Beastman Forcefully Raising a Wife

Chapter 41: Nightmare

The cavern was dry and cool, but the outside was a layer of misty rain; large droplets of rain were followed by a fierce wind, the rain curtaining in layers and sweeping the mountain forest, and the extremely tall trees subsequently swayed left and right.

When Shu Jintian heard Hanyu’s words, he couldn’t help feeling a little stunned, blankly saying, “I’m going too?”

Hanyu swept up the female, carrying him in bridal style.

“Mn, Tiantian bear with it a little. We’ll return very soon.” Hanyu rubbed against the female’s face that he had tightly bundled in animal hide, speaking dotingly.

Shu Jintian only then came back to his senses; Hanyu was being serious. Hanyu had always looked after him and he thought that the big snake would definitely be unwilling to have him get wet in rain!

But every time it was the big snake who went to look for food while he waited at home with a clear conscience; that was too mean as well. As such, Shu Jintian nodded in agreement.

Hanyu did not turn into his Spiritual Snake form, instead carrying the female in his human form to prevent him from getting drenched from the rain.

But prey was hard to find in a rainstorm. Hanyu brought Shu Jintian around to search everywhere, and it took forever before they found a carnivorous beast who was also hunting in the rain.

During the return, because there was a large-sized prey, Hanyu still had no alternative but to turn into a Spiritual Snake and return home while wrapped around Shu Jintian.

Even though Shu Jintian was wrapped up in an animal hide, due to his body being bound and Hanyu being unable to take care of him, Shu Jintian slowly became wet from the rain. After consecutive days of torrential rain, the temperature had gotten much lower. When they returned to the cavern, Shu Jintian was already shivering from the cold.

Once Shu Jintian returned to the cavern, he shiveringly tore away the animal hide, then forcefully hung it on the wooden rack used to hang clothes for it to drip dry.

“What a heavy rain. It’s already been raining for several days; when will it end ah?” Shu Jintian stripped completely bare, then used the rainwater collected in the shell to wash his legs, hung the wet clothes on his body on the wooden rack as well before swiftly digging into the bedding.

The inside of the animal hide blankets were soft, and felt very comfortable when stuck to the skin. Shu Jintian bundled himself up tight in the blankets, leaving his head outside, his black hair half-wet. Because it had gotten a little longer, it didn’t stick up like before and merely curled up slightly, in a beautiful disarray.

Hanyu bit out a small hole in the prey’s neck, and the prey’s moistened fur was immediately dyed red by blood, the colour of blood spreading out in a circle.

“Not so soon. Tiantian, there’s no firewood now, so drink some blood ba. It’s no good if you don’t eat meat. When the weather gets better, you can eat what you like,” Hanyu walked to the bedside and spoke gently.

Shu Jintian intuitively felt that things were far from good when he watched Hanyu’s actions, and as expected, his intuition immediately came true. Seeing Hanyu already raise the bloody prey and walk to the side of the bed, Shu Jintian felt his blood run cold. Because of his bad experiences, Shu Jintian was now like a bird startled by the twang of a bow, and vigilantly shrank back, his head shaking like a rattle-drum.

“No, I won’t eat. Hanyu, you eat yourself ba!”

Hanyu’s brows furrowed slightly, his face sinking. He didn’t expect that the female would be so picky even when he was starving to this extent. Really disobedient.

“No. You’ve already turned skinny now, you can’t continue being hungry. Be good, drink it while it’s fresh.” Hanyu’s voice, unbeknownst to him, became colder. The female could be picky, but couldn’t be so picky that he disregarded his own health.

Hanyu sat by the bed, a hand raising the prey and the other grabbing the female’s arm and pulling even his whole person over.

But the disparity of strength between males and females was too great. Hanyu had only been a little angry, his strength a little out of control, but when he forcefully pulled Shu Jintian’s arm, Shu Jintian felt as if his arm was about to be dislocated.

The memory he had gradually forgotten due to his meticulous suppression and Hanyu’s distraction, slowly returned. Recalling how he was forced to drink blood and roughly fed raw meat, and even being compelled to give that person a blowjob, Shu Jintian couldn’t help trembling.

Shu Jintian’s head-splitting headache grew, and it was like the world had turned into chaos. Shu Jintian was terribly frightened, hysterically shouting, “No! I won’t eat, I won’t eat. Don’t…”

Shu Jintian’s extreme reaction frightened Hanyu. He could no longer care about anything else, releasing the prey in his hand and tightly hugging the female.

