Beast Tamer’s Destiny: Summoning the Ultimate Forms

Chapter 73: The Five Deans Make Their Appearance!

Chapter 73: The Five Deans Make Their Appearance!

Wang Chen had no idea what was happening outside at this moment.

After taking a nap yesterday afternoon, he immersed himself in high-intensity training.

Xuanyuan Academy truly deserves to be a top-tier academy.

Inside the luxurious standalone villa, there is also a very spacious private training room.

And the configuration of the private training room is extremely advanced, with all kinds of training facilities fully equipped.

The properties of the training robots can be adjusted up to level 100.


These training robots are implanted with high-level combat chips.

The chips are engraved with the combat memories of various fallen job changers.

Using magical means, these memories are inscribed on the chips, and once the training robots read them, they can possess the combat experience of those job changers.

Therefore, for an entire day, Wang Chen and Xiao Qing were engaged in high-intensity training.

It was truly exhilarating to the extreme.

This level of training intensity is absolutely unattainable in ordinary training rooms.

This is the difference between the conditions of a top-tier academy and an ordinary one.

Right now.

After getting up and washing up.

Wang Chen also placed Xiao Qing in his arms, then put his hands in his pockets and walked towards Xuanyuan Plaza.

Today is the opening ceremony, so naturally, he cannot be absent.

Upon arriving at Xuanyuan Plaza, Wang Chen saw that there were already thousands of freshmen gathered there.

"Did these people come so early?"

Wang Chen was slightly taken aback, knowing that it was not yet seven o'clock.

However, he quickly noticed that something was wrong.

Because these freshmen were not sitting in their seats, but instead standing, looking very angry, and discussing something continuously.

Beside them, many sophomore students were watching with smiles, clearly enjoying the show.

Out of caution for the unknown situation, Wang Chen did not rush over but silently stood at a distance, observing the scene in front of him.


The commotion here also attracted the attention of the school leaders.


The space on the stage in front of them began to ripple continuously, and a profound wave spread out. Then, more than a dozen figures with an aura as deep as the abyss appeared in front of the freshmen.

Leading them was an elderly man with frosty white hair at his temples. He was tall, with bright eyes, a ruddy complexion, a straight posture, and hands clasped behind his back. A terrifying martial aura swirled around him, causing the space around him to faintly twist and collapse.

He Fu'an!

Dean of the War Academy!

A peak-level 180 4th turn Martial God!

The student handbook had already introduced this world-renowned Martial God.

Beside He Fu'an was another elderly man with white hair.

However, unlike the strong and sturdy He Fu'an, this elderly man was slightly shorter, wore glasses, squinted his eyes, and held a black cane.

Although his appearance was ordinary, behind him, a giant clock's shadow loomed, causing the order of time around him to faintly fluctuate, showing signs of reversing.

Qu Changfeng!

Dean of the Magic Academy!

A level 180 Time Archmage!

These two were the second in command, only below the grand principal of Xuanyuan Academy!

Next to them.

A burly man nearly three meters tall, whose bulging muscles almost burst through his tailored suit, did not exude the same forceful aura as He Fu'an.

On his shoulder perched a spirit bird with seven-colored feathers.

On his arm, a black tiger tattoo seemed to wriggle, faintly accompanied by an ear-shattering tiger roar in everyone's ears.

Wei Yuan!

Dean of the Beast Academy!

A level 175 Beast Tamer!

The remaining two were both women.

Milan, a level 178 Holy Sage (quadruple transfer priest), Dean of the Light Academy.

Dressed in a pure white holy robe, her hands clasped in front of her belly, her exquisite and beautiful face wore a gentle smile, her whole being exuding a faint white holy light. Looking at her, one felt a warm sensation in their heart, even their vitality seemed to surge.

Beside her was the Dean of the Shadow Academy, Li Qingyun.

A level 173 Shadow Master (quadruple transfer Shadow Blade).

Wearing a tight black combat suit, her high ponytail stood erect behind her. Her complexion was a healthy wheat color, her delicate oval face was full of heroic spirit, sitting in the front row, her long legs crossed, gazing with interest at the indignant freshmen below.

She was a mature woman like a leopard.

The five deans of Xuanyuan Academy were all present!

Behind them were more than a dozen equally powerful elite instructors!

It is worth mentioning...

Among them was a woman in a white lab coat, wearing large black-framed glasses, sitting expressionlessly alongside the five deans!

The woman had beautiful ice-blue long hair, but her bangs and sideburns were so long that they covered most of her face.

Making it impossible for others to see her true appearance clearly.

It also made her look somewhat gloomy, like a shut-in.

Another strange point.

The aura of this bespectacled woman was very ordinary; you couldn't feel any hint of power or wisdom attributes flowing from her.

In stark contrast to the imposing auras of the five deans and the powerful elite instructors.

Her ordinary and plain demeanor stood out so much.

But even so, the fact that she could sit alongside the five deans did not surprise the sophomore students. On the contrary, it seemed perfectly natural, with many sophomore students looking at the bespectacled woman with eyes full of reverence and admiration.

"Who is this low-key big shot..."

Wang Chen recalled the student handbook.

He found that it didn't contain any information about this bespectacled woman.

At this moment.

The freshmen, upon seeing these big shots, started to protest.

They would not shrink back because of these big shots' identities!

"Dean He, I, Wang Zhigang, officially protest the initial ranking of the freshmen! I think this ranking is unfair!"

"That's right! I, Jia Hongrui, protest too!"

"Why do we live in C district dorms while others live in S district dorms?"

Full of youthful vigor, daring to protest against injustice.

In fact, this is also a valuable quality in these young people.

At this moment.

Dean of the War Academy He Fu'an also raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

After everyone quieted down.

This peak Martial God smiled gently and said:

"Let me introduce myself first, my name is He Fu'an, Dean of the War Academy."

"As for questioning the initial ranking and dormitory allocation, I not only do not oppose it but also fully support it!"

"Since you doubt the rankings given by us old folks, fine!"

"As you wish!"

"Notify everyone, the opening ceremony is postponed to tomorrow, and the freshmen competition will be held in advance!"

"The time is set for one o'clock this afternoon!"

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Mao, please prepare the trial instance."

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