Beast Studio

Chapter 827 - Lion blocking the way

Considering Liu Wei’s personal safety, Evalis only described Liu Wei’s important role in this scientific expedition, but did not mention the power struggle.

The reporter turned his attention to Liu Wei and asked: “Mr. Liu Wei, you are the first foreigner in Burundi to be awarded the chief, what do you think?”

Liu Weidao: “Thank you, Mr. President, for affirming me. I will strictly abide by Burundian laws and regulations to exercise the power of the chief, and I hope to be able to help Mr. President!”

The reporter asked: “Liu! Will you stay in Burundi to marry a wife and have children?”

When asked this question, Liu Wei suddenly had an internet stalk in his mind: an African chief, a few hundred wives, a train for children!

In media propaganda and reports, the mention of African chiefs is a very luxurious life.

In fact, those extremely extravagant lives belong to only a small number of chiefs, one is the inherited chiefs, and the other is the chiefs with higher ranks granted by law.

Obviously, Liu Wei’s chief status is not up to that level.

But marrying a wife and having children is very easy.

It can be said that as long as he is willing, women in his jurisdiction can marry casually.

Liu Wei smiled and said: “I have communicated this matter with Mr. President in advance!”

Avalis answered: “I respect Liu Wei’s choice!”

The reporter asked: “Your Excellency, does the award of the chieftain have to do with the diplomatic relations between China and Burundi?”

Erivas replied: “China has always been a friendly partner of Burundi. The two countries will maintain friendly and cooperative relations for a long time. The award to Chief Liu Wei has nothing to do with diplomacy in principle!”

“Thank you, Mr. President!” The reporter then asked Liu Wei, “Mr. Liu Wei! How will you manage your jurisdiction next?”

Liu Wei bluntly said: “The Luxi West River Estuary Delta to Tanganico Lake is an officially designated natural ecological reserve in Burundi. I will strictly follow the management regulations of the reserve to govern my own jurisdiction!”

“Thank you Mr. Liu Wei for answering!”

The reporter only had half an hour to ask questions. After the announcement meeting, Liu Wei returned to the West River Estuary Delta of Luxi with the chief’s seal awarded by Evalis.

Liu Wei is escorted by the military.

All villagers who received the notice will gather at the estuary delta to wait.

They looked forward to the new chief.

The military vehicle was parked at Paters’ research base.

Liu Wei walked towards the villagers wearing luxurious chief costumes.

The villagers saluted one after another to show their respect.

Facing hundreds of villagers, Liu Wei smiled and said, “I am very happy to be your chief. I will not interfere with your original way of life. You can still engage in economic activities such as planting and fishing in the estuary delta.

However, I will formulate some strict regulations in accordance with the regulations of the estuary delta protection area to protect your lives.

I don’t want to happen again in the field under my jurisdiction.

Hope you understand! “

Liu Wei expressed relatively euphemistically.

In the villagers’ consciousness, the chief’s words are orders, and they will strictly follow them.

The villagers were still a little uncomfortable with the management style of the new chief.

However, they understood what Liu Wei expressed, and they were also happy. They all smiled and clapped their hands.

“I may not stay here all the time, but my friend Professor Patters, who has devoted his life to the research of Nile crocodile, will continue to live here, your needs and opinions, he Will convey it to me, and I will try my best to help you live a better life!”

Patters smiled slightly.

Expressed willingness to accept Liu Wei’s entrustment.

The villagers are also willing to communicate with Patters, they are already old acquaintances.

Liu Wei asked: “Do you have any questions that you have responded to me?”

Everyone glanced at each other.

Shook his head.

Liu Wei smiled and said: “If so, please tell me, I will respond to these questions to your president!”

Still no villagers spoke.

Patters whispered to Liu Wei: “Their lives are very simple and they don’t pay much attention to the outside world!”

Liu Wei nodded.

“There is nothing else, you can go back and work on your own affairs!”

The villagers left one after another.

Liu Wei returned to the research room with Patters.

Patters smiled and asked: “I really don’t plan to stay here? Why don’t you continue to study and protect the Nile crocodile with me?”

Liu Wei bluntly said: “After traveling to Africa, I still want to go to the sea to see!”

“Liu! I really envy you!” Pats changed his tone. “But for scientific research, it’s not that the more things you touch, the better. Take the reptiles I study, any type of species is It is worthy of your study for a long time, I am destined to stay on the Nile crocodile in my life!”

Liu Wei said: “I know, but I’m still an anchor now, and I hope to take my fans to see everywhere!”

“OK! Liu! I respect your decision!” Patters reached out and high-five Liu Wei.

After enjoying the life of a respected chief in the estuary delta for a few days and getting acquainted with the villagers, Liu Wei decided to leave for his next destination, the Central African Republic.

There are many other animals that you look forward to seeing during this trip to Africa.

The Tropical Grassland Nature Reserve of the Central African Republic is open to the outside world to engage in tourism business activities.

Liu Wei signed up for the tour group and entered the reserve with the tour group, saving a lot of troubles, especially related procedures.

Several closed off-road vehicles entered the reserve through the checkpoint in the reserve.

The black tour guide sat in the co-pilot and preached in English: “We have entered the reserve. You may see dangerous animals such as African lions, ostriches, and silverback gorillas here. I hope you stay in the car and watch everything. Follow my arrangements, so as to ensure the safety of your lives!”

Sitting on Liu Wei’s right is a couple from Europe. They are extremely excited, even more excited than the audience in the live broadcast room.

The blonde woman clasped her husband’s hand tightly, raised her head and squinted at her husband, smiling and looking forward to it.

Liu Wei ate dog food all the way.

Until the off-road vehicle stopped.

“what’s the situation?”

“what happened?”

“Why don’t you leave?”

The passengers in the car successively raised questions.

The tour guide opened the skylight and stood up and saw that several off-road vehicles in front had also stopped. The sunroof window of the off-road vehicle was crowded with tourists. They were taking pictures with their cameras and mobile phones.

The tour guide called on the walkie-talkie: “What’s the matter with car number one?”

The walkie-talkie resumed: “There is a lion blocking the way!”

Hear the lion.

The passengers in the car got even more excited, and they stood up and crowded their heads and looked around.

The tour guide discouraged: “Go back and sit down! There are many opportunities to meet the lions ahead!”

Then he took the walkie-talkie and asked: “Is it a lion group?”

“No! It’s an adult lion! It lies on the road to rest!”

“OK! Received!”

The leader’s voice came from the walkie-talkie: “All sightseeing vehicles are waiting in place!”

“Roger that!”

“Roger that!”

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