Beasts Are Boundless

Chapter 781

Chapter 780 Witch Doctor’S Technique

For a human who needs to walk on two feet, it is not easy to ride a demonic beast such as the snow wolf for the first time. It needs to master the balance and technology, but it is not easy. few.

The snow on the ground has become very hard under the action of the wind, so humans can walk on the snow at this moment, or they can directly ride the snow wolf to run on the snow. .

It seems that out of some kind of nature, Huang Ling, this little girl, likes to run to the tribe’s herbal medicine store if she has nothing to do.

After sending off Qingzhi’s small team, Ye Qiong woke Duo Duo.

It’s the kind of witch doctor who never moves a knife.

Now the load on the heart is also increasing rapidly, and the brain is deprived of oxygen for a while and oxygenated…

Winter has arrived, and the snow has buried the ground. There is still a lot of work to be done on the waterfall base.

But after all, this is the first time to ride in the air, and it has been very difficult for Huo Huangji to persist until now.

After Ye Qiong came over, looking at the team, he knew that this man should bring Xinka and them back to the Palace of Trees for a while.

However, Huang Ling is particularly interested in the smell of Huang Qingqian’s body. Every time Huang Qingqian passes by, Huang Ling is like a naughty puppy, on Huang Qingqian’s body Sniffing and sniffing.

Huang Ling had no interest in those gadgets, so basically it ended up in Rong Baizhi’s hands.

Up and down, up and down!

When he was in the Yanghe tribe, Huang Qingqian had been in charge of the management of the medicinal materials of the Yanghe tribe, as well as the treatment of the diseases of some people in the tribe. He belonged to the doctors in the tribe.

That is, Yang Ergan’s current daughter-in-law.

The warrior who fell from the air and broke several ribs has recovered by now.

Huang Ling and Rong Baizhi have grown a lot taller now, and now they are free to play and play in the snow at home and outside, and their articulation has gradually become clearer.

No one has told Huang Ling where the medicinal herbs are placed in the tribe, but she found it by smelling her own talent.

At most, it will be harassed at the outermost periphery.

Three middle-aged female warriors, along with two younger female clansmen, were prepared by the staff on the medicinal herb storehouse.

The large force has infantry, the larger the scale, the greater the risk.

However, for the forest ancient ape, the scar on the body is not a bad thing, even if the injury is on the face, it is not a big problem.

After the body instinctively curled up, the animal skin flight coat was useless.

However, Huang Qingqian never thought that Huang Ling would be so sensitive to medicinal herbs. So for a long time, every time I went to look for Huang Ling, I was holding some gadgets, most of which were made by Yang Ergan out of boredom.

The monsters in the jungle were almost hunted in the summer. With the waterfall base as the center, there were no large monsters within a radius of 100 meters.

The current Jujian base is a bit dazzling in the dense forest of white snow.

Now in the waterfall cave, the Ye Qiong tribe and the Naning tribe have a certain ability to translate each other in language and characters, so there is no problem with Qingzhi leaving for a period of time.

Three months later!

The wooden house base and the giant sword base within the Dinglong Mountains are mainly dangerous from the Red Flame Leopard tribe.

With the flying golden eagle flying back to the altar, today’s domestication task for the golden eagle has come to an end.

That afternoon, Ye Qiong rode dully through the snow-covered area of the dense forest and came to the giant sword base.

After all, the Palace of Trees is the home of the two grandfathers and Xinka, so at this point, Ye Qiong has nothing to say. Otherwise, it might be worth doing something shocking this winter.

As the golden eagle swooped upwards again, Huahua Huangji only felt that the oxygen and blood in his head were all evacuated all at once.

On the contrary, it is a small-scale team of dozens of people, which is more mobile. When encountering a blizzard, it can also find cover in the shortest time.

The taming of the Golden Eagles of Gale three months ago seemed like it was yesterday.

That kind of frequent hypoxia and oxygenation of the brain is definitely not something that consciousness alone can resist.

That is smashed to pieces!

