Beautiful Natural Disasters

Chapter 121

Vol 2 Chapter 111: Lafayette

At the beginning of the incident, a policeman shot and wounded one of the most aggressive young black men.

This ignited everyone’s anger.

The people in front launched a charge at the police under the agitation of the crowd. Later, people only heard the police firing. I saw that the people in front had already launched a charge. With a flesh shield, who would be afraid? Who?

And the people in the back who didn’t hear the gunshot heard that the police in front were shooting and they were massacring the poor group of them. Someone was already desperate, I want to go, are you going? If you don’t go, you won’t have a chance. This is our last chance. The angels can’t let those politicians take over!

Then I looked at the people around who were already moving, and looked at my sick relatives, “I’m going there!”

The riots happen quickly and end faster.

After all, the number of police officers is limited, and they are a group of ordinary people who have been trained as police officers.

They retreated, very embarrassed, some of the equipment was too late to take away, not to mention the few uncles who came here to pretend to be bears.

Swan saw what happened, but was unable to stop it. Until the police retreated, the crowd was still irritable, and she quickly walked out with a few people.

Wherever she went, these red-eyed people quickly calmed down when they saw the halo on her head, and then either knelt down or bowed, and the crowd began to inform each other: “The angel is out!”

This calmness began to spread quickly to the surroundings, and the situation soon stabilized, and the crowd stopped rioting.

She came to the place where the crowd was crying, and many people fell in a pool of blood.

“Quick! Dig out the bullets from them, maybe it’s still too late!”

She asked for help from the crowd, and several people stood up, “Angel, I’m here to dig. I have some experience, but I need a knife.”

There are a lot of small gangsters here, and soon someone handed a knife over. Of course, it was handed over. The person with the knife was ashamed and didn’t dare to see her.

“Quickly, don’t worry about wounds and infections. These two problems won’t happen under the halo. After digging out, find a cloth to block it, so that he does not lose too much blood.”

“Okay, my honorable angel.”

The guy with seven or eight shots in his body was so painful that he seemed to wake up. When he saw the halo above his head, Lord Swann, who was kneeling beside him, suddenly felt that he was not so stupid. Everything It’s all worth it, “Angel…Your Excellency, you…can…can you…bless me at the end? This…is my salvation…”

Swan shook his hand, “Cheer up, you will be fine.”

The scene of taking the bullets was very bloody. Swan gathered all the people who were shot by her side, so that she could monitor their status in real time. The man who was shot seven or eight shots only two bullets. She He was stopped, and his blood hole was quickly plugged up and bandaged. After the wound was healed, he would take the bomb a second time.

The policemen who were knocked down were taken to her at Swan’s insistence, although the masses were unwilling. Most of these policemen had internal bleeding and their bones were kicked and trampled. One of them was from China. The old man in China lay down his bones as much as possible and slowly recovered.

When everything was arranged, a few unfortunately died, plus the few politicians who came here for treatment. When they were carried over, most of them were already out of breath.

I want to talk about these politicians. When they were in office, most of the people in the crowd had seen them on TV, but they did not expect them to do such a thing.

Swan asked the bodies of these politicians to be sent out, and she herself sat down in the crowd.

When the people around saw her sitting down, how could they dare to stand and watch her? All knelt and sat down.

“I plan to go to my god’s residence in the near future and apply to him to expand the angelic realm, so you don’t need to be so cramped.”

The health of the children in the orphanage has been fully restored, which allowed her to solve a heart disease for many years. The angel wings on her body and the angel halo on her head made these children finally have a sincere smile. Something worthy of her celebration. Next, she thought, maybe she could do more, so she had the above sentence.

There was a burst of cheers among the crowd, and then the message spread out quickly, and the scene was a little boiling.

The rest of the time passed by like this, Swan reminded some people around her from time to time that they were already healed, let them leave and let people outside come in.

She can also call out each person’s name accurately, and sometimes remind the person that she has remembered him, and she can’t do bad things in the future, otherwise she will ignore him next time.

Some people who can only listen to hearsay or listen to the nonsense of the TV station, at this time finally saw the angel with their own eyes, and saw her all kinds of strange things with their own eyes.

It is impossible for her to know all these people around her, but she can indeed call everyone by name, and she can also know some of their mistakes.

Some criminals who fished in troubled water wanted to get in, and even asked her to call her name and let him be driven out.

In addition to not being able to fly, she fits all their imaginations about holy angels, and it is consistent with the description of angels in their holy scriptures!

Many believers directly call her “Lord Lafayette”. This name is sometimes translated as Rafael, which is the name of the healing angel.

Lafayette is the name of an archangel in Judaism, Christianity, and Confucianism, so she is Lafayette or an angel is coming. There is no objection to the tribesmen, but which religion she belongs to depends on which religion she belongs to. Theory theory.

In some places that Swann can’t see, disputes have already begun.

At a high altitude in the distance, the news helicopter kept circling and photographed the various passing events on the ground.

Although the lens cannot capture angel halo and angel wings , people who have seen them with their own eyes will naturally tell them in person or even with their fists that everything is true! You don’t believe it, just because you didn’t see it with your own eyes.

What kind of television, what kind of lens, that is what really deceives people, how can magic arts be something mortal can covet? I wish you a lifetime of being deceived.

When Swan walked out of the orphanage, her range of cures increased hundreds of times. As a batch of patients recovered, gradually, her side became more and more empty, and the remaining people were almost all seriously ill. Or, their recovery time is very long.

It was already late at night, the eternal halo was so dazzling, and the tiny figure sitting on her knees was so stalwart. Some people waited until she called, it was like an angel singing for them. Only by being named can they leave with great satisfaction, like ascending to heaven.

stayed for two days, Swan temporarily stopped everything here and got on the plane to Taoyuan Town.

The pope who heard the sound missed her.

The people who are still surrounding the orphanage, except Christians, looked at him strangely, because the Pope didn’t have any divine power. He came to the Angel, and everyone knew Sima Zhao’s heart. .

In the crowd, members of several other churches picked up the phone one after another…

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