Beastmaster, I can set the evolution route

Chapter 15: Victory in the first battle, defeating the enemy in one move

Li Qingzhou looked at the guardian's pet beast, and its message appeared in front of his eyes.

[Name: Armored Rat]

[Attribute: Gold]

[Level: Black Iron Level 8]

[Qualification: Black Iron]

[Skills: Iron Armor Defense, Stab]

[Weakness: Fire]

[Evolution route: 1]

[Introduction: Pangolins, covered in scales, curl up when in danger to protect their weak abdomen. 】

In the first game of the competition, the guardian beast sent by the organizer was only Black Iron Level 8.

First send out weaker defenders and pet beasts, and then increase the difficulty level by level, which can increase the excitement of the game.

At the same time, it improves the excitement of the game.

"Red Fox? Is this player serious?"

"The money has been wasted again. It's time to buy the one who wins."

"My pet beast is the red fox. It wants to attack but doesn't attack, and wants to defend but doesn't defend. It's just a waste."

"Can I re-place my bet?"

"This can't be an official job, just here to cut leeks!"


There was a lot of discussion in the audience, and some viewers who had placed bets were even more indignant.

In their opinion, Red Fox loses 100%.

They know the red fox very well. This kind of pet beast is on the bad streets of Linyuan City. Its strength is at the bottom among its peers. It has no other advantages except being easy to make contracts.

"Iron-armored rat, attack, use the skill to thrust."

The defender issued the battle order.

The armored rat immediately carried out the order, kicked its limbs violently on the ground, ran forward, and stabbed at the red fox.

"Ping An, use Sand Release to topple it."

Li Qingzhou said to Ping An.

As a top student, he remembers information about various pet beasts and knows their advantages, disadvantages, and skills very well.

The appearance of the armored rat is similar to that of a pangolin. Its thrusts are powerful and heavy, and cannot be carried forcefully.

But the thrust is not very fast, and you can dodge it with a little attention.

Its weakness is its soft abdomen. The black iron-level armored rat cannot cover its abdomen with iron armor defense. As long as it attacks its abdomen in a targeted manner, it is easy to win.

Ping An gathered a pile of gravel in front of him. When the armored rat rushed in front of him, the gravel suddenly rose and turned into a sand pillar, hitting the armored rat's abdomen hard and knocking it over.


The armored rat curled up, rolled on the ground, and kept wailing.

The armored rat was hit in its weak point and instantly lost its combat effectiveness.

"It only took one blow to hit the armored rat in the abdomen, making it lose its combat effectiveness. Beautiful. Congratulations to challenger No. 25 for winning!"

The host's voice sounded, announcing the results of the game.

"This is really a red fox. Why is it so different from my red fox?"

"The physiques of red foxes and red foxes cannot be generalized. I once saw a red fox kill an armored rat with one move."

"Fortunately, I bought the Challenger. I made a lot of money with this one."

"Oh, damn it, no bets were placed."

"Silly Red Fox, have you seen it? The Red Fox in the ring will be your role model from now on. Go back and train hard!"

"This game is worth watching."

The audience was discussing enthusiastically. This red fox refreshed their knowledge, and they began to look forward to the next game.

At the end of each competition, challengers will get a ten-minute break.

Let the challenger and his pet take a breather, recover their strength, and adjust their condition.

At the same time, it also gives the audience on the sidelines time to place bets. After a game, they will have a general understanding of the strength of the challenging players, so they can judge the subsequent winning or losing results and place bets in advance.

In addition, advertisements can be inserted. After all, beast control competitions are a popular competitive event in this world, and there are many viewers. It is routine to insert advertisements between competitions, and advertising fees are often relatively expensive.

A short ten-minute break is beneficial to challengers, audiences, and event organizers. It can be said to be a win-win-win situation.

Ten minutes passed quickly.

"Welcome back to the competition site. The next step is to challenge the second defender. Let us wait and see whether the challenger will work hard and win two games in a row, or the defender will defend the home court and defeat the challenger. The second game. ,start!"

With the host's magnetic voice, the second game officially began.

"The decision is yours, Rock Snake."

The defender shouted, clear light rippled in front of him, and a rock snake swam out from the summoning array.

Li Qingzhou glanced at the rock snake, and its information emerged.

[Name: Rock Snake]

[Attribute: Earth]

[Level: Black Iron Level 9]

[Qualification: Black Iron]

[Skills: Iron Tail, Sandstorm]

[Weakness: Wood]

[Evolution route: 1]

[Introduction: The body is composed of multiple huge gray rocks, and the shape formed by the connected boulders looks like a big snake. There is a long rocky horn on the top of its head, and below it is a pair of black eyes. The rocks get smaller and smaller from the middle to the tail. 】

"In the second game, the defender's pet is a rock snake. This is a pet with excellent defensive power."

"It has similar attributes and skills to the red fox."

"Whether the sandstorm is stronger or the sand escape is more powerful, we will find out in the battle."

The host gives a general explanation of the pets on the field and helps the audience understand the situation on the field.

Li Qingzhou observed calmly, while recalling the knowledge he had learned about rock snakes in his mind.

[Iron Tail]: Use a hard tail to attack the opponent. After hitting the target, the target's defense will be reduced.

[Sandstorm]: It can raise a sandstorm to attack the target and block the target's vision.

Rock snake is an elemental creature made of rocks. It has excellent defense and can quickly reassemble its body even if it is knocked down.

But Li Qingzhou knows where its weakness is, that is the long horn on its head.

It is the control center of the rock snake. As long as the long horn is not damaged, the rock snake can theoretically reassemble infinitely.

"Rock snake, use the skill sandstorm."

The defender decided to take the initiative.

The rock snake stood upright with its upper body, its head held high, and its expression was cold and arrogant.

A gust of sand suddenly rose out of thin air and whistled on the ring.

"Ping An, use sand escape."

Li Qingzhou gave the order calmly.

The audience in the stands stretched their necks to watch the competition on the ring.

They both belong to the sand-related skills, so who is stronger?

They whispered and predicted the trend on the ring.

The wind and sand whistled, and the ring was hazy for a while, and the specific situation could not be seen clearly.


A loud noise came.

The rock snake activated its second skill, Iron Tail.

The huge rock snake tail swept over, and the strong wind it brought blew away the wind and sand.

Ping An was not panicked, and used Sand Escape to create several sand walls along the path of the snake tail.


The sweep of the snake tail was powerful and heavy, and the sand wall was instantly knocked down and shattered into gravel.

"The Iron Tail skill is really powerful, and the red fox's Sand Escape can't stop it at all."

"Look at the size of the rock snake, it is several times larger than the red fox, and its strength must be much stronger."

"It seems that the challenger is in trouble this time."

"The rock snake has good comprehensive attributes, and it can be regarded as a top pet in the black iron level."

The audience looked at the situation on the stage and began to discuss it.

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