Ye Qiong rode on Lei Ting’s back and dashed directly to Huang Ji who was falling in the air like lightning. As Ye Qiong’s right hand stretched out, he directly grabbed Huang Ji’s right hand in the air, and then violently With a flick, his ridiculously yellow body lay directly on Lei Ting’s back.

In this regard, Duan and Dajun are the greatest contributors.

Heaven and earth nurture people and nurture all things, and all things produce and restrain each other. The research and attainments of the Jute tribe in medical technology have actually far exceeded Ye Qiong’s expectations.

However, with the experience of this year’s heavy rain, the soldiers also know that the scale of last year’s building must be expanded to be able to cope with the storm next summer.

After the brain became blank, Huang Ji’s body began to slack, and the hemp rope that he held tightly also became weak from the straight state.

Anything that can interact with human flesh and meridians can be called medicinal materials.

The waterway in the middle area, the frozen area also came to an abrupt end.

With her current knowledge of physical medicine, Huang Qingqian naturally has no pressure.

When he saw Huang Qingqian here, he immediately greeted them and began to help them sort out the herbs obediently.

Stone Wall, Central Tribe!

Apart from Ye Qiong, Huang Qingqian was the most diligent person who ran to Muyun’s hut.

It’s kind of crazy…

In winter, at this point in time, there is no danger other than blizzards on the waterfall base.

On this side of the waterfall base, inside the water channel, a group of figures came out.

No matter how huge the team is, after it comes out, it will face the crisis of annihilation when it encounters a blizzard.

It is also the luck of the tribe. What Yang Ergan did not know was how meaningful he did.

Most of the time, I still sleep at night, which can be regarded as a kind of rest on a yearly basis.

After running out of the house hand in hand with Rong Baizhi, the two ran towards the medicinal herb store.

These medicinal materials also have medicinal properties, so in the hands of the witch doctor, they have become a sharp weapon to drive away the stubborn diseases in the body!

In terms of the combat capabilities of individual soldiers and small-scale teams, the warriors of the Ye Qiong tribe would not suffer.

Ye Qiong’s destination this time was the Great Sword Base.

And a small-scale team can’t pose a real threat to the wooden house base and the giant sword base.

Qingzhi went back with Ye Qiong a while ago, when they were looking for red fruit.

In summer, the torrential rain washed away the dams outside the three rivers, and the stone buildings on the edge of the waterfall were washed away.

The boring winter life makes time pass away and gives human beings a very slow illusion.

After the battle in the summer, I believe that in a short time, the Red Flame Leopard Tribe will definitely have no idea of attacking.

If you replace the snowy demon wolf with a flying beast, then the experience will be different.

However, for matters other than medical skills, Huang Qingqian couldn’t figure it out, and transferred all these problems to another person, that is, the young patriarch, and let Huang Ling ask himself…

Those forest ancient apes in the tree palace can easily spend this winter.

After sleeping for more than three months, it’s time to get up and move around.

Although the soldiers were not convinced at the moment, today’s training for the Golden Eagle of the Wind has come to an end.

When Ju Huangji jumped off Lei Ting’s back, his walking was still a little unsteady, swaying, as if he was drunk.

Although there was still not a single golden eagle subdued, there were still some gains in general, such as the test of the animal skin flight coat, and the ridiculous hypoxia experience, which needed to be recorded as the data parameters of the flight team in the future.

Repairing it now is actually not much different from rebuilding it again.

After all, he was born in the Jute tribe, so Huang Qingqian’s medical attainments are not low. When he married the Yanghe tribe, Yang Dingtian had a lot of fun, boasting that his son had abducted a baby back.

If you continue to go inside, the temperature will continue to rise, and the middle position is about ten degrees.

After arriving at the medicinal herb storehouse, Huang Qingqian happily played with the two little girls, explaining the names and properties of some medicinal herbs while playing.

Strictly speaking, the descendants of the Jute tribe, in the Ye Qiong tribe, are not only Huang Ling, but also the one who has married the Yanghe tribe.

