Beast Studio

Chapter 902 - Naughty killer whale

Liu Wei: “After understanding its horror record, let’s analyze the data of killer whales one by one.”

“First of all, the size of the killer whale. When analyzing the combat effectiveness of the species, we usually use the ultimate size of the species as the standard.

It is known that the largest body size of a killer whale is 9.45m in length and a weight of about 13 tons. The average weight of an adult male killer whale can reach more than 5 tons.

Here we take the white shark as a comparison. The normal body length of the great white shark is 5.5 meters and the weight is about 1.5 tons. Putting the two together, the killer whale has obvious advantages.

At the same length, the weight of the killer whale is much heavier than that of the great white shark, and it is a veritable fat tiger.

We know that the strength of the species determines the strength of the species, which directly affects the strength of the muscles and the intensity of the damage caused by the attack.

The performance of the killer whale in these aspects can be described as horror. In the long evolution of large marine creatures, it has always been a top player. “

“The Fat Tiger deserves its reputation!”

“The netizen who named it Fat Tiger is very spiritual!”

“What’s the matter with swelling, the sense of violation is too strong!”

“So I usually read more books when I have nothing to do, and understand things comprehensively!”

Liu Wei continued: “Look at the maneuverability of the fat tiger, that is, the maximum speed. The maximum measured speed of the killer whale is 48㎞/h.

Cetaceans have a habit of swimming behind the ship to reduce body resistance, which can save energy and increase speed. In this case, the maximum speed of the fat tiger can reach 55km/h.

Among marine creatures over five tons, there are only a handful of animals that can reach this speed.

This is related to the abnormal muscles and perfect drop-shaped body of the killer whale. It is important to know that the latest generation of nuclear submarines in various countries are all drop-shaped.

In addition, whales have a strong ability to steer diagonally, and they have even reached the level of some radial fin fish. They can also make some movements in the water that sharks can’t do, such as flipping back and forth. If you have the opportunity, you can go to the ocean. Watch the performance of the killer whale in the pavilion. As long as it wants to play, it can jump out of the water to make a variety of breathtaking movements, just like a professional diving athlete! “

“I’ve seen an orcas show in Japan, it’s so spectacular!”

“Fat Tiger is simply a natural acrobat.”

Liu Wei: “Next is the explosive power of the Fat Tiger. When I was popularizing the great white shark, I told you that there are two muscles in its body. The red muscle determines endurance and the white muscle determines explosive power.

In this regard, the performance of the killer whale is not as outstanding as that of the great white shark.

The muscle type of killer whales is mainly red muscle, which has strong endurance and can continue to exert force to suppress the target. We often see a group of killer whales that can kill their prey directly, but they like to play with their prey. Teach the cubs to learn hunting skills. On the other hand, they are demonstrating their continuous fighting ability to the prey and let them give up the idea of ​​escape. But in the deep sea, it is precisely because of the playful nature of killer whales that losing food is also Commonplace! “

“Hahahaha, pride is failure its mother!”

“Orca: Hey! Brothers, this seal is so fun, let’s play together!”

“Sea Leopard: mmp, can you please take it easy?”

“Long torture is even more uncomfortable!”

Liu Wei: “This fat man with strong endurance and quick movements also has nearly 50 thick and sharp teeth, distributed in the upper and lower jaw in a conical shape, with extremely strong tearing ability. Like a scalpel, it also has the title of ripper.

Even if the skin of great white sharks is so thick, they can be cut easily.

Although the bite force of the fat tiger can’t match that of the great white shark, it is not difficult to break the tortoise shell. The only disadvantage is that as a mammal, it has only one set of teeth in its lifetime and will not be replaced, which may cause serious tooth wear.

But at this time, its intellectual advantage is highlighted, avoiding its own disadvantages, using methods such as hitting, sweeping, and falling into the sea to stun the prey or opponent first, and finally show the operation when they are unable to resist. The knife opened. “

The audience in the live broadcast room was full of enthusiasm, admiring the fighting power of the killer whale.

It is a perfect combination of intelligence and physical talent!

Emperor Wu Qitian sent out a small TV spaceship×3.

Joker sent Bing Kuo Luo x99.

Awei’s little fan girl sent a support cat ×400.

Gifts and barrage fly together!

“Thank you for your gifts!” Liu Wei smiled. “To sum up, the killer whale is a high-intellectual marine top predator with excellent attributes in all aspects.

Fortunately, large beasts such as killer whales can come into close contact with humans in the marine ecology where the weak eat the most. “

After Liu Wei finished speaking, his eyes shifted to the group of killer whales.

The family members have finished eating, and there is not much left of the great white shark over three meters long.

The rest was left to a few adult male killer whales, who were slightly rude and quickly swallowed the remaining carcasses into their stomachs.

Some bones and scraps floated in the sea or sank to the bottom of the sea.

The schools of fish that were driven away by them also gradually dispersed, and Haiyan usually grabs the last chance to prey.

This sea area has returned to a peaceful state.

Liu Wei first emerged from the water to let the crew see him and relieve their worries.


“The captain is okay!”

“The captain is still alive! Ouuuuu~”

“Where did the blood just come from?”

“I don’t care! The captain is fine as long as it is fine!”

Liu Weichao waved his hand on the Dream, and then followed the group of killer whales to swim forward.

Killer whales are tuberculosis and ADHD players in addition to their fame. If they are placed in human society, they must be the kind that people dislike.

But in the ocean, it is also the favorite member of the dolphin family.

The killer whales that had just eaten their stomachs surfaced one after another, spraying water jets.

They fill their lungs with enough air to float their bodies on the water.

The dorsal fin that emerged from the water stood tall, as if to pierce the sky.

The male dorsal fin is very different from the female dorsal fin.

The female’s dorsal fin grows upward like a machete. The male’s dorsal fin is upright and longer. The longest dorsal fin seen in Liu Wei’s vision should be more than one meter.

“They are active after preparing meals!” Liu Wei observed and analyzed the activities of the killer whales. “The killer whales also have a lot of activities after meals. Some like to drill water grass and rub their smooth skin, and some like to be on the water. It’s a little bit older and likes to rest quietly. In fact, a whale can’t sleep, but it can shut off half of its brain to rest. The remaining half of the brain controls breathing and keeps its body floating on the water!”

“Fuck, it’s all right!”

“If you have this ability in reading, it would be great!”

“Sleep and learn at the same time!”

“The teacher can’t even tell that I’m dozing off!”

“And I have learned all the knowledge in class!”

“I’m going to have a brain replacement operation to transplant the brain of the killer whale!”

“Child, wake up, get out of class is over!”

Liu Wei looked at the barrage and smiled.

At this moment, the playful little killer whale was swimming towards him.

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