Beast Studio

Chapter 837 - Tiger vs. Lion (Part 2)

Liu Wei: “The load of the heart capacity determines the explosive power, endurance, and physical recovery of the beast. We have mentioned several times that the lion has poor endurance performance because its heart is too small.

The load of the tiger’s heart capacity is stronger than that of the African lion. It can be considered that the tiger’s instant explosive power and the ability to continue fighting are stronger than the lion! “

“After talking about the software, let’s take a look at the hardware facilities. First of all, one of the biggest killers of cats, the mouth!

With the exception of the saber-toothed tiger, the mouth openings of other large cats are not much different. The lion’s mouth is larger than the tiger’s. This is an indisputable fact, but the tiger’s jaw globular muscle is the most developed in the cat family. Its bite force is slightly higher than that of a lion.

However, the difference is not big. In actual combat, the difference in lethality shown is not big, and it is enough to easily let the opponent lethal.

In addition to the bite force, the bite degree of the beast is affected by the teeth [country novel].

Among cats, the most significant lethal weapon is their canine teeth. Compared with canine teeth, the difference between a lion and a tiger is somewhat obvious.

The canine teeth of the adult Siberian tiger are longer than those of the adult African lion. In actual combat, the bite area and bite depth of the tiger are larger than that of the lion. This is also the reason why the tiger is more effective in killing its prey when hunting.

This point, everyone should not make sense! “

“No! Very objective!”

“The roots of the lion’s teeth are thicker!”

“Come on! It’s because you can’t suffocate the prey as quickly as a tiger. In order to prevent the canine teeth from being broken when the prey is struggling, the lion’s canine tooth root will evolve so thick!”

“You have a lot of words! You are reasonable!”

Liu Wei continued: “Let’s take a look at the strength of the limbs. Actual calculations have proved that the strength of the limbs of the tiger is stronger, about 15% to 20% stronger than that of the lion!

The width of the forefoot of an adult Siberian tiger can reach more than 10 cm, while the width of the forefoot of an adult African male lion is only about 8 cm, and the tiger’s forefoot has a larger attack area.

Tiger’s common combat method is palm punch. I believe you have watched it countless times in zoos or online videos. Tiger palm is the strongest among cats.

In addition to the strength of the forefoot, the tiger’s hind limbs are stronger than the lion, which can almost support the huge body to stand upright, and then swing the forefoot to slap the opponent.

In many cases, the lion can only look up at the tiger’s attack, which is a bit suppressed.

In addition, the claws of tigers are the longest among cats. The claws of Siberian tigers exceed 10 cm, while those of lions are only about 8 cm.

It is precisely because of the short claws of a lion that we often see a lion being easily thrown out when hunting large prey such as buffaloes, because its claws are not inserted deep, and the forelimb strength is relatively weak. On the other hand, tigers can die to death. Detain the prey, tell it to press it.

When African lions and Siberian tigers only use their limbs to fight, the Siberian tigers have obvious advantages! “

“Hahaha! The lion is weak!”

“You are screaming when the Siberian tiger has a combination of punches! Hahaha!”

“Wait, maybe there is a reversal!”

“Reverse the hair! Let the lions come! I admit that the tigers lose!”

“The lion is not good at slaps, it is better at biting!”

“Bite a chicken feather! The bite force is not as strong as a tiger, and the canine teeth are not as long as a tiger. You can’t win a bite!”

“Lion’s mouth is big!”

“Hehe! My wife has a big mouth! Why do I call her a tigress, not a lioness?”

“In one word!”

“Xiongtai take care!”

Liu Wei looked at the barrage and smiled, and then said: “Comparing the muscles, it is undeniable that tigers and lions are muscular beasts, but their muscles are distributed in different areas, especially sports muscles.

The tiger’s muscles are evenly distributed throughout the body. I remember I told you that the Amur tiger’s fat is attached to the skin, not to the muscles. Its muscle weight accounts for 70% of the body’s body weight.

According to anatomical reports by biologists, the muscle fibers of the Siberian tiger are strong, with almost no fat, and stronger than the muscles of the best bodybuilders.

What is the concept of no fat? Take us humans, you can think of Bruce Lee’s body, not to mention that he is not zero fat.

Therefore, the tiger’s body strength is very strong.

The muscles of the lion are mainly concentrated in the shoulders and neck. Its neck strength is very powerful. This is why many viewers think that the lion is better than the tiger in biting ability! “

“The muscles are the bones. The density of the tiger’s bones is 1.2% higher than that of the lion, which means that the tiger is more resistant to beatings and has a stronger ability to resist beatings.

If a lion and a tiger are in actual combat and they pat each other’s body with full force, mainly on the head, then the lion must be injured more severely than the tiger. Therefore, in the zoo, when the liger is fighting, the first to escape is often It will be a lion! “

“Good fellow, secretly bought a protective outfit!”

“The tiger has its own skin, defense +10!”

“Lion: mmp, this guy is charged up!”

“Tiger: I v8, are you convinced?”

The audience cheered.

Liu Wei: “In terms of attack speed and attack methods, there is little difference between a lion and a tiger.

We mainly talk about the flexibility and balance of the body. You have seen many scenes of me fighting wild beasts. It should be clear that these two points play a role in actual combat, and they can even reverse the situation.

Although the body length and shoulder height of the African lion are higher than that of the Siberian tiger, except for the longer tail than the tiger, the body of the lion is relatively bloated and short, and the tiger is also slender because of the even distribution of muscles.

Its offensive tactics will be more flexible, and its own balance adjustment ability will be stronger.

In terms of balance, the lion cannot be compared with the tiger at all. To give a very simple example, why can Cirque du Soleil train the tiger to walk the balance beam instead of choosing the lion? “

“Lost defeated, this time the Lion is completely defeated!”

“The lion said something!”

“Don’t insult people! Smirk!”

“The lion lives by fighting and has a stronger desire to fight!”

“It’s starting again!”

There was a little sweat on Liu Wei’s forehead, for fear that the lion fans would explode if he continued talking, but the science was rigorous, and when faced with doubts, he had to talk.

“In the industry, feline researchers unanimously believe that tigers are more cunning than lions, and lions are more honest. This has a lot to do with its role in lions. Most of the time, they are patrolling territories and protecting lions. .

Someone just mentioned the desire to fight. Last night, everyone witnessed the lion fighting for hegemony. I think you all know that the main reason for this phenomenon is that the two wandering male lions are thinking about the female lions in the group, so the fighting in Qatar is to a certain extent. The above can be understood as fighting for mating rights and the safety of the lions, not an actual territorial fight.

On the other hand, tigers can be said to be the most territorial beasts. No matter who the invaders are or how big they are, they will fight with all their strength and tragedies often happen.

Two male lions in the same group of lions fight each other, shake their manes and shout a few times, and it is possible to tell the winner. When driving out the invader, as long as they have the upper hand, let the invader recognize the counsel and end the battle.

But the battle for territory between tigers is either death or injury! “

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