Beautiful Farming Wife

Chapter 64 - Beautiful as flowers, making money to support the family

After listening to this series of words, Du Juan seemed to be feeling better in combination with what Luo Manman had just said to her. ★ Look ★ Most ★ New ★ Chapter ★ Festival ★ Hundred ★ Degree ★ Search ★ Chase ★ Book ★ Help ★

In fact, she also regretted the moment she jumped into the river, but everyone was already in the river and it was too late.

One yard at a time, the village chief said thank you again, and when she saw Luo Manman smiled, she was about to squeeze out the crowd, and she saw the onlookers of the village curious: “Daughter Xiao, can you heal?”

When Luo Manman heard this, he was happy and explained quickly: “Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have any medical skills. I saw someone drowning that way to save it, so I tried it quickly, but fortunately, you saved people ashore, Otherwise I can’t help it. “

When the villagers saw her being humble, she felt more good about her.

At this moment, Madam Xiao also sighed, and rushed to the villagers who said onlookers: “Okay, everyone don’t want to be surrounded by this anymore. Even if this incident has passed, the girl in the cuckoo’s heart is uncomfortable, so don’t mention it later.

Whose child is not his own mind, please be considerate. “

Mrs. Xiao is also her own son. If Luo Manman and Qian Jingui are gone today, maybe her son jumped into the river, so she can understand Mrs. Du’s unreasonable trouble.

Du Dazhuang didn’t appreciate it, he looked like a bull, and hummed. Seeing his mother call him, he was busy carrying the cuckoo home.

After a few days, Nanshan Village was calm and calm, and the village chief’s family was also quite calm.

After the cuckoo was retired by Qian’s family, the door stayed out of the door for two days, and stayed at home for embroidery. It seemed that after such a life and death, his temper had changed a lot, and he was quieter than before.

In Luo Manman’s opinion, it is not a big deal that the cuckoo talked about the subject before getting married, and the infertility should not be so difficult to treat.

But this is an ancient, closed-minded and conservative mind. This little thing can be life-threatening. If you meet a good man who can tolerate you, it’s natural.

Luo Manman is particularly touched. Before she was wronged by Yan Yan, she was not innocent. Then Xiao Yiming persisted with her and could tolerate everything. Can such a good man, Luo Manman fail?

Xiao Yiming’s legs are much better, at least he doesn’t have to lie on his cymbal all day long, and he can walk around from time to time.

Mrs. Xiao had already finished her new clothes. When she saw Luo Manman washing the vegetables in the kitchen, she said quickly: “Manman, don’t be busy. You can come to cook and wash vegetables.”

“It’s okay, and I’m not too busy at home anyway.”

“Well, I made a new dress for you. Come over and try it. If it doesn’t fit, I’ll help you change it.”

Xiao Auntie said that this was a little anxious, and she didn’t know whether her daughter-in-law liked her clothes.

Luo Manman knew that Madam Xiao wanted to rebuild with her, and did not brush her face. She took the clothes and tried it on her body.

This style of clothes is quite new. Unlike the old-fashioned style worn by the village aunt, when you look at the tightness between the sleeves, you know that Auntie Xiao has a solid needlework.

Also, embroidery has been embroidered for decades, and making clothes is not a piece of cake.

“Very good, ma’am, thank you, hard work.” Luo Manman’s tone was sincere.

Then I saw tears moved by Aunt Xiao: “Just like it, just like it. Aunt doesn’t work hard. This time has hurt you … Man, I can’t help you …”

“Okay, ma’am, don’t mention the past things, we will have a good life in the future, yes, ma’am’s clothes are quite new …”

Luo Manman hurriedly found the topic to jump, and saw Aunt Xiao’s face cleared up instantly, she grinned:

“Don’t think that aunts don’t often go to the town to catch up, you don’t know what style the girls are wearing now.

I na, these days, I always pay attention to the girls’ homes that love to dress up, and some young daughter-in-law’s styles. This is not based on the gourd painting, but fortunately, you like it. “

Anyway, she does n’t like to do one thing.

“Mother-in-law is really attentive, thank you, mother-in-law.” Luo Manman took off her new clothes, folded them and put them on the rafters in the house, and went to the stove to continue to cook.

“Man Man, let me help you.” Aunt Xiao also came to the stove.

Luo Manman smiled at her. “Mother go to clean the fish raised in the tub. After I cut the pork, I can cook.”

“Okay, we have two divisions of work, and we can have a hot lunch right away.”

Mrs. Xiao went to the yard with the fish in her hands, scraped the scales with her hands and feet, and dug out the fish’s internal organs three times, five times, and two to clean them up.

