Beast Studio

Chapter 885 - Start training

Yan Min is a very thoughtful director. He is a little different from Director Chen’s smart innovation. He can always grasp the key points in the communication, and expand, and finally come to a satisfactory answer.

“It’s so comfortable for you to take over, I saved a lot of saliva!” Liu Wei said with a smile without shy.

Yan Min smiled and said, “Director Chen is actually pretty good, but he is too young and lacks experience.

In short, it is a common honour for Dragon TV and I to cooperate with President Liu again. “

Reach out, “I hope we can work together to complete the feat of “Antarctic Tour”, and have a happy cooperation!

“Happy cooperation!”

The two shook hands with a smile.

Three days later, Liu Wei read the plan and affirmed the Yan Min team’s plan.

Hurry up and start training directly!

Three hundred volunteers from all over the world gathered at the Magic City Stadium.

The recruited professionals have gone to the Polar Training Center for inspection, and these more than 30 people do not participate in the screening assessment.

The remaining 300 people will be assessed in the form of a elimination system. In the end, only 50 people can stay and go to the Polar Training Center to receive professional and systematic training, and finally follow Liu Wei to the Antarctic.

The stadium is strictly blocked, and the security company is responsible for the entry and exit of the management personnel. Except for the staff who participated in the recording of this program, any social person is not allowed to enter and exit at will.


Three hundred people gathered in the middle of the football field, surrounded by various recording equipment.

Liu Wei stood by and waited. After Yan Min gave him a gesture, he walked onto the middle stage with a headset.


Tried the sound.

The sound equipment in the stadium simultaneously made a shocking sound.

Three hundred people shook.

The tense atmosphere rose instantly.

Liu Wei solemnly preached: “Hello everyone, I am Liu Wei, and I am your future captain. First of all, as a captain, I welcome all the elites from all over the world. You are the talents that we have left after screening and selecting the best.

But it does not mean that you will be able to become the crew of this Antarctic trip. Here you will receive twenty days of training and assessment of the devil. Players who cannot meet the standard or cannot persist will be eliminated automatically.

I only have fifty places for you. The competition is very fierce. I hope you will show the best mental state and will to face this assessment seriously.

It is simple to give up, but if you stick to it, you will definitely see a different landscape and even recognize yourself again.

In the next 20 days, you will receive a series of assessments such as physical fitness, mental fitness, obedience awareness, and teamwork ability.

During the assessment period, we adopt a fully enclosed management, and only those who voluntarily give up and eliminated can leave the stadium.

Don’t worry, the program team has carefully prepared food, accommodation, and medical and sanitary conditions for you. What I want is outstanding talents, not your lives.

Next, please invite our chief instructor for this assessment, who has served in the Marine Corps for 12 years and won many international competition awards! “

Fu Yuan walked onto the stage wearing a physical training uniform, with a faint smile, “Hello everyone, I am Fu Yuan. I am very happy to be your chief instructor. For the next 20 days, I will be accompanied by my comrades in arms. To you!”

Suddenly, his expression changed and he said solemnly: “Mr. Liu and Dragon TV invited me to evaluate everyone. I will definitely check them strictly. If there are still lucky players at the scene, I hope you will immediately stand up and quit.

I don’t allow any **** to dangle in front of my eyes.

So, I hope you all take it seriously!

Of course, we will also bid farewell to each eliminated player with a smile, and hope you will have a good time in life!

Thank you! “

After Fu Yuan finished speaking, the scene was silent.

Just listening to his background, the players have already felt a strong military training atmosphere.

Some players began to hesitate with sweaty palms.

After listening to the live translation, players like Elena became more fighting spirit.

She is not only fighting hard with herself, but also with her family, and at the same time making her favorite people look at her with admiration.

Liu Wei finally stepped onto the stage and said passionately: “Start training!”

The director team played a magnificent BGM!

“Everyone! Stand at attention!” Chief instructor Fu Yuan ordered, “Stop!”

“Now tell me about the assessment items, indicators, precautions…”

Liu Wei walked around, looked at the tender faces in front of him, and smiled, “Good luck to you!”

On the first day of physical fitness assessment, more than 30 people were removed.

On the second day of the physical coordination assessment, more than 50 people were removed.

On the third day of the anti-dizziness assessment, more than 30 people were wiped out!

There are only a hundred people left in the training week.

Liu Wei didn’t panic at all.

Because the basic physical fitness has reached the standard for being able to persist until now, there will only be fewer and fewer players eliminated in the assessment of each event.

What Liu Wei didn’t expect was that Elena could actually persist until now.

After the assessment in the afternoon.

On the way back to the bedroom, Elena deliberately glanced at Liu Wei who was standing behind.

A look of dislike him.

“Elena!” Liu Wei shouted.

“What are you doing?” Elena stopped, bowed and looked back at Liu Wei.


She walked up to Liu Wei and said arrogantly, “Would you like to see me making a joke? I tell you, I will definitely stick to the end and be qualified as a crew member! Anyway, I am entangled with you, huh~”

Liu Wei bluntly said: “I forgot to tell you. In fact, your father is very worried about you, and he wants you to give up and return to her!”

“Cut~, don’t use my father to irritate me, it’s useless, I’ve set the crew quota!” Elena shook her head, “bye! I’m going to take a bath!”

Back to the dormitory, holding the quilt, did not stretch to cry.

She, a daughter of an international group, actually came here to be aggrieved by such crying!

Feel wronged like a child!

While crying, I remembered Liu Wei’s triumphant look. He gritted his teeth and abruptly held back his tears, wiped the quilt, and got up to take a bath.

Liu Wei deliberately visited the college students who signed up for this time.

Seeing Liu Wei, everyone stood up, smiling and calling out respectfully.

“Sit down!” Liu Wei stretched out his hand, “Can you still hold on?”



Each is full of energy and full of vigor.

Liu Wei bluntly said: “I am very optimistic about you. I hope that the rest of you will be able to obtain the qualifications of crew members. You are all highly educated talents and have received patriotism education. Organized by the civil society, but also representing our country, it is a kind of national honor and responsibility.

Loving the motherland, and finally the motherland is the traditional virtue of our nation. The most basic quality to be a qualified scientific research crew is patriotism.

The motherland and relatives are the never extinguished beacon of our scientific research crews, the compass we use to avoid getting lost, and the motivation for the scientific research crews to do their jobs and the source of strength to overcome difficulties.

Come on, brothers!

Let us win glory for the country together! “

The players listened with enthusiasm and said in unison, “Come on!”

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