Beastman Forcefully Raising a Wife

Chapter 33: Forget The Bad Experience

After he finished eating the roast meat, Shu Jintian was a little thirsty. He looked around to see if Shu Hanyu brought any fruit for him. Only then did he see that Shu Hanyu had brought back all the things from the previous cave for him.

The salt in the large seashell had been hollowed out in the center. His jacket, and even the Maochu Beast leather he had previously left in the cave was here. It looked very comfortable, but who knew whether it was useful. The Maochu Beast skin that had just been skinned today had also been handled by Shu Hanyu and was drying on a bush.

“You brought so many things ah, it must have been hard to move. Why didn’t you wait for me to carry them together?” Shu Jintian had wanted to say since the rain had stopped, they could go back and live there. However, once he recalled that returning also meant being shut up in a snake cave, he paused and changed his words. However, he was also forcefully tied down and unable to move freely now anyways; he really felt goddamn distressed.

He had to dispel the big snake’s guard against him. After all, he really intended to live together with Shu Hanyu now, and they had a long future ahead; he definitely couldn’t live while locked up like this. And also that matter. He should find a good time to explain to the big snake that he was the same as him, a male.

This matter really had to be properly explained. He had to make the big snake see the truth without provoking him. Nothing could be done if Shu Hanyu no longer wanted him, but it was fine as long as he didn’t eat him up.

“No need, Tiantian should just rest well. You just have to let me handle everything else.” Shu Hanyu encircled the female, both hands kneaded his stomach, then his waist.

“Tiantian got thinner again; he didn’t let you eat well?” Shu Hanyu’s tone was a little ugly, and he couldn’t help being a little forceful while kneading Shu Jintian’s hand.

“Ss. No ah. Even if he did give me food, I couldn’t eat it either. Tell me, what’s with that person? How annoying!” As long as Shu Jintian thought of what he ate during those two days, how he ate it, and what that person did to him, he felt nauseous.

Now, he only wanted to forget those bad experiences as soon as possible. But whenever he quieted down alone, those images were impossible to get rid of like a maggot attached to a corpse. It was only when the big snake was around that he could be distracted, and could discard those humiliating memories temporarily.

Shu Hanyu was delighted and turned Shu Jintian’s body over, speaking while facing him, “Tiantian doesn’t like him? Is it because he didn’t treat you as well as I did?”

Shu Jintian tilted his head away, fidgety, and said unhappily, “Can you stop mentioning that guy to me?! And don’t compare him with yourself.”

“Alright!” Shu Hanyu happily replied, then pressed against the female’s lips. “I won’t talk about him; Tiantian is mine.”

Shu Hanyu smiled and bit the female’s lower lip, extending his forked tongue with the desire to enter.

Shu Jintian was startled, and became rigid, not daring to move. But because Shu Hanyu had mentioned that person who abused him and made him think of his most unbearable experience, Shu Jintian cooperated and relaxed his mouth.

Perhaps he had given up, or perhaps he wanted Shu Hanyu’s taste to cover the flavour that made him feel sick. The moment the ice-cold forked tongue entered his mouth, he even tried to lick it. Because he felt that his tongue was dirty too.

Shu Hanyu abruptly stiffened, and his blood-red eyes widened in disbelief. This was the first time Tiantian took the initiative to respond to him while being conscious.

However, even if it was an illusion, Shu Hanyu was still delighted to sink into it. Having a moment of blessedness is always better than having none at all.

Why wasn’t he moving? Shu Jintian looked at Shu Hanyu, baffled. The overly close distance between them enlarged the visibly blood-red beast irises by a lot, and it looked especially scary.

Shu Jintian was first frightened until he froze, but after adapting to this distance, he noticed that the big snake’s eye rims were slightly wet, saturating his already gleaming eyes. It looked especially glossy with a bewitching charm that would make the enraptured person sink into it and be unable to extricate themself.

Shu Hanyu blinked and Shu Jintian suddenly startled awake, and suspiciously asked, “Mmmn~ What’s up with you?”

Shu Jintian’s mouth still held Shu Hanyu’s forked tongue, and was a little muffled when speaking.

Shu Hanyu returned to his senses and shut his eyes, and also closed off his weak emotions.

—This is a small section nibbled away by river crabs—

Note: this is nsfw that’s from an unofficial source, as is all nsfw. Just a reminder.

He curled around the female’s soft tongue and twined around it, the warm cavern captivating him, unable to restrain his emotions, he invaded even deeper.

The slender and long forked tongue flexibly slid into the deepest part of the female’s mouth, that tight passage. Shu Hanyu voluntarily rolled his tongue, then heard the female’s whimper.

Wu~ Cough! Mmmn~” Shu Jintian strained his throat, and was stimulated into contracting it continuously. He kept swallowing against the held tongue, but didn’t resist. When he recalled that guy humiliating him like that a few days ago, he felt that even his insides weren’t clean either. Moreover, he didn’t dare rebel against the big snake and also, resistance was futile. Forget it, just let him fool around; laozi no longer cares.

Shu Jintian didn’t dare face this scene and closed his eyes tight.

—Another small section nibbled away by river crabs—

Shu Hanyu held the female’s head and straightened him before continuing their deep kiss. The ice-cold saliva slipped down along the forked tongue, and flowed into Shu Jintian’s mouth. His throat was stimulated and Shu Jintian, who was a little thirsty in the first place, instinctively swallowed down.

Gradually, Shu Jintian habitually absorbed the liquid, his somewhat chapped and pale lips gradually turned rosy and were no longer as dry. Abruptly realising what he was doing with a start, Shu Jintian instantly widened his eyes.