Strong willpower may allow you to persist for a longer time, but when it reaches a certain value, it is not something that consciousness can resist.

What Huang Ji can do now is to have a strong willpower to keep his brain awake!

Huang Ling listened quite earnestly, and from time to time, he would ask a few questions.

With the help of several soldiers, Huo Huangji dangled on the ground for a while, and finally recovered. He looked at the direction of the altar over there, his eyes were still hot, as if he was a little unfulfilled by the weightlessness and overweight experience just now. mean.

A lot of things, that is, predecessors planted trees, and later generations enjoyed the shade, contributing silently.

On the ground, Ye Qiong looked at the huge figure that was left in the air. Although he hoped that Huo Huang Ji would hold on to it for a while, Ye Qiong was also very clear in his heart.

What he is experiencing now is exactly the feeling of a pilot.

Ye Qiong has been at the waterfall base for the past three months.

At this moment, if the brain loses its will and falls, it will be in big trouble. The animal skin flight suit will not work, and there will only be one fate.

One of the younger women has some connections with Huang Ling…

With the circulation of blood in the brain, the humorous consciousness gradually recovered…

So after coming out of the wooden house base, he rode directly into the jungle and galloped away in the direction of the giant sword base.

After Mu Yun played with the two little girls for a while, Huang Ling and Rong Baizhi seemed a little bored and wanted to run out to play.

The seven golden eagles stood on the top of the altar for a while, and their eyes shifted from the air to the human warriors on the ground, as if declaring their victory, one by one arrogantly.

At the moment at the waterfall base and the wooden house base, they have nothing to do, so they plan to go back to the tree palace and rest for a while.

Ye Qiong had personally experienced that feeling, so when he saw the golden eagle of the wind that had already started to fly up and down in the air, he immediately mounted the Thunder and flew directly over, closely following the golden eagle of the wind.

But Qinglie and Xinka, if you count the time, they haven’t gone back for a long time.

The soldiers at the waterfall base are still very busy, but because of the time of star exposure, the overall workload in a day is much less than in summer.

Huang Ling was actually lucky, the Jute tribe left the last guide for her.

Wearing a fur coat will give people a very warm feeling.

In a two-story hut mixed with stone and wood, a family of three is playing in it.

But the passage of time, always inadvertently came quietly.

Qinglie and Qingzhi came out with Xinka and a few forest ancient apes.

After riding Duo Duo, it rushed directly into the water channel.

The injury on Xinka’s back has now completely healed, leaving a very terrifying scar on the back.

The materials and food in the tree palace are naturally very abundant. In summer, the remaining forest apes have been hunting in a small area. The soldiers at the southern timber base, at the end of autumn, Under Ye Qiong’s instructions, a lot of supplies and food were delivered.

The powerless body began to fall, and fell directly from the back of the Golden Eagle.

When the little girl just learned to trot, she jumped to the medicinal herbs storehouse, hid behind a big tree, and watched Huang Qingqian and the others with curiosity as they sorted medicinal herbs.

It is the feeling of weightlessness and overweight, a challenge to the limits of human physiology.

What Huo Huangji feels now is a feeling of overturning the river, and now it seems that all the internal organs are not his own.

Especially now that it has just entered the winter for more than three months, and the temperature continues to drop, even within the Dinglong Mountains, it is not suitable for large-scale marches.

At this moment, Lei Ting’s figure has also come to the ground.

Although Ye Qiong really hoped that Huo Huangji could directly conquer the Golden Eagle of the Wind, and become the second warrior in the tribe who could ride the Golden Eagle to fly.

There are dedicated warriors who are responsible for guarding and inventorying the medicinal materials in the medicinal materials warehouse. The later tribes, large and small, who joined the Ye Qiong tribe, gathered all medicinal materials and put them here.

Compared with the low temperature of minus ten degrees outside, inside the water channel, after walking one kilometer inside, the temperature slowly rose to above zero.

Several soldiers immediately called Ye Qiong over.

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