Beasts Are Boundless

Chapter 163

Chapter 163 Spring Rain

There are still the last three days before Xue Xing begins to spring…

These three days are the time recorded by the Xuexing Calendar, but the specific circumstances of each year are definitely different. The most important thing is to see when the first rain will fall.

As the saying goes, spring rain is as expensive as oil, and the same is true for Xue Xing. Spring rain is the catalyst for life.

The humidity in the air gradually increased as the snow and ice melted and evaporated these days.

In just a while, the wind increased a lot, and the dark clouds in the sky began to gather together. It can be seen that the outermost periphery is all white, but as it gradually shifted to the center, after no light source penetrated, it was turned black.

After a few breaths, a drop of rain lightly fell on Ye Qiong’s face.

This is……


Even with Ye Qiong’s characterization, at this time of year, my heart will be very excited. This drop of rain officially announces that Xue Xing’s 18-month long cold winter is over!

And spring, a symbol of vitality, has arrived.

The soldiers who were carrying stones and clay on the side of the cave also found something unusual. When a drop of rain fell, the soldiers also froze.

After a while, the joy that came from the heart appeared on the faces of the soldiers.

Tribal location eight kilometers away.

The busy clansmen outside also found the dark clouds gathered in the air, and then there were drops of rain.

“It’s raining……”

“It’s raining!”

“It’s raining!!!”

The children shouted first. After hearing the shouting from the outside, the people who were busy in the house immediately burst out with excitement. They all put down their work and ran out. .

The women and girls in the tribe are all graceful and charming. Although there are not many, the key is to be of high quality and able to sing and dance.

Facing the first rain in this area on Xuexing, I ran outside and started to jump.

In the past few days, sooner or later, except for some extreme areas, the entire Snow Star will basically usher in the first rainfall.

The climate of Snow Star is very special, because the ocean is very scattered, there is no super-large concentrated ocean, and there are many large lakes on land.

Therefore, Xuexing is a large-scale climate as a whole. Except for the north and south poles, other regions are basically the same. After the long cold winter, we welcome spring.

All the tribes shrouded under the clouds began to get excited as the raindrops fell.

There were also some people facing the rain, couldn’t help but kneeled on the ground, and began to pray for the migration this spring, praying that their tribe would not encounter the looting of high-level monsters.

Although the beast tide will dissipate after the spring, it is still very dangerous if some small tribes accidentally break into the territory of the king beast or some high-level beasts.

In front of the coal mine base, Ye Qiong opened his arms and let the already growing rain hit his face.

I miss the rain that I haven’t seen in eighteen months. Generally speaking, spring rain is not too big. When the seasons alternate, the air convection intensity is not high, and the overall trend tends to change from cold to hot.

After a while, the raindrops disappeared, turned into a drizzle, and began to drift down the air with the breeze.

After the soldiers were excited for a while, they returned to their jobs.

Ye Qiong rolled over and jumped onto the roof of the coal mine base, then looked around, and after choosing a suitable position, he jumped off and ran over on the king of wild horses.

This is about 1.5 kilometers away from the coal mine base just now. Ye Qiong saw a trace of a river.

I remember that a few months ago, Ye Qiong brought Dian Dian to the nearby area, and continued to go up for another five kilometers, which is the location where the soldiers used to collect the clay.

Now the slight rain falls, and the ground does not condense into a stream of water, but after a while, as the temperature continues to rise, there will be heavy rain, and even a terrifying storm on the snow star.

In just one night, these dry rivers will be reborn, turning into big rivers, flowing into the sea and lakes.

Ye Qiong stood on a high slope and looked to the side. Not far away was the big pit where he and the King of Wild Horses fell into. It has now been buried by ice and snow, but you can still see the sunk in the middle. Snow.

Down from that big pit is a low-lying area, where Ye Qiong plans to build a reservoir.

As a backup water source for the tribe.

Before the drilling technology was researched, the drinking water of the tribe was actually a big problem.

In the past, when tribes migrated, the first consideration was the water source, which must be close to a river or stream, and the second was whether the materials within a radius of tens of kilometers were sufficient.

After the ice and snow melted, some corpses of ice sculptures that fell in the avalanche area began to be exposed, but the Ye Qiong tribe was no longer interested in those corpses.

After all, the meat is already very abundant. If we continue to collect the ice sculpture meat in this avalanche area, it will be too labor-intensive. After all, we have to find a way to send it to the upper area of the Dinglong Mountains.

But don’t worry about it being too wasteful, Ye Qiong still has a plan, that is, the snowy demon wolves in the tribe, Ye Qiong plans to use this place as a pasture in a few days, and let the snowy demon wolves come to eat by themselves.

After the ice and snow has melted, as long as the corpse of the ice sculpture is not too seriously decomposed, the stomach and intestines of the Snow Region Demon Wolf will be able to function normally without diarrhea.

Very powerful gastrointestinal digestion, compared to carrion beasts, the Snow Region Demon Wolf is actually not much worse in this regard.

King Mustang looked at the somewhat familiar pit, and didn’t know what he was thinking.

Time really flies. In the blink of an eye, Ye Qiong has developed a deep relationship with Ye Qiong, and he has made a lot of contributions to the tribe. At this moment, Ye Mawang’s first cub in the tribe has already It has begun to thrive. I believe that within three or five years, the Ye Qiong tribe can be described as strong and strong.

At that time, the cavalry can be directly divided into two arms, the wolf cavalry and the heavy cavalry.

The horse’s load is definitely not something that the Snow Region Demonic Wolf can compete with. Although the Snow Region Demonic Wolf can overwhelm the horse in terms of agility, with the endurance and the ability to resist weight, the horse can turn the Snow Region Demonic Wolf a few streets away.

In the future, if the tribe has the capital to build heavy armor, Ye Qiong will definitely set up a heavy cavalry. The destructive power brought by the heavy cavalry is very amazing.

It’s no problem for the snow wolf to drag a normal adult for ten kilometers, but if he wears a heavy armor for himself and humans, his legs will become soft.

Today’s Mustang King also seems to be a little excited. After eighteen months of Xue Xing, the rain that arrives can make all living beings feel excited and happy. If the vegetation has feelings, I believe it can also be felt.

Now Ye Qiong can already imagine that tomorrow…

What will the scene be like.

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