“Mmmmnmn…” Shu Jintian pushed Shu Hanyu.

Shu Hanyu wanted to continue, his scarlet forked tongue sweeping across and licking up the traces of liquid at the corner of the female’s lips. He pressed his head against the female’s nice and warm forehead, speaking gently, “Tiantian~”

Shu Jintian blushed a little, swallowing the remaining moisture in his mouth and tensely lowering his head to say, “I’m a little thirsty, take me to drink water ba!”

Shu Hanyu naturally had no objections, and carried the female down the mountain.

Shu Jintian was still naked and hurriedly struggled, wanting to go down. After the big snake tightened his grasp and pained him, he resisted the pain to explain, “Wu! You’re hurting me. I just want to wear clothes; hurry up and let go.”

Shu Hanyu immediately relaxed his strength and put down the female. In fact, he didn’t want to punish the female either, but he was just so disobedient. Shu Hanyu just wanted to control him, but he didn’t contain his strength and hurt the female.

Shu Jintian set his foot on the ground and carefully approached the mountainside with trembling legs to take down the clothes drying outside. After a night, his clothes had thoroughly dried, however, his white long-sleeved T-shirt had already yellowed in colour, and Shu Jintian felt uncomfortable when looking at it.

Not daring to make Shu Hanyu wait too long, Shu Jintian swiftly put on his clothes. When wearing his pants, he inevitably strained the unmentionable place behind. His originally faintly red face instantly turned redder and he could even clearly feel the rising heat.

After dressing himself, Shu Jintian shifted and refused Shu Hanyu’s help, insisting on going down the mountain. Shu Hanyu kind-heartedly agreed, supporting the female to stroll down slowly.

Both Shu Jintian’s legs were numb and soft until it was quaking. With a hand clutching Shu Hanyu’s arm, he tremblingly went down the mountain. Upon reaching the riverside, he couldn’t walk a single step.

Shu Jintian weakly crouched on the grass, drinking water with big mouthfuls, then he found a few clean water plants to clean his teeth. Then, he washed his face and tidied himself up, and his entire body was much more energised.

Shu Jintian kept tugging at the vine around his neck; the feel was soft yet extremely tough. A beam of light suddenly flashed in his mind and he urgently asked Shu Hanyu, “Hanyu, where did you get this sort of vine? Is there any that are even more slender?”

Shu Hanyu reacted instantly and said, “There is; there’s a large area of these vines behind the mountains. Does Tiantian want to change to a thinner vine? I’ll bring you over to look for some ba!

Shu Jintian was delighted, it seemed promising. He excitedly continued asking, “How thin can it be? What is it like?”

Shu Hanyu thought about it, then pulled out a water plant that was as thin as a vermicelli noodle. “At most it’s about this thin ba. But if it’s too thin, I worry it’ll choke you. This vine is the one I selected carefully. If Tiantian doesn’t like it, how about you go pick one you like more?”

Shu Jintian felt stifled anger, and nearly couldn’t resist clawing at Shu Hanyu. Shu Hanyu, that’s really enough from you!! Motherfucker, you’ve already tied laozi up and you even hope laozi will go pick my favourite shackle. You’re crazy, right?!

Shu Jintian took a few deep breaths before he could press down his anger, and said, “Okay, bring me over to look.”

Shu Hanyu gently said, “Okay!”

Shu Jintian truly couldn’t walk anymore. After hearing Shu Hanyu say that they would have to do a large detour around to reach the back of the mountains, he very immorally took the initiative to ask to be carried.

Amused, Shu Hanyu blew the bridge of the female’s nose, and carried up the female bridal style.

“Aiiiii~~ I said carry me on your back ah, don’t always carry me like this. Laozi isn’t a woman, so princess carry and whatever is just too appalling ba!” Shu Jintian wrapped his arms around Shu Hanyu’s neck and wanted to crawl over to his back, only settling down after a heavy pat on the butt.

“Tiantian is a woman, Tiantian is my woman,” Shu Hanyu said with a tender smile.

“Hey hey hey! Laozi is definitely a man; didn’t you see that I have the same thing as you?” Shu Jintian was a little nervous, but the current mood was pretty good, so he blurted it out.

“What same thing?” Shu Hanyu tilted his head and spoke curiously.

Shu Jintian halted, then stammeringly said, “It’s- It’s that place ah! The place you poked me with yesterday.”

Shu Hanyu suddenly understood. Tiantian was talking about their genitals! However, how were they the same? Obviously it was very different ba!

Shu Hanyu bewilderingly said, “It’s not the same ah, Tiantian’s one is so short. Also, there’s only one. But other beastmen also only have one, so Tiantian doesn’t have to feel inferior. Even if it’s shorter, even if you don’t have it, I won’t dislike your…”

Before Shu Hanyu finished speaking, Shu Jintian had angrily thrown a slap across Shu Hanyu’s face, finally satisfying his previous indignant desire to slap Shu Hanyu. He only became terrified after seeing Shu Hanyu’s startled expression.

“Hehe… There was a mosquito on your face. I’ve already helped you kill it,” Shu Jintian stuttered, his heart a little apprehensive.

Shu Hanyu became delighted, and seized the opportunity to stick his face against the female’s little hand, gently rubbing against it.

“Tiantian really is good!”

Shu Jintian’s lips twitched, and awkwardly raised his head to look at the sky. He didn’t withdraw his hand. Stiffly, he said, “Cough, it’s good that you know!”

—Now, the content has to be exchanged for river crabs nibbling away again, apologies once again—

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