Beast Studio

Chapter 887 - set sail

The departure time is set on August 8.

The volunteers and professionals who participated in the selection returned from the Polar Training Center on August 3rd.

The next few days.

They must be familiar with this “Dream” icebreaker.

The name “Dream” was proposed by the media after Liu Wei was interviewed by Phoenix Satellite TV.

It sounds pretty good, so Liu Wei used this name.

Many well-known domestic media have successively arrived at the Xinxing Shipyard, looking forward to reporting the moment when the “Dream” sails.

In the past two days, Liu Wei met with many leaders of government departments in the temporary office.

Several leaders of the Municipal Party Committee of the Magic City came to see all the crew of the Dream.

On behalf of the party and the people, the central and local governments, they came to condolences the crew of the Dream.

Said a lot of exciting things.

“Liu Wei, we are waiting for your triumphant victory at the dock!”

“Thank you for your concern! Do not humiliate your mission!”

Liu Wei shook hands with several leaders.

After bidding farewell to the leaders, Liu Wei returned to the third floor living area.

“Wang Jun, call all the crew together!” Liu Wei ordered.

“I will notify immediately!”

The restaurant became a temporary meeting room.

All 88 crew members gathered here.

Liu Wei stood at the forefront and preached sincerely, “We will set off the day after tomorrow. Today, we will gather everyone to say something in our hearts and also have some important things to do.

First of all, as the captain, I welcome you all to stay on the Dream. When the global recruitment started, I had no bottom and many concerns. I was wondering if anyone would join? Can we recruit the most professional talents? What does society think of us? …

These problems have troubled me for a long time. Fortunately, my popularity is pretty good, and I have received help from many seniors and people in the industry.

Now that the 88 crew members of the Dream have assembled, I am very excited. I believe you are in the same mood as mine at this moment…”

Liu Wei revealed his true feelings and moved all the crew.

Even old seniors like Professor Zhu have tears in their eyes.

Only those who have to experience it in person can feel the urge to ride the wind and waves.

After Liu Wei finished speaking, he turned on the projection device and played the video.

“This is a video sent by Ding, the 36th stationmaster of the Great Wall Station of our National Antarctic Research Station!”

Click to play.

On the screen, a middle-aged man wearing overalls for China’s Antarctic expedition stands vigorously in the freezing cold wind.

“Hello, all the crew of the Dream, this is the Great Wall Station in Antarctica. I am proud of you. I am waiting for you at the Great Wall Station! Come on!”

The video is less than thirty seconds.

Ding’s brief words are inspiring.

Faces of determination appeared in Liu Wei’s vision.

Liu Wei was very satisfied, nodded, reached out and took three thick documents from Wang Jun.

“Brothers, I will call you that way from now on!

Before you set off, you have three things you must do! “

Liu Wei picked up the first document, “This is a confidentiality agreement printed by the Polar Research Center. You must sign on it. We reserve the right to pursue legal liabilities regardless of whether it is a domestic or foreign volunteer!”

“Professor Zhu, please send it to all crew members!”

Professor Zhu got up and walked to Liu Wei and accepted the confidentiality agreement.

The crew did not hesitate. They have gone through layers of screening and devilish assessment and training to this day, and the determination in their hearts has been hard to shake.

After signing the confidentiality agreement, Liu Wei picked up the second document, “Brothers, I bought an expensive accident insurance for each of you. I don’t want any of you to have an accident, but this is my initiative. What people must do.”

“Wang Jun, send it by name!”

The seniors nodded and looked at Liu Wei with admiration.

Work is very meticulous.

After signing the insurance, Liu Wei picked up the third document.

In fact, it is a new stack of A4 paper.

“You should have seen it. This is a stack of white paper. Maybe someone has already guessed my intention.

In the words of the predecessors, if you go to Antarctica, nothing else is necessary. The suicide note must be written!

Brothers, write everything you want to say to your loved ones on this piece of paper. I will let the studio temporarily save it. I hope that your suicide note can be kept in the studio permanently. “

Liu Wei personally delivered the white paper to every crew member.

At this time, everyone’s face sank.

This proposition composition is too difficult to write.

The restaurant has a heavy atmosphere.

The young volunteers have been slow to write.

When Professor Zhu saw this scene, he smiled and said, “You guys, don’t be so serious, you have to trust Captain Liu Wei, believe that we old guys can bring you back safely, and write whatever you want!”

The weight of random is actually very heavy.

The thoughts in the minds of the crew are now predicting the reactions of their loved ones if an accident occurs.

Some people can no longer control their emotions.

The tip of his nose fell heavily on the white paper.

With this fall, the power of writing suddenly burst out.

After writing the suicide note, some crew members wiped their eyes.

Liu Wei smiled and said, “The unmarried raise your hand!”

The volunteers all raised their hands.

“Hahaha, just change the dream number to singles!” Liu Wei smiled.

The restaurant was haunted by laughter.

“I haven’t talked about raising my girlfriend’s hand!” Liu Wei raised it.

The others did not respond.

The scene was quiet for a while.

Everyone burst out laughing.

Liu Wei smiled awkwardly: “At least, you are better than me!”

As a top anchor, Liu Wei has a strong ability to adjust the atmosphere, and used a simple question to bring the crew’s emotions back.

Elena suddenly shouted: “Liu, let me be your girlfriend!”

Everyone laughed again.

Susie sitting in the corner was taken aback.

Under what circumstances, did anyone rob her?

She also raised her hand slowly, “Liu, if you don’t care about age, so can I!”

There was a sudden joy in the cabin.

Liu Wei did not interrupt them, and walked onto the deck alone, looking at the mouth of the Yangtze River, lost in thought.

Professor Zhu and his old friend walked to Liu Wei’s side one by one, took a pack of cigarettes from their pockets, and handed them to Liu Wei, “Come on!”

Liu Wei smiled.

Picked up one and lighted it up.

Professor Zhu said with emotion: “While the Dream hasn’t set off yet, let’s smoke two more! After the ship started, the smoke-free!”

The old captain took a sip and smiled, “I have seen a lot of big winds and waves after driving the boat for more than 20 years. I have not been afraid of anything. The most feared is the smoking ban. You can’t experience the loneliness on the bridge. Smoke knows me best!”


Liu Wei and Professor Zhu smiled at each other.

The three of them looked at the colorful lights reflected in the river water, silent.

Each thought.

Early in the morning of August 8.

Glad that the surrounding area of ​​the shipyard is blocked by the TV media and people.

All the crew members stood on the splint and waved to everyone with a smile.

Liu Wei and Professor Zhu, the old captain, watched the time on the bridge.

Arrived after eight o’clock.

Facing the live broadcast, Liu Wei said passionately, “Brothers! Set sail!”

The horn of the dream sounded!

The sound is shocking!

The icebreaker slowly sailed out of the repair shop, left in the eyes of everyone, and sailed to the Pacific Ocean!

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