Beasts Are Boundless

Chapter 17

Chapter 17 Spirit Beast

The moment the flash appeared, Ye Qiong noticed it immediately, and then…

The originally relaxed posture immediately tightened up!

Ye Qiong didn’t move for a while, just shifted his gaze to the position of the light source, then frowned, and after thinking for a while, he turned his body around and lay down on the snow.

The light source was about 100 meters away from Ye Qiong, so it wasn’t that far.

But if it is 100 meters away, it can be regarded as a relatively safe distance.

There was no sound except for the whistling of the cold wind. Ye Qiong blew a whistle softly, staring at his sleepy eyes. After hearing the whistle, he immediately became more refreshed.

Pulling the ears, the conditioned reflex suddenly stood up, and then lightly crawled out of the snow cave, looked left and right.

He continued to creep up to Ye Qiong’s side.

Ye Qiong stretched out his left hand and patted Duan’s head, and stuffed the remaining half of the king’s lion moose into Duan’s mouth.

After making a gesture to stay where he was, Ye Qiong pulled out the dagger, then got up and walked towards the light source.

On the left side of the light source is a small high slope, about ten meters high. Ye Qiong came to the back of the small slope, then stuck his head out and looked towards the light source.

The brightness of the light source is probably like the feeling of a lighter being lit. Although it is not too bright, it can spread very far in the dark night.

Ye Qiong stared at the light source closely. What is certain now is that it is not the light of flames. On the snow star, electricity has not been invented. The only thing that can let humans experience how powerful electricity is Chances are thunderstorms.

When the dark clouds gather above their heads, people will feel the fear from the deepest part of their hearts. Coupled with Xue Xing’s violent to mad thunder and lightning, Xue Xing’s human beings are so frightened that they hug their heads and mice, and three or five hug each other in silence.

If it weren’t for the light of the fire source, Ye Qiong couldn’t think of anything else on this planet that could emit light. On the earth, animals and plants in the deep sea can emit light through chemical synthesis, and there are also animals such as fireflies on land that can emit light. shine.

But that was also summer time.

On Xue Xing, although Ye Qiong had heard of some magical beasts that could emit light, he had never seen them before.

Ye Qiong put aside his curiosity for a while, very patiently lying on the high slope, looking at what the light source was.

After a while, there was movement from the position of the light source, and I saw a fluffy head leaking out.

When Ye Qiong saw the head, he couldn’t help but turn his head back, tighten his neck, and said in disbelief, “Cat?”

To be precise, it is a cat-like beast.

Above the snow star, humans have divided the currently known beasts on the land into three categories.

The first category is monsters. The king lion moose is a monster, and the group of beasts it leads belongs to the group of monsters. Monsters and humans are two completely opposite forces. Both sides use each other as food, so there is no peaceful coexistence at all. possibility!

Carrion-eating beasts are also classified as magical beasts, but carrion-eating beasts generally do not join the beast tide, but they also live in groups. situation. Fortunately, the vast majority of scavengers are not very strong, but it is very difficult to hunt them down. The reason is that most of these beasts are very smart and have a super sense of danger. Once they find something wrong, they turn around. Saya ran away.

The second category is alien beasts. From the king level up, that is, the lord level, they are all alien beasts. They are powerful, and there are many huge alien beasts. If they move, they will be overwhelming!

Alien beasts disdain to join the beast tide. Eating meat cannot maintain their amazing daily energy consumption. Their food is a kind of crystal source. This radioactive crystal source stores a huge amount of energy inside. .

It is also the existence of the crystal source that there are alien beasts on this planet, so it is the crystal source that creates the alien beast.

The third category is spirit beasts. On Xuexing, there is a very special kind of beast. They don’t need to eat grass, they don’t need to eat meat, and they don’t need food to supplement their energy.

Based on the current understanding of human beings on Xue Xing, they do not understand how spirit beasts survive, a creature that is far beyond human cognition at this stage.

However, in Ye Qiong’s view, it should be their bodies that can absorb certain rays, just like the Hulk in Marvel, which can absorb gamma rays.

Therefore, the spirit beast has become a very special existence on Xue Xing. It does not need to prey on other monsters to survive, but there are other monsters to prey on it.

Therefore, the life of a spirit beast is actually very miserable, and it needs to be spent in flight, and the lifespan of a spirit beast is often very long…

Not fleeing, but preparing to flee.

Although eating the flesh of spirit beasts will not produce any special effects, spirit beasts still cannot escape the fate of being hunted down, because their bodies are flesh themselves.

In the eyes of Warcraft, they are not spiritual beasts, they are still just a pile of meat, and they can fill their stomachs after eating them. Although small things look good, it is still important to not fill their stomachs.

Most of the spirit beasts are very small, naturally timid, lively and active, even though their flesh, even the king-level beast can’t bite the skin.

However, because of their relatively small size, the slightly larger monsters can swallow them alive in one bite, which is still very painful.

One of the reasons why this little thing is so timid is that the ancestors have had the experience of being swallowed raw and then pulled out, which has formed a psychological shadow and is deeply imprinted in the genes.

Although this thing often has nothing to do to commit suicide, if you want to die, it is an extremely difficult thing.

In other words, it is very difficult for spirit beasts to kill themselves.

Ye Qiong’s eyes widened, and he looked at the cat’s head that came out from under the snowdrift, with its head poking out. The ears were small, the cheeks were bulging, and there were a few long whiskers on the mouth. To Ye Qiong’s surprise, its eyes actually glow.

The retinas of many beasts can reflect light. Under the premise of a light source, both eyes are like light bulbs.

But like the creature in front of him, whose eyes can emit weak fluorescence, this is the first time Ye Qiong has seen, and he has never heard of it before.

First of all, what Ye Qiong can be sure of is that this is a petite cat, and another point is that this is the cutest creature Ye Qiong has seen so far, since Ye Qiong can remember it. , including the previous life.

After watching the snow-white, fluffy head come out, the body also drilled out from under the snow.

This little guy is only the size of a palm, and it seems that he is not yet an adult.

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