Beast Studio

Chapter 907 - Dolphin rescue

The tiger shark’s previous attack has fully demonstrated its brutal character.

Liu Wei realized that if he could not end the battle with a fatal blow, he might be consumed by this tiger shark in the sea.

Abandoning the concentration, holding the arrow in his right hand, waiting for the impact of the tiger shark.

The waves on the water roared and the waves were raging.

Underwater, it seems to be frozen.


Liu Wei listened to his heartbeat.


Eyes opened, ready to take the initiative to meet him.

success or failure?

Just watching this blow.

Enduring the pain in his waist, he leaned forward and greeted him like a sea wolffish.

The tiger shark’s momentum has not diminished, and it seems that it is still very physically strong.

This time, Tiger Shark changed its offensive tactics and directly used its head to hit Liu Wei.


Liu Wei felt tight!

The current situation is very unfavorable for him. There is no way to touch the gill cleft of the tiger shark. The hard result is to wait for the tiger shark to hit his abdominal cavity.

The results were unthinkable!

But now it is too late to adjust the body direction, the distance is too close.

Tiger sharks are agile in the sea.

In an emergency, Liu Wei had no choice. He had accepted the result of being hit again.

“Hey! Come on!”

He kicked his feet into the water a few times, faced the tiger shark’s head, and rushed up.


Just when the tiger shark was about to hit Liu Wei, a hollow cry came from the bottom of the sea.

Liu Wei’s thoughts at the moment were all placed on the tiger shark, ready to burn the jade and stone, and did not have the time to pay attention to the source of the call.

But after the tiger shark heard the call, its fast-moving body suddenly stopped.

Liu Wei was a little strange to see this.

But I didn’t think so much, this is an opportunity.

Raising the arrow in his hand to stab the tiger shark, the tiger shark’s upper jaw was raised high, trying to bite Liu Wei’s body.


Several hollow voices came.

In Liu Wei’s light, a short-nose dolphin swam up.

Before he stabbed his right hand, the dolphin suddenly accelerated and slammed into the gill cleft of the tiger shark.

The tiger shark leaned to the right and floated a few meters away.

Liu Wei hasn’t reacted yet.

More than a dozen dolphins swam up from the bottom of the sea one after another, surrounding him.

what’s the situation?

Come to save me?

Just as Liu Wei was thinking, the dolphins collectively rushed towards the tiger shark.

Tiger sharks are already very flexible creatures in the water, but compared to members of the dolphin family, they are still a lot worse.

This is why they dare not easily catch dolphins.

The bottlenose dolphins in front of Liu Wei likes group activities, and when they encounter sharks, they will actively attack them.

Tiger Shark felt the pressure, but its anger was not diminished, and it stared at Liu Wei and refused to give up.

Floating in the distance to observe.

The dolphins did not want to give it any chance to fight back, so they rushed up collectively.

Two of the dolphins hit the gill cleft of the tiger shark, and blood spilled out.

The tiger shark has no room for resistance in front of the dolphins.

If you don’t run away, you will only be killed by your opponent.

It dragged its embarrassed body and fled.

Liu Wei watched the tiger shark’s back disappear into his field of vision, and took a sigh of relief, “It’s dangerous!”

The dolphin that drove away the tiger shark swam back.

Circling around Liu Wei a few times.

Liu Wei adjusted his body, followed them in circles, and smiled, “Thank you for saving me!”

A dolphin swam under Liu Wei, dragged him on his back, and swam to the shore.

When they reached the shallow water at the edge of the island, the dolphins stopped, and then they were about to run aground.

Liu Wei understood what they wanted to express, and the dolphins sent him to a safe place on the coast.

Coming down from the dolphin, the water level was over his waist, Liu Wei reached out and held the dolphin’s forehead, “If I were not for you, I might die in the sea!”

The dolphins swung their tails collectively, relying on their pectoral fins to maintain their balance, raised their heads and stood in the sea, staring at Liu Wei.

The eyes are gentle into the water.

Liu Wei slowly lowered his head, and the dolphin took the initiative to meet up.


“Wow! Is this the legendary dolphin love?”

“In love!”

“I want to kiss, too!”

“I heard that dolphins often save people in the sea, very spiritual!”

The dolphins enjoying human kisses were so excited that they plunged into the water and began to roll.

More than a dozen dolphins began a ceremonial celebration.

They are celebrating their defeat of the Tiger Shark today.

With a happy smile on Liu Wei’s face, he glanced at the net bag around his waist, the sea wolf fish inside was still there.

In order to express the dolphin’s life-saving grace, Liu Wei caught the sea wolf fish and threw it into the sky.

A dolphin jumped high out of the water, bitten it, fell into the water and shared it with his companions.

“and also!”

Liu Wei threw another one out.

The dolphin caught it perfectly.

All five sea wolf fish were thrown out.

The two dolphins swam slowly in front of Liu Wei, stood up and stared at Liu Wei.

Liu Wei spread his hand and said, “No, I’ll give it to you!”

The dolphin biting the sea wolf fish saw the thoughts of the companions, and swam over with the sea wolf fish and shared with them.

A dozen dolphins digested Liu Wei’s victory today, five sea wolf fish.

After eating, they refused to leave and kept swimming and jumping on the edge of the beach.

Liu Wei sat in the sea and watched their graceful figures. His smile temporarily stopped the pain in his waist.

After a while, the sailors on the Dream rushed over in a lifeboat, and the dolphins gathered excitedly and followed the lifeboat until the lifeboat docked on the shore.

“Captain, are you okay?”

The sailor saw Liu Wei press his right hand on his waist, “Come on and help!”

Liu Wei almost didn’t stand up.

The moment I got up, the pain was almost asphyxiated.

“Captain, hold on, we will send you back right away!”

The lifeboat crashed into the waves and sailed towards the Dream.

The two sailors helped Liu Wei disembark, and the crew surrounded him, very worried.

Liu Wei put one hand on the sailor’s shoulder, one hand on his waist, and smiled, “I’m fine, take me to see the dolphins!”

Move to the edge of the guardrail.

The group of dolphins followed.

“They drove the shark away and saved me!” Liu Wei kept a smile on his face and waved to the group of dolphins.

The dolphin swarm jumped out of the water to swim forward, as if escorting the Dream.

“Go to the infirmary first! Captain!” the sailor reminded.

Liu Wei nodded.

Being helped into the infirmary, the accompanying doctor suddenly became nervous when he saw it, “Come, lie down gently!”

The doctor picked up Liu Wei’s clothes and glanced at his waist. There was a large bruise and swelling.

The doctor touched it carefully and asked patiently, “Does it hurt?”

Liu Wei nodded, and the sweat on his forehead popped out.

“Does it still hurt here?”

Liu Wei continued to nod.

The doctor said to the crew behind him: “It’s a bit bad!”

“Is the bone broken?”

“Doctor, what should I do now?”

“First give the captain an acupuncture treatment. The equipment on the boat is limited, and there is no B-ultrasound. It is still uncertain whether the bones have been injured? I can only observe while treating!” the doctor said.

“Captain, how about finding a place to dock?”

“Yes! Your body matters!”

If you really hurt your bones and you have to undergo surgery, you will take it in the hospital for ten and a half months. The trip to Antarctica will be put on hold. Liu Wei smiled faintly, “I know my physical condition very well, and I believe Dr. Zhang, So don’t worry, maybe it’s just general muscle damage!”

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