Beast Studio

Chapter 861 - Reaper for poachers

The white rhino is the second largest animal on land. It is smaller than an elephant and larger than a hippo. It is also the largest subspecies of the genus Rhinoceros.

There are two species of African white rhinoceros, one is the northern white rhino and the other is the southern white rhino.

The northern white rhinoceros is facing the danger of extinction. It can also be said that there is no wild northern white rhino on the earth.

Sudan, the last male northern white rhinoceros in the world, was euthanized on March 20, 2018 at the age of 45. According to the comparison of human life span, it lived more than 100 years.

The northern white rhinos that are still alive in the world are the two granddaughters of “Sudan” who live in zoos. When they pass away, these species will be completely extinct on the earth.

The white rhino is a relatively mild beast. Although it has the longest and hardest rhino horn in the rhinoceros genus, it is also used for defense and rarely attacks people. However, other animals on the grassland, seeing its size, basically dare not easily To provoke, so the extinction of the northern white rhinos can be said to be completely human.

What Liu Wei was able to determine was that the white rhinoceros in front of him and the two cubs moving around it belonged to the southern white rhinoceros. At present, there are not many southern white rhinos living in the world.

With the lessons learned from the northern white rhino, local governments and international organizations will definitely pay more attention to the protection of the southern white rhino.

The Central African Republic is located in the central part of the African continent. According to the distribution of white rhinos, here should be the distribution range of the northern white rhinos, and the northern white rhinos are no longer visible in Africa. Liu Wei guessed that it might be a species introduction .

As a professional animal photographer, Susie is very aware of the preciousness of white rhinos. She came to Africa three times. This was the first time she saw a white rhino.

Susie ran up with the camera in some excitement, ready to take pictures.

As a result, she was stopped by a female soldier ten meters away from the white rhinoceros.

She is wearing a camouflage vest and sleeves. The exposed arm has obvious tattoos, like a beast on a patterned prairie.

Her arms are about the same size as Liu Wei’s, and they look very powerful. She holds a modified m4a1 rifle in her hand.

Suxi looked at the female soldier ignorantly, stunned for a while, and looked back at Liu Wei and Jack.

Jack walked up with a smile and introduced, “Johnson, they are the staff of the research base!

Liu, Susie, her name is Johnson. She once served in the American Mechanical Engineering Force in Afghanistan. She joined VEPTWA for five years and is our most loyal partner.

By the way, her marksmanship is very powerful, serving as a sniper and assaulter in the team! “

Johnson’s face was frosty. After listening to Jack’s introduction, he just reached out and shook Liu Wei’s Susie, then leaned his hand on the rifle and turned to the white rhino.

Jack smiled awkwardly: “Liu! Sorry, Johnson is in such a state at work. It is her guard time, so you may not be able to approach the white rhino. She will not allow any strangers to approach the white rhino and its children! “

Liu Wei heard Jack’s helplessness, and the founder of the organization was unable to shake Johnson, enough to see how cautious Johnson was.

“I understand you, Jack, Susie and I are looking at it from a distance!” Liu Wei asked curiously, “When will Johnson change his guard? I want to talk to her!”

Jack glanced at the time, “There is still half an hour!”

“OK! Jack, go ahead!” Liu Wei smiled.

Liu Wei and Su Xi stood 20 meters away from the white rhino and observed.

After Susie took a few photos, she sat on the ground and let go. The camera naturally dropped on her lap, watching Johnson guarding the white rhino’s expression and state, and suddenly thought of the words Liu Wei asked her before coming: Have you ever felt it? Dead?

“Liu! I admire women like Johnson very much! They are really great!” Susie said from the bottom of her heart, turning her head to look at Liu Wei, with sincere eyes, with a little smile, and blinked twice.

Liu Weidao: “I also met another female ranger when I was in Sudan. She shot and killed the poachers in front of me. On the battlefield, she had the same expression as Johnson, which made people feel a chill. , But in private, just like you, a lively and lovely woman!”

The smile on Susie’s face gradually unfolded, her chin knocked on her knees, lost in thought.

Liu Wei waited until Johnson changed the guard and opened the live broadcast. He felt that there must be many stories behind this woman.

Before going to communicate with Johnson, Liu Wei checked the Internet and saw a name that made people fearful.

Johnson of the VETPWA organization is called “Poachers’ Death”!

Liu Wei is even more convinced of his guess that Johnson is a legendary woman.

After the change of guard, Johnson took the initiative to walk towards Liu Wei and Susie, smiling, and shook hands with Liu Wei and Susie again, “Sorry, it was just working hours, I can’t be distracted, so I’m neglecting you, don’t look at it!

Susie shook her head and smiled.

Johnson invited, “Let’s sit in the house!”

As he walked, he introduced: “There are more than 60 companions performing protection tasks here, led by our leader Jack. The main task of our group is to guard the white rhinos imported from South Africa, and other companions and rangers will participate together. Daily patrol of the reserve.”

Going to the door, Susie opened the door and smiled, “It’s a bit crude, don’t dislike it!”

Entering the room, Johnson took off the rifle, put it on the table, stood in front of the mirror, took off his hat, stroked her long hair, put it on her shoulders, turned back and smiled at Liu Wei, and walked to the drinking fountain.

Liu Wei glanced around the house. There were some stickers and photos of Johnson while serving on the wooden wall, and some animal bones, which she probably picked up during patrol.

The whole room is very delicately arranged!

Liu Wei couldn’t help but smile and said, “I didn’t expect the death in the eyes of poachers, there is also a young girl in his heart!”

Johnson took a glass of water for Liu Wei and Susie, walked over with the water, smiled at Liu Wei, “I am a woman too!”

Then he tilted his head to look at the photo hanging in the middle of the wall, wearing a bikini and sunglasses in the sun.

The corners of her mouth curled up slightly, as if she was reminiscing and admiring herself when she was young.

Liu Wei praised: “You are beautiful!”

“Thank you!” Johnson held the cup and wrestled it, as if toasting.

Liu Wei said: “Johnson, I’m live streaming now, do you mind if I shoot you?”

Johnson disagreed. She knew that Liu Wei was worried that her identity might be exposed, and she smiled lightly, “Whatever, my identity, No! It should be said that the identity of everyone in the entire organization is transparent, and the people in this world who kill us Many, but not so easy. There are not a few poachers who died under my gun.

If you want to kill me, you must have the ability to kill me! “

It’s an understatement, and the tone is steady, without the slightest tension.

Susie was a little shocked by Johnson’s state and couldn’t help asking, “Johnson, are you afraid of death?”

Johnson shook his head and smiled, “On the battlefield in Afghanistan, I am used to being company with death!”

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