Luo Manman had already cut the vegetables, stewed the pork in a pot, made a bowl of braised pork, and Xiao Niang finished handling the fish and went to help burn the fire.

The two paired well, and the cooking was not tiring, and soon three dishes were freshly baked.

The aroma scented in the kitchen, and Luo Manman put the dishes on the table.

They are a bowl of fragrant braised pork, a nutritious steamed fish, and a stir-fried green vegetable. “Ma’am, it’s time to eat. Let’s call Yiming to eat.” Luo Manman was at the dinner.

“Ah, good.”

Xiao Yiming has not been idle since he was able to lay down, and continues to do his small wooden work in the front yard.

The three sat at the table and looked at each other with smiles. The Xiao family’s food was getting better and better, and the days were getting more and more popular.

Xiao Yiming took a bite of the dish and narrowed his eyes with a smile, boasting: “The wife’s craftsmanship is getting better and better, and the dishes are really delicious.” Xiao Auntie also boasted: “It’s good, it’s delicious.”

I remembered that when Luo Manman first came to the Xiao family, the cooked food was barely swallowed. Fortunately, the crop people didn’t care about it.

But now her daughter-in-law’s cooking skills are getting better and better, and she also knows how to make new dishes.

“In fact, there is not enough home cooking for the seasoning, otherwise the food can be better.”

“This is okay. It ’s a waste of money to buy condiments. We are farmers and we do n’t compare with those restaurant chefs.” Xiao Niang has always been economical, so it is true.

The Xiao family did not have a source of income during this time, and their expenses were also large. They also saved money.

Today’s meal was just a few days ago when Luo Manman took the silver ticket to Xiao Yiming, and the money was spent.

Seeing Auntie Xiao repeatedly mentioning the word crop man, Luo Manman suddenly had a flash of light, “Yes, Yiming, auntie, we have no source of income during this time, even if there is a silver ticket, one day it will be spent, but we ca n’t just sit back and eat. . “

Xiao Yiming’s face was ashamed: “Daughter, I’m already doing woodwork … the mother’s waist is not neat, and she can’t sit on a chair for embroidery for a long time, so the body can’t eat it …”

Luo Manman didn’t hold back for a moment, and laughed out loud: “Hehe, don’t get me wrong, I didn’t blame you and Auntie.

Our crop people always rely on vegetable fields and fields to eat. Our Xiao Jiaguang has vegetable fields, but no fields yet?

It’s better to buy some fields to buy while you have a lot of money, even if you don’t want to plant them, you can rent them out. In this year, our family will do nothing, at least don’t worry about eating and drinking. “

Xiao Yiming’s eyes lit up: “Sister-in-law, this is a good idea. The largest farmer in Shanli Village is the Tian family.

Dude, the Tian family has contracted almost half of the village ’s farmland. They live on rent for the whole year. The Tian family can live a moisturizing life. There is no need to do farm work all day, and the life is very leisurely … ”

“Ahhhhhh … Yiming, don’t talk about it, then the Tian family has more money, the life is nourished, and it has nothing to do with our Xiao family.” Xiao’s mother’s face sank, her voice cold.

“I’m sorry, ma’am, my son said something wrong.” Xiao Yiming took a few sips of food to cover up the embarrassment.

Luo Manman didn’t know that this Tian family was the one where Xiao Yiming’s brother stepped in. She didn’t even know that Xiao Yiming had an older brother.

“That, Man Man, the money is yours. You just have to take your own idea. If you really want to buy a field, it’s good to go to Liu Shan. He has helped a lot of Xiao families, and people are reliable and reliable. He couldn’t be wrong, but this time if we ask someone for help, we have to give some tips, after all, Liu Shan has helped us too much. “Xiao Auntian’s face was much better.

“Okay, I’ll take the idea for myself.” After Luo Manman ate lunch, he went to the Liu Shan family to inquire about the purchase of the field. It is almost beginning to fall, and he can catch the rice in time when he buys it. How about it?

I missed early rice and medium rice, but I can’t miss this late rice.

Liu Shanjia

When Luo Manman came to Liu Shan’s house, he saw a fishing net drying in the yard, and a little chubby figure holding a bowl and chasing several hens and ran: “What are you running, I’m here for you Feed the food. “

This little boy is Liu Shan’s son, called Yadan. Luo Manman met him once, and he was very happy to meet him. He smiled and said, “Yai, are you feeding chickens? Just sprinkle the rice on the ground. What about your father and mother? “

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