Beast Studio

Chapter 814 - Sample!

Historically, European colonists’ attempts to tame zebras have failed, but there have been a few successful cases.

Mostly the rich and circus attempts.

For example, the familiar Rothschild family once tamed zebras, used them to pull carriages, and performed outside Buckingham Palace, which caused a lot of riots at that time.

In fact, these zebras used by humans have not been completely domesticated, but have been suppressed by humans to be wild for human use. When zebras are in estrus, they will be exposed again.

Throughout history.

Analyze the animals that we already know that are domesticated by humans and can be raised on a large scale. They have several salient features in common. In these features, no matter which one is missing, domestication may end in failure.

The first is family characteristics. Animals need to have a stable family structure and a strict hierarchy. For example, cattle and sheep. In a group, the leader has enough authority, so that when large-scale breeding, only the leader of one population needs to be determined, then the rest All individuals of will follow, saving a lot of trouble.

The second is feeding habits and growth speed. In the agricultural civilization period when social productivity was not very developed, no one chose to domesticate a carnivore as food because the cost and danger were too high to be as easy as herbivores.

In addition, the cost of raising slow-growing animals is also high. Most pastures raise animals for economic income, so I hope these animals grow up as soon as possible.

Finally, the most important point is that domesticated species have relatively docile personalities. No normal person likes Liu Wei who likes to stay with dangerous beasts all day long, although pigs, cows, sheep and other large domestic animals are capable Kill humans, but they rarely do so.

An important manifestation of a docile personality is that it is not easy to be frightened. If the herd is fleeing because of a thunder, then the previous effort will fall short.

Zebra’s temper and alertness are not in line with the docile character.

However, the zebra group in front of him belongs to a small group with a family as a unit. The male leader in the group has the highest right to speak. That is to say, as long as Liu Wei manages this male leader, he has the power to lead the zebra group.

In a short time, it is almost impossible to domesticate this fierce zebra.

Liu Wei was not prepared to spend too much experience to try. What he had to do was suppress the wild nature of this zebra and let it obediently surrender.

The method is very simple, the same as the previous method of catching the Przewalski Mustang.

The scene that will happen next has already emerged in my mind, and it should be more exciting than the scene of participating in the final of the National Bull Riding Championship in Los Angeles.

“Fatty! Need your cooperation!” Liu Wei stared at the zebra and moved his body.

“Wow!” Fatty replied, his eyes shifted to Zebra.

Brother Flathead walked out and heard the sound. He didn’t find his opponent to fight when he went out today. He was all uncomfortable. Seeing Liu Wei and Fatty’s situation, he was instantly energetic.

Before Fatty could take a shot, the flat-headed brother shook his tail and rushed forward, snarling his teeth, as if he was a lion and wanted to rub the zebra on the ground.

The attention of male zebras is attracted by fierce dogs and honey badgers.

In terms of body size, it is not too afraid of the fat and flathead brother, and his limbs are very restless, rushing to the flathead brother, raising the forelimbs, wanting to trample on the flathead brother to death.

The flat-headed brother is flexible, retreating and fighting with him.

Liu Wei looked for an opportunity to quietly touched Zebra’s back and kept a shocking distance.

He decided to jump directly on the zebra’s body.

This action is extremely dangerous.

The moment he touched the zebra’s buttocks, the zebra would definitely react strongly.

If there is a slight difference, Liu Wei may be kicked off by the zebra’s hind legs and even break a few ribs.

However, plains zebras are small and medium-sized zebras, which are shorter than Grevy zebras.

The shoulder height of the male zebra in front of him is roughly 1.2 meters high. The chance of jumping up is very high.

The flat-headed brother is refreshed and has been pestering the zebra, and the fat is also distracting the zebra.

Liu Wei seized the opportunity and rushed forward.

When approaching the zebra’s buttocks, he stretched out his hands to press the zebra’s buttocks and propped up, the body soared, lying on the back of the zebra.

Zebra reacted very strongly, kicking more than one meter high with his hind legs, trying to throw Liu Wei out.

With violent temper and fright, the zebra has completely lost control, jumping on the spot continuously, kicking and turning back and forth, his mouth kept roaring.

Liu Wei firmly clamped both sides of Zebra’s body, and his hands directly hugged Zebra’s neck.

“Good Nimarie!”

Very strenuous.

After struggling to no avail, the zebra began to sprint at full speed. Liu Wei rubbed the hot air and rushed forward.

Soon it disappeared on the live broadcast screen.

“Awei is so compelling, he is too fat!”

“I saw people riding horses in this way on the Internet before, and they were flew by horseshoes!”

“So! You can’t touch the horse’s ass!”

“It is estimated that Ah Wei’s **** are almost too much to bear!”

The zebra’s endurance exceeded Liu Wei’s expectations, and it was even more tossing than the Platts Mustang.

Fortunately, their range of activities and routes are relatively fixed, so Liu Wei was not taken far.

Wait half an hour.

The zebra ran back again.

The speed is unabated and the sky is full of dust.

Liu Wei’s face, especially lips, was smeared with a clear layer of mud.



The more he spit out, the faster the mud drilled, and he simply closed his mouth.

“Hey! Friends! You won’t run until you die? Why bother? You are still young, think about your harem group, you are going to be exhausted, they have followed other zebras!” Liu Wei patted the zebras. Said the neck.

When the zebras passed by, Yu Guangzhong glanced at a few female zebras. They were very different from the scenes Liu Wei had imagined. They were even more excited, as if they were deliberately showing their sturdy body to their wives.


The zebra jumped with a huge jolt, and Liu Wei slid halfway to the other side of the zebra’s body.

“If you want this, I can only squeeze your hair!”

Grab the zebra’s mane and quickly adjust your body balance.

“Okay! If you like to run, let you run enough!”


Liu Wei directly sat up and patted his horse’s **** a few times.

His riding skills are still very skilled, and the zebra’s resistance has also undergone a huge change. Instead of throwing his body at will, his limbs jumping wildly, but running vigorously. For a person who can ride a horse, Liu Weisi didn’t worry, when it got tired, it would naturally stop.

The zebra ran back and forth for more than ten laps. The audience in the live broadcast room watched Liu Wei riding the horse for more than an hour, and finally walked towards the mare slowly with horseshoes, stopped in front of the mare, panting. .

Liu Wei got off its body and patted its neck lightly, “Small! Fight with me and refuse to accept it. When you rest, let’s continue!”

Picking up the brush, he kindly helped Zebra comb the messy hair.

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