Beast Studio

Chapter 920 - Little fan

CCTV studio backstage lounge.

Liu Wei walked into the room under the leadership of the staff.

At a glance, I saw Mr. Zhong sitting in the corner reading the manuscript.

Seconds become a little fan.

He walked up humbly and praised: “Hello! Old Zhong!”

Academician Zhong smiled and stood up, stretched out his hand to Liu Wei, shook hands, replied “Hello”, and then began to look at Liu Wei.

Xiao Sa, the host standing on the side, walked over and introduced: “Lao Zhong, this is another guest of our program. His name is Liu Wei, a student of Academician Liu Yixun!”

“Oh oh oh!” Academician Zhong said with a smile, “Academician Liu’s research in the field of biological reproduction is among the world’s top!

Unexpectedly, he accepted such a young student! “

“I just visited the teacher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences yesterday!” Liu Wei said, “It’s an honor to record this episode with Mr. Zhong!”

“Please sit down!” Academician Zhong invited.

The two sat down to chat, familiar with each other, and also added each other’s contact information.

In the words of Academician Zhong, in the field of scientific research, various disciplines are interoperable, especially medicine and biology.

When the director came into the room to explain the program recording process, Academician Zhong took out his mobile phone and searched for Liu Wei.

I don’t know if I don’t check.

Upon investigation, he is still a very influential young man.

Look at some of his achievements.

Academician Zhong looked back at Liu Wei and smiled, quite a bit of appreciation.

The recording of the show starts at four o’clock in the afternoon.

Considering Academician Zhong’s age and health, the director arranged for him to go first.

The scene layout of the studio is very beautiful. The edge of the stage is surrounded by stepped steps. On each step, there are desks. Keep a certain distance between the desks. Primary school students from all over the country sit in positions.

There is also a big screen behind them, on the screen is the primary school students from all over the country participating in this cloud course.

The chief director took the walkie-talkie and called out the start of recording.

The host Xiao Sa and his partner Zhu Guangquan took to the stage.

Affectionately read the opening remarks of this year’s “First Class”.

The students below listened attentively, showing a look of curiosity.

Academician Zhong walked onto the stage to the applause of all the students.

The pace is steady.

Speaking loudly and powerfully.

With a kind smile, talk about the topics he prepared.

Liu Wei sat in the backstage lounge, staring at the TV intently, and was deeply moved by Academician Zhong’s emotions.

This year is destined to be an extraordinary year.

It is also a year when heroes gather.

It is a year of national cohesion.

The teenagers at the scene listened attentively, staring at the kindly academician Zhong.

The camera swept across the immature faces, as if they were thinking, what can they do for society in the future?

The applause thundered.

To great medical workers.

Academician Zhong waved goodbye and left the stage with a smile.

The host Xiaosa stepped onto the stage, “Students, did you remember what Mr. Zhong asked just now?

One hundred and twenty years ago, Mr. Liang Qichao wrote the theory of young China. The most profound sentence is that when young people are strong, the country is strong. This is also the theme of our first lesson today.

The next lecture for everyone is Liu Wei, a wildlife research expert who has just been appointed by the United Nations Environment Program as a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Environment Program! “

Liu Wei walked onto the stage with a smile and waved to the students.

Standing in the center of the stage, “Hello everyone!”

Warm applause.

“Before I start the lecture, I want to ask my classmates, do you like animals?”

The students at the scene shook their heads vigorously.

Xiao Sa took the microphone to the mouth of a classmate in the front row and asked, “What animal do you like best?”

The male student said excitedly: “Elephant!”

The students behind scrambled to talk about their favorite animals.


“I like tigers!”

“I like monkeys!”


After the classmates had finished speaking, Liu Wei spoke: “I have come into contact with the animals you just mentioned. Lions and tigers should be very fierce images in your impressions?

Can they eat people?

In fact, the original actions of the beasts come from their own defensive consciousness. Their way of thinking is very simple, and they will not seriously think about the root of a problem like we do.

In their consciousness, they can only distinguish between danger and safety, and then react accordingly.

So when we face the beasts, keep a safe distance and release enough kindness. I think even lions and tigers will not take the initiative to attack people easily.

Just now a classmate mentioned that he likes elephants very much.

An elephant is a very emotional animal. When it is docile, it will treat you as a good friend. When it is irritable, it will treat you as a hateful opponent, and it is very lethal.

In China, there have also been some stampede incidents of elephants. According to my analysis, the reason behind it is that we disturb their lives and even intend to control their lifestyles.

For example, if your parents ask you to do something you don’t like to do, what would you do? “

“I will be very unhappy!”

“I will tell my parents directly!”

“I will go to grandma’s house!”

Liu Wei smiled and said: “When you face an opponent you can’t resist, you will make evasive behaviors or choose to communicate with your parents.

But elephants cannot communicate with humans using words, so they can only vent their emotions and vent their emotions to the target that makes them unhappy.

We need to treat them more kindly.

Respect their way of life.

Previously, I worked with Ma Yun and scientists from the Yunnan Institute of Zoology to develop a plan called Elephant Canteen.

The project has already begun, and when the project is completed, the elephants living there will have enough food.

All over the world, Southeast Asia, America, Africa…, there are similar human-beast conflicts. If no measures are taken, it will cause more serious consequences, perhaps leading to the extinction of a species.

In the past, we thought that the biological relationship in nature is the weak and the strong, but after hundreds of millions of years of biological evolution, not only the ferocious creatures survive, the earth is a complete biological chain, and only by maintaining biological diversity can we ensure the survival of each species. Reproduction and development.

We humans are also one of them.

We have a coexistence relationship with them!

Every one of you can participate in this social responsibility. If you gather all the weak forces around you, you will become very powerful! “

Liu Wei made a fist gesture.

The classmates below also gritted their teeth and followed Liu Wei, feeling that they had already devoted themselves to the cause of protecting the earth.

“Thank you Liu Wei!” Xiao Sa applauded and said goodbye to Liu Wei. After Liu Wei stepped down, he walked to the middle. “Classmates, Academician Zhong and Teacher Liu Wei all mentioned a key word in their lectures. Social responsibility. I believe in the future. …”

The sound echoed in the passage from the studio to the backstage.

Liu Wei hurried back to the lounge, took a look, and asked the staff, “Where is Academician Zhong?”

“Already gone, Academician Zhong is going to the CDC for a meeting!”

“Oh!” Liu Wei nodded regretfully. As a little fan, he didn’t have time to sign!

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