Hanyu hugged the female and said in concern, “Tiantian? Tiantian, what’s wrong?”

Shu Jintian hugged his head and curled up in a ball, and the place where his head was bruised had beats of pain. “I won’t eat, I won’t eat, no…”

“Don’t be scared, Tiantian. I’m here, I’ll protect you!” Hanyu’s heart was burning with anxiety, but he was also at a loss. He could only hold the female tight and press him into his embrace, repeatedly patting and rocking him, like coaxing a child having a nightmare.

Shu Jintian was lost in his mind, but could also faintly sense that the danger had lessened, and steadied a little.

But his body was still trembling while Shu Jintian muttered, “I won’t eat, I won’t eat! …But he forced me to eat. He stuffed it in, he stuffed in a lot, he stuffed in anything… I was about to suffocate, and about to burst from being filled!”

Shu Jintian’s face was bloodless, and even his lips that were always rosy had turned pale. His eyes were staring at nothing, his breathing shuddering, as if immersed in a horrifying memory.

Hanyu’s heart had a sudden pain, as if it was violently grabbed. Hanyu brought the female’s whole body into his embrace, gently patting him placatingly.

“Okay, Tiantian doesn’t have to eat if you don’t want to. Don’t be scared!” Hanyu’s hand was gently stroking Shu Jintian’s back as he quietly consoled him.

Hanyu’s tone of voice was like a lullaby, repeating himself again and again.

Shu Jintian gradually calmed down, his head no longer that painful anymore. However, his skull still ached fainitly, and his faintness made him unable to gather his spirit.

Shu Jintian softened his body somewhat and laid in Hanyu’s embrace, unconsciously saying, “Big snake, big snake, it was so scary! Don’t go, I won’t go either, I won’t ever go. Big snake…”

Hanyu was gently rocking Shu Jintian, and abruptly paused when he heard this, the crook of his arm tightening.

“Okay! I won’t leave, and Tiantian can’t leave ever again. I won’t let you be in such danger anymore, so don’t be scared, Tiantian…”

“Mn~~” Shu Jintian felt relieved, his eyelids slowly growing heavier. In Hanyu’s cradle-like embrace, he soon fell asleep.

After Shu Jintian was fast asleep, the man who was originally as gentle as water suddenly had ruthless eyes, a red glow flashing in his emerald irises as a dense killing intent abruptly centred around the man’s body.

Hanyu balled up his right hand, his bones letting out a creaking sound. “Yan Ze, for daring to hurt my Tiantian, I must have you pay the price!”

Hanyu lowered his head to look at his female. The present him didn’t have the slightest defense, quietly lying in his embrace. Even his breathing couldn’t be heard from how weak it was, so fragile it was like he would break with a bump.

When Tiantian was with him, he was always making threatening gestures, and was very nice to raise. He never imagined that that nomadic beastman would leave such a deep injury to him, and turn his perfectly good Tiantian into this.

Hanyu glanced at the prey on the floor, then picked it up with one hand before carefully bringing it to the female’s mouth. He gently pried open Shu Jintian’s pale lips and slowly fed him.

“Tiantian, just drink a bit,” Hanyu tenderly coaxed, as if the female was still awake.

The sleeping Shu Jintian still couldn’t help frowning, spitting out a whimper, then gulped down the blood in his mouth.

After feeding him, Hanyu kissed away the bloody flavour in Shu Jintian’s mouth. Since Tiantian hated fresh blood this much, it was better if he didn’t know. He could slowly change his defect of being picky in the future; they still had a long future before them.

Hanyu gently laid Shu Jintian down on the bed, covered him with the blanket, then pressed a light kiss against his cheek.

“Tiantian, I’m going out for a bit. I’ll be back soon.”

A rainy day was the greatest impediment for all beasts who flew, and even a strong beastman will be similarly affected. Hanyu could no longer bear the other beastman for coveting his female, especially since this one had humiliated his Tiantian.

Hanyu would not tolerate this beastman for even a moment longer.

When he reached the entrance, Hanyu paused, thinking, and fetched a slender vine, turning around and tying it around the female’s neck.

The last time Tiantian wandered off was also in such a rainy weather ah!

The scent the male beastman left may have been washed down by the rainstorm, but there was still a bit of the scent remaining in its original palace. Hanyu continued following the scent, and soon found the beastman he wanted to dispose of.

The two beasts confronted each other, filled with hostility.

