Beasts Are Boundless

Chapter 694

Chapter 694 The Darkest Moment

The waterfall base, after the last blizzard, was sunny for a month.

This month, the main task of the soldiers at the waterfall base is to dig the river above the waterfall with the help of Dian Dian and the army.

One has now been dug through.

But now, a month later, the sky has finally changed, and dark clouds have begun to drift slowly from the northwest.

Although it is not fast from the current waterfall base, it is already turbulent.

The bottom of the waterfall is better. Above the waterfall, the soldiers who are working have already felt the strong wind.

Duan and the army have begun to rest, and will enter a long or short hibernation period.

So Ye Qiong didn’t have to continue to supervise the work, but he was still above the waterfall.

In order to facilitate the soldiers to work on the waterfall, there is now a residential area above the waterfall, next to the altar.

Although they are all at the base of the waterfall, there is still a gap of 500 meters above and below the waterfall, and there is still some distance to walk.

So adding up, if the soldiers go back to the base below every day, it will still be very frustrating. The steep slope of 500 meters is very difficult to climb up.

If you climb up from below every morning, it will take a lot of physical strength just for this.

The large altar can perfectly withstand the wind, so the living area next to it does not need too much stone, and it is enough to make the site firmer and use wood on it.

After the wind got stronger, Ye Qiong told the soldiers to go back quickly.

Waiting for the blizzard to work, the danger is still quite big.

Now that a river channel has been dug out, there is no need to worry about being buried in a snowstorm. After the spring, it will naturally melt, and there is no need to clean it up at all.

The soldiers took the tools in their hands and walked towards the altar.

Don’t worry too much, after all, there is still some distance.

After the soldiers left, Ye Qiong ran towards the bottom of the waterfall.

After the blizzard came, everything came to a standstill.

This is also impossible.

Ye Qiong trotted all the way, and after getting down from the waterfall, he returned to the wooden house below.

After about ten minutes, the wind had increased to a somewhat harsh level.

Just that whistling hum.

Above an arrow tower, Lei Ting, who was dozing off, looked up and looked outside, then retracted his head again.

As his lair at the waterfall base, the arrow tower where Thunder is located has been reinforced by the soldiers several times now, so it is very strong.

But according to Lei Ting’s current growth rate, within a few months, the arrow tower can no longer be used, and Lei Ting must find a new place.

The rock mass on the other side of the waterfall is a good choice. At that time, you can let Dian Dian help you dig a hole.

If it is bigger, it will be the place where Thunder will live in the future. ..

Judging from the body shape of the Golden Eagle after reaching adulthood, without the wingspan, the body shape of its own body is at the level of a guardian beast.

If you want to make the Thunder of adulthood a little more comfortable, the hole you dig must start at least ten meters. After all, when on the ground, the wings of the popular beast need to be used as arms while maintaining the balance of the body. So it will often be in a half-stretched state.

Too young to bear, not enough to suffer.

Snowflakes are starting to fall…

Three days later, the blizzard’s winds were at their peak.

If there are humans or small monsters outside at this time, they will be blown away directly.

Ye Qiong has been in the wooden house for three days.

Every time there is a snowstorm, Ye Qiong puts himself into a state of retreat.

The howling blizzard outside, causing the wooden houses and trees to make all kinds of noisy sounds, can instead calm the mind. It’s a good time to meditate.

Mental power is also a kind of energy, an invisible energy, this kind of mental power energy can be improved, and this is not only on Xue Xing.

Ye Qiong had this epiphany when he was on Earth before.

Matter and energy can be converted into each other.

Consciousness is also mental power, and it is related to energy. After feeling this connection, you can open the door to a mysterious world.

It’s not some kind of nonsense about cultivating and ascending, but a real sense of consciousness.

Can be understood as mind power.

Consciousness is created on the basis of matter, without a trace.

Matter and energy are originally from the same source and can be converted into each other completely.

So when material consciousness sublimates to energy consciousness, the door to a new world opens.

A higher dimensional consciousness.

What Ye Qiong realizes now is this seemingly illusory, yet real thing.

The empty door is like the sea.

Ye Qiong was praised by the master for his high comprehension when he was very young. If it hadn’t been for an accident later in the army, he might have studied other things now.

However, what Ye Qiong wants to pursue is not realm, but strength, especially now that he has reached Xue Xing and saw Xue Xing suffering…

Only with great strength can Ye Qiong have the opportunity to change Xue Xing’s status quo.

After Ye Qiong realized what Xue Xing was like, he was determined to make a change.

Inside the wooden house, Ye Qiong opened his eyes, let out a soft breath, then got up and walked to the window.

Without glass, the windows could only be opened in the direction of the north wind.


After opening the window, even in the leeward direction, the wind and snow blew as much as possible.

Fortunately, it was acceptable, Ye Qiong just took a step back.

Looking at the playful snowstorm outside, Ye Qiong couldn’t help sighing, then closed the window, leaving a gap.

Otherwise, it would be a little too dark inside.

Ye Qiong came to the wooden table and started to get busy.

With the blizzard raging, where the Ye Qiong tribe is still in operation, there are only two left.

One is the coal mine base, where the soldiers are unaffected underground.

The other is inside the waterfall cave.

Although the wind at the entrance of the cave is not small, there is no wind on both sides of the cave.

As for the wooden house base in the Dinglong Mountains, it is hard to say whether it has been affected.

It mainly depends on the clouds of the blizzard, whether there are more than 10,000 meters, if not, the inside and the outside belong to two worlds.

On the one hand, the situation is thousands of miles, while the blizzard is raging.

If it exceeds it, it is a blizzard of level 3 or above, and the ice sculptures are the same in the Dinglong Mountains, and they cannot be spared.

The blizzard continued to rage for half a month, and on the sixteenth day, it finally stopped…

At the same time, it also means that the weather will soon begin to slowly pick up, and there are only more than four months left before the beginning of spring.

Eighteen months of long winter, fourteen months have passed now!

At this point in time, it is already a nightmare period for the tribe that has run out of supplies and food.

And the winter will eventually pass. If you can’t make it through, you will become a madman. If you make it through, you will soon welcome the spring of Xue Xing, a world where everything recovers and is as wonderful as a dream…

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