra. The most notable feature of the plain zebra is that the pattern on the body stretches to the belly. The belly of the Grevy zebra and the mountain zebra are both white and easy to distinguish.

The plains zebras are the most numerous and widely distributed in the African savanna. The zebras you see in documentaries are the plains zebras, which are the protagonist of the annual migration.

Among the plain zebras, the subspecies Grant occupies 70% of the population, and what we are looking at is the subspecies Grant of the plain zebras.

If I’m not mistaken, large groups are also moving in this direction. It won’t be long before these small groups of families gather into a large group, and thousands of plains zebras will complete their migration before the rainy season. ! “

“so excited!”

“The last animal migration I saw was the great migration of Tibetan antelopes when Ah Wei was broadcasting live in Hoh Xil. That scene was so spectacular!”

“Compared to the great migration of African animals, that scene is too weak!”

“Just watching the documentary is very shocking!”

“Awei is the first person to broadcast the Great African Animal Migration!”

“The premise is that I have to successfully get in and let them accept me!” Liu Wei thought for a while, “brothers, I am going to try it now. Combing the zebras’ hair can increase feelings, and it is also practical for humans. , I can help them comb their hair, and then let them have a good impression on me and establish a relationship of trust!”

“Isn’t it hard to come this time?”

“I still like Ah Wei to be hard! Hahaha!”

“Remember the Przewalski’s wild horse on the Mongolian grassland? Ah Wei was almost thrown away!”

“I’ve watched that episode, the man with horses! Hahaha!”

Liu Wei quietly touched it with his live phone.

Zebras habitually raise their ears to stay alert when eating and communicating.

Liu Wei avoids the dense grass as much as possible to avoid loud noises, and at the same time closely observes the movements of the zebras to decide his plan.

Walked forward for ten meters, leaned against a bush, and shot a group of zebras sideways, “Brothers, look, the male leader’s ears are constantly shaking, it is distinguishing the sound from the surrounding environment.

It seems that I have not been discovered by them. The closer I get, the more careful I must be! “

“Fatty! Hush! Get down!” Liu Wei stretched out his hand and pressed down, chubby looked up at his master, and immediately lay on the ground and licked his tongue.

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