Under the downpour, Yan Ze’s fur soon grew wet and stuck against his body, but did not reveal an emaciated body. Instead, it revealed even more of a sturdy skeleton and well-proportioned muscles, even more power.

This was the one who had snatched his little female. The little female was his; he must seize it back again. Recalling the cute female that he once came in contact with day and night, Yan Ze secretly pledged to himself!

Hanyu’s eyes were ice-cold, looking at the wet furred beastman like looking at a corpse.

Yan Ze was enraged by Hanyu’s disdainful gaze. He took a small step back, let out a mad howl, then ferociously leapt at the Spiritual Snake before him.

Hanyu, however, did not move, as if not attaching importance to his opponent. It was only the instant before the arrogant beastman touched him that his body abruptly flashed, evading the other’s attack and seizing this chance to attack.

The flexible snake body was as quick as lightning, instantly biting his opponent’s lower back.

Yan Ze let out a furious roar, angrily forcing away a distance, torn away from a piece of bitten flesh.

This Spiritual Snake seemed to be even stronger; or perhaps he wasn’t at his best the last time?

However, it was of no matter. He had long prepared for this! Yan Ze let out a sneer, and he turned to run. His tremendous wings flapped powerfully, and his wings flew up a few meters, avoiding the Spiritual Snake’s violent attack.

Hanyu chased his fleeing opponent, swiftly following his trail. His overly long snake body streaked across the ground, scattering countless broken stones.

It turned out that Yan Ze had long spread a large quantity of sharp, broken rocks across this ground. As long as Hanyu dared come to his door, he would lose his fighting advantage.

But Hanyu had patiently waited, and didn’t come for him at the first glance, instead waiting for the rainy season and when Yan Ze also had no way of utilising his flight advantage.

As if unable to feel it, Hanyu’s body still swiftly glided along, instantly catching up to Yan Ze.

Yan Ze was incredibly surprised, never expecting that this Spiritual Snake would risk it all to come after him like this. Like this, he would fall at a disadvantage again. Yan Ze became timid, and if they went at it again, he would no longer be able to cope.

The two beasts had a close combat, and kicked up dust and stones in the rain; the rocks that flew up were solid and sharp, several bringing red glints which disappeared under the rain’s washing before the rocks fell to the ground.

Hanyu completely held the upper hand, his snake body gradually restricting Yan Ze’s strong beast form. He’d tightened up once when he found the opportunity, up until his opponent suffocated to death.

Yan Ze also understood the Spiritual Snake’s intentions, and struggled even more fervently like a trapped beast, determinedly flinging the snake body that was clinging on without letting go.

At some unknown time, the ground where the two were deadlocked was drenched in a red hue. With the rainwater’s dilution, the blood spread to a range that grew wider, dying a patch of ground covered in broken rocks.

As the blood on the ground increased, Hanyu gradually lost his strength, his form immediately turning subtly weaker. Yan Ze found the perfect timing and spared no efforts in a struggle, getting free of the Spiritual Snake’s suppression. But he did not retreat, instead viciously pouncing and throwing down the Spiritual Snake, opening his bloodied large mouth and preparing to bite into the snake’s neck, intending to break his neck in one bite.

Hanyu drew his body tight, staring firmly at the beastman above him but not avoiding it. The instant the fangs glinting with cold light touched Hanyu, Hanyu suddenly moved, his flexible snake body moving away half a meter strangely, and his snake head shot up like lightning. Instantly, he bit down onto the beastman’s head that hadn’t withdrawn yet.

His incisive pointed teeth penetrated flesh, his upper fangs firmly embedded in the beastman’s angrily glaring eye.


Yan Ze howled violently, and hurriedly retreated at the same time, his face already covered in blood. His right eye socket even had a terrifyingly large hole. If he had not been quick enough, the snake’s teeth would have sunk into his brain.

The results were already determined; death would be undoubted if he did not leave.

Yan Ze let out a roar, threw open his wings and strained all his energy to fly in midair to run away in a great hurry. With the burden of exhaustion and rainwater, Yan Ze’s flight trajectory was intermittently high and low. If the Spiritual Snake below took the opportunity to give chase, he would certainly succeed in hunting him down.

Hanyu, however, merely coldly watched the sorrily fleeing beastman and did not give chase. It was only when the beastman disappeared in his eyes that his upright upper body collapsed with a bang, his body mottled in blood falling into the pool of blood…

Extra Kofi chapter!

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