Beast Studio

Chapter 816 - Wan Ma Beng Teng

Liu Wei followed Zebra for a day and a half, and finally got his wish and saw the scene he expected.

The zebras around him stopped for a while and looked away for a while.

At this time, the number of zebras gathered on the grassland not far away is hard to calculate with the naked eye.


Liu Wei suddenly felt dizzy.

The amazing number of zebras has been seen for a long time, and its lines will give people a sense of confusion, especially when the zebras are running.

Liu Wei blinked, shook his head lightly, turned his head and said to the zebra leader: “When are you going to pass?”

The zebra leader looked up and continued to observe.

It is waiting for a suitable time to mix into the zebra herd.

This large number of groups can help them reduce the chance of being caught by large predators during their migration.

But as a latecomer, if you want to get into this group, you still need it to show some sincerity.

A little bit.

The zebra leader moved towards the crowd.

It quickly locked up other leaders in the group, sympathized with each other in the same way, and combed their hair with other leaders to make a good relationship.

Of course, there are also some single male groups who saw the opportunity to “talk up” at this time, and tried every means to get around the female zebras to “chat!”

At this time, the zebra leader will drive them away mercilessly. Of course, if a zebra issues a challenge to defeat it, it will lose the leadership of this group.

Therefore, mass migration is also an inevitable challenge for zebra leaders.

Liu Wei successfully mixed into the large group.

“Come on! Brothers, let you see the most magnificent scene on the grassland!”

Liu Wei stayed beside several female zebras and took off the drone.

The drone’s lens slowly lifted up, and the scenery on the grassland was panoramic.


“Oh my God!”

“More magnificent than the horse herd on the Mongolian grassland!”

“My son pointed to the TV and kept shouting: Ma Ma! Ma Ma!”

“Sister, are you sure you are not the mother who called?”

“You are the eldest sister!”

The entire zebra herd covers several square kilometers, and the rough estimate is that the number is no less than 50,000.

Liu Wei excitedly said: “I believe that more zebras will gather in the past few days. Before the start of the great migration, the number of this group may grow to more than 70,000.

Coupled with the wildebeest herd, the entire migrating army can easily exceed 100,000! “


“Where is Beiliang’s 300,000 iron knights?”

“It’s kind of like!”

“Large movies have a sense of sight!”

Liu Weidao: “There must be many powerful predators around. For the top predators on the African grasslands, the great migration of zebras and wildebeest herds is a rare hunting opportunity and also a major challenge. .

Because of the huge number, predators in group activities at this time have a huge advantage, such as lions, spotted hyenas, etc.!

This is just the first danger they encountered during their great migration. Just over ten kilometers ahead is the largest river basin in Africa, the Nile River Basin. The migrating army will look for tributaries suitable for crossing the river and cross the river to the opposite bank.

For terrestrial animals, crossing the river itself is a very dangerous thing, especially the cubs in the group, which are often ruthlessly washed away by the river water, not to mention another top predator in Africa has gathered along the coast for a long time. , They are Nile crocodile!

Brothers, let us finally wait, and I am so excited now! “

The mood of the audience in the live broadcast room was also brought up by Liu Wei.


The barrage and gifts are rolling.

Liu Wei’s position at this time is at the right rear of the migrating army. There are a lot of zebras and wildebeests gathered here. For hunters, it is not a good place to start. They will choose fewer numbers and more space for activities. Position to start.

Liu Wei does not have to worry about safety.

What he has to do now is to make good relations with the surrounding animals while filming the actions of the migrating army.

The humans who suddenly entered the migrating army attracted the attention of many zebras.

One after another leaned over.

The female zebras around Liu Wei made a circle, as if they were deliberately protecting Liu Wei.

After all, Liu Wei’s way of helping them comb their hair is still very good.

The feelings between each other have deepened again.

As for the male zebra leader who was controlled by Liu Wei, he has recovered to his best mental state at this moment, and seems to have completely forgotten about being subdued by Liu Wei. It is now in order to protect its own “woman!”, to protect the right to mating, and The alien male zebras started a battle.

The roar and the sound of horse hooves on the grassland are deafening.

Only these sounds recorded by drones have kept the audience awake at night.

It is estimated that many spectators who like wild animals are prepared to watch the “UEFA Champions League” and the “World Cup” and chase the live broadcast all night.

at night.

The movement of the zebra herd calmed down with the grassland night.

But only temporarily.

At this time, they knew that there were a lot of twinkling eyes staring at them, their internal fighting stopped abruptly, and each group sent zebras to watch.

As the parent of the family, the zebra leader does his part.

Liu Wei walked over, put his hand on its back, and touched it, “You have been fighting for a day, take a rest! I will guard you for a while!”

Zebra’s eyes reflected blue light and turned his head to look at Liu Wei. He exhaled a few times from his nose and continued to stand guard. This is its responsibility.

Just now.

There was a roar from the group on the left.

The peaceful night was suddenly broken.

The sound of horseshoes came again densely.

Liu Wei has been unable to determine the specific location of the voices of the predators and the migrating army. The only thing that can be determined is that at this moment, in a certain tribe of the migrating army, there should be more than one tragedy happening.

“Brothers! This night is destined to be restless!” Considering his safety, Liu Wei did not touch it.

Tens of thousands of beasts move at the same time within a few square kilometers. He, a man of 1.8 meters tall, is too weak. If he arrives at the crime scene, he may be trampled to death by the frightened horses.

When the grassland became quiet again, many twinkling eyes had already left behind the migrating army.

They succeeded.

Liu Wei could clearly feel that the zebra leader beside him was uneasy and clear. His limbs kept digging the dirt on the ground, and his mouth and nose breathing became heavier.

Liu Wei stretched out his hand to calm down and said, “It’s over! It’s over! Don’t be nervous, you can rest securely!”

Zebra knows that if there is no one day left here, things will happen again tonight, but they seem to be agreed every year, before crossing the river, they will wait for more of the same kind, and gather into a battle that scares the monsters in the river.

The third day.

In the drone footage, the number of migrating troops has reached its peak, and the gap between small groups has become smaller and smaller.

The wildebeest group at the forefront gave the first signal, and then tens of thousands of wildebeest began to attack.

The zebra herd also became restless.

Liu Wei excitedly said, “Brothers, the migration has begun!”

After half an hour, the vigor of thousands of horses on the grassland instantly ignited.

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