Beasts Are Boundless

Chapter 101

Chapter 101

Judging from the current situation, the beast horde left after the Jute tribe was full, and this meal was enough to support them for half a month.

Ye Qiong, who was standing on the ice wall, jumped down, took Huang Ling in his arms and rode directly on Dian Dian’s back, and then looked towards the marked position on the map.

Fifty kilometers!

The sky was getting dark, Ye Qiong was still standing in the same place, his brain was running fast. As a special forces member, Ye Qiong’s medical level is beyond doubt. If you don’t eat every day, how big will the impact be.

But no matter how anxious he was, he still couldn’t hurry at night.

If you want to bet on luck, Ye Qiong can now go directly to the Yanghe Tribe, and at a dull speed, under the current load, he can reach the Yanghe Tribe in three hours.

After the past, it is already the second half of the night, and the temperature will drop a lot. If you can find the Yanghe tribe, it will be good. If you miss it because of the night, it will be more troublesome.

Finding a tribe aimlessly on Snowstar, especially at night, can be very difficult.

After some calculations, Ye Qiong, who was about to leave directly, was persuaded by himself.

Looking at Huang Ling in his arms, Ye Qiong plunged headlong into the tribe again. The purpose of the last time was to find out if there were any survivors.

And this time, I was looking for food for the little guy…

Don’t think about milk powder. There is no such thing on Xue Xing. Before meeting Huang Ling, Ye Qiong even forgot the word milk powder. He has nothing to do with having children in the tribe, because he is a perennial. They mainly eat meat, so the women in the tribe are not short of milk and do not need milk powder.

If there is no milk powder, Ye Qiong can’t think of getting something to eat for such a small child, especially in the current environment, so he can only look for it in wooden houses to see if he can find some powdered energy. Rush down to drink something.

After searching in the tribe for a long time, Ye Qiong didn’t find anything mushy that could be boiled, and finally stopped in front of a wooden house where medicinal herbs were stored. Come in.

Looking at the blood on the ground and the mess after the fight, Ye Qiong began to check the jars one by one.

There are quite a lot of powdered things here, but they are all medicinal materials…

If you dare to drink it for your child, maybe your life will go faster.

After rummaging for a long time, smelled and tasted the jars one by one, most of them were medicinal herbs, both sweet and bitter. After Ye Qiong tasted one, he shook his head once. The medicinal properties were too strong for the baby to carry.

After tasting more than half of it, Ye Qiong suddenly froze for a moment, put the medicine jar in his hand on the ground, and rushed out of the pharmacy with a slap on the forehead.

Duan Duan, who was a little bored crouching at the door, was stunned for a moment, and Ye Qiong stood in front of it.

He kicked Dian Dian, who was squatting on the ground, and then Ye Qiong took out a tubular object from the large cloth bag that Dian Dian was carrying. The hemp rope was pulled out.

Grease Lamp!

Carrion beasts have begun to appear around the tribe, and they seem to have rushed over smelling the blood, wanting to get a piece of the pie and looking for the residue. Ye Qiong also didn’t plan to spend the night in a human tribe that had just been washed with blood. If he sleeps here, one can imagine how many people will be infiltrated at night. Although Ye Qiong is not afraid and doesn’t care about the mess, but how much It still affects his mood.

Coupled with the strong smell of blood, and the carrion beasts that had already begun to gather, Ye Qiong directly carried Huang Ling and walked out of the tribe. , took out an iron pan.

Dumbly howled at a carrion beast not far away, so frightened that carrion beast turned around and ran away, then looked back at Ye Qiong, and immediately followed.

It was as if he was venting the kick of Ye Qiong just now. If the scavenger didn’t run, he would rush up in a rage, and then grab it back and let Ye Qiong bake it for himself.

After leaving the tribe, Ye Qiong found a hidden rock pile, dug a pit, lit a bonfire, and put the iron pot on it.

Getting up and looking for a taller boulder, Ye Qiong grabbed some snow and put it in the iron pot.

After a while, the melted snow began to rise.

Ye Qiong took out the grease lamp again. The wick of the grease lamp had been pulled out by Ye Qiong just now.

After scooping out some solidified grease with a dagger, I tapped it lightly on the iron pan a few times, and the solid grease fell into the water.

The oil that had solidified together was quickly melted by the boiling water encountered, Ye Qiong stirred gently with a dagger.

After stirring for a while, Ye Qiong took out some dried fruit from the pocket he was carrying, and put it in.

Milk powder is originally a powdery dehydrated composition, which contains protein and fat, as well as some sugars, minerals, and vitamins. It is much more complicated to make milk powder directly, but on Xue Xing, it can be regarded as something that can replace milk powder.

Babies can’t be hungry all the time. If an adult is hungry for a day, it will be empty.

Ye Qiong couldn’t make some medicine powder for her, so what was stewing in the pot at the moment was the best thing Ye Qiong could give Huang Ling, and it could save his life.

After burning for a while, Ye Qiong felt that he was almost done, so he took off the iron pot and put it on the snowdrift beside him, so that the temperature could be lowered faster.

The food has been cooked, and now how to feed Huang Ling has become a new problem. For things like baby bottles, definitely don’t even think about it.

It is also impossible to feed it directly from an iron pot. Such a small baby can’t drink it on her own, so she has to find a way to suck it into her stomach. After thinking about it for a while, Ye Qiong turned the contents of Duo Dian’s backpack over. , did not find anything useful.

In desperation, Ye Qiong could only hold Huang Ling in his arms, then stretched out his index finger to check the temperature, and put a drop of mixed dried fruit fat on his finger and placed it at the corner of Huang Ling’s mouth.

After a drop of mixed fat landed on the corner of Huang Ling’s mouth, she subconsciously pursed her mouth and sucked the drop of mixed fat into her stomach…

Ye Qiong worked so hard to feed him drop by drop. This time, he finally knew how painful it was to be a nurse.

But looking at the little girl’s face that was gradually turning rosy in his arms, Ye Qiong finally showed a smile. It seemed that the hard work was worth it.

Immediately, a sense of accomplishment arises spontaneously, and at the same time, there is also a strange feeling of being a father in my heart. This kind of thing that has been imprinted in human genes from birth is easily inspired, and words are indescribable.

On the other hand, he stared blankly at the mixed oil left in the pot, and couldn’t help licking his lips, it seemed that it was also hungry…

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