Beautiful Natural Disasters

Chapter 125

Vol 2 Chapter 115: In-stream ads

Steve Rogers came to Taoyuan Town, but he didn’t even see the mayor even the deputy mayor. He had already got everything he needed.

Four gift bags, four gift bags that can be used by designated persons!

This **** can really understand everything.

He didn’t even say it, and then the gods gave him what he needed urgently, the kind that didn’t even say what he needed to do.

is such a good god! And there are really gods in this world.

Then he hurried away because Carter needed this urgently.

The airport in Taoyuan Town is a small airport. The airport here is for the rich and the rich who hate it!

I miss when I was Captain America, there were special planes to pick me up wherever I went to perform.

And now he can only ask a car to go to a small airport more than 70 kilometers away to take a passenger plane.

Unexpectedly, he took the same flight as Ms. Swann.

But the treatment is completely different! She was sought after by several media to enter the premium VIP cabin.

At this time, the wings behind Swann have become a pair of big wings that are expected to reach four meters. If it is true, they are enough to make her fly, and the halo on her head is also larger. This is enough to explain. The gods must have strengthened her again, and at this time she didn’t know what kind of impact it would cause.

Carter also got four kinds of gift packs, can he also become an angel?

That must be beautiful…

Thinking of this, he couldn’t wait to get back to Carter.

Fortunately, the plane took off quickly. Five hours later, he returned to New York, and then rushed to Carter’s community without stopping.

But his enthusiasm was ruthlessly dispelled by the guard.

They refused him to enter this community, even if it shows that he is Captain America and he has been here before.

After a while, a group of S.H.I.E.L.D. people arrived, “invited” him to a mysterious place, locked him in a small house, and then a group of people in white coats began to question him constantly!

is to ask him about his experience in Taoyuan Town and test whether he is mentally controlled.

The test procedure was repeated and annoyingly monotonous. When he was about to lose his patience, Fury appeared.

“Boiled eggs, bitter eggs, ten thousand times ten thousand times. Ferry, you quickly take me to see Peggy…what the **** is this? What did I just say?”

Fury hurriedly backed away before he had time to speak, and then felt unsafe, so he simply hid outside.

Rogers collapsed, the **** didn’t want him anything, but had already prepared something in his mind.

When he saw Fury just now, he interrupted a sentence inexplicably! Is this a TV commercial?

“WTH! WTF? What’s wrong with me?” asked the soul three times, and there are also people from M country.

“Hey! Fury, come in again, I have to figure out what’s wrong with me!”

Frynaken, hiding behind the monitor outside the metal mesh and watching him, “Mom provokes the hair department! I have repeatedly stressed that you don’t want to go, look, look, this is a trick! I’ll just say that thing. It’s not a good thing, and it’s a disadvantage if you don’t listen to the old man’s words.”

What Steve Rogers is facing next is a more rigorous closed inspection. These psychologists actually seem a little powerless in the face of such unknown things, but they have to do something so as not to be sorry for the reward, so that they will not appear so. Incompetent? I’m saying, this is a review of Captain America! I’m too curious about the style of his underwear.


Swann returned to the orphanage again brilliantly. There are still a large circle of people here, more people than before leaving!

People still made way for her, still looking at her with admiration, looking at her long wings of light, their eyes are more enthusiastic than before.

There were some policemen and soldiers around the outermost periphery, but they just surrounded them and looked at Ms. Swann. With the halo and huge wings of light, they walked slowly, and they kept crossing their chests.

According to media reports, he has cured more than 1,000 severely ill patients and nearly 10,000 mildly ill patients.

She has not yet entered the courtyard. Four people in the crowd were pushed in front of her by the crowd. They told her their identities were representatives of the four religions, one of them was the Pope, and the status and status of the other three representatives. Also very unusual.

Swann was a Christian a long time ago, but not anymore. When she was most helpless, she was faced with the dissolution of the alliance and the dilemma that many orphans had nowhere to go. She could not ask him for any help. At that time, she Knowing that there is no God who is omniscient and omnipotent. She doesn’t know if the **** of Taoyuan Town is a god, but it is also possible that he is a **** from other factions, so he doesn’t want to offend these people for the time being.

Swann naturally knows where they came from, “Sorry, I will not join either of you until my **** has said who he is.”

“Your Excellency Archangel, you know that we can’t force you to join any party, but we want to inquire from you, can we introduce us on your behalf, and let us see His Majesty?”

“Your Majesty God does not need to be introduced. When you go, he will meet you if he wants to meet you, but usually not, because even in Taoyuan Town, no one, including me, has seen your Majesty God with your own eyes, so you have to be psychologically prepared. .”

“Thank you Lord Archangel, but no matter how you choose, you are our most honorable person.”

A few big people left, but they left some people, some guys who seemed obvious to be uncomfortable. Their faces were all flushed, a look of madness and faithfulness, and they had been instructed to do everything possible to ensure the personal safety of the Lord Angel. At the critical moment, even at the expense of life, striving to make a good impression on the archangel, this is extremely important at this time.

Actually, they don’t need to say, these people can see clearly Now this situation, as long as a teacher is recognized by the archangel, it is simply the end for other teachers!

They restrained, and at the same time secretly argued.

Archangel loves order, then they help to maintain order. This is also a competition that compares manpower, material resources, and appeal.

With these fanatical followers, soon, nearly 10,000 people began to circle around slowly, returning to the previous state.

But there are four rows of teams going hand in hand, with the believers of the three religions occupying one row, and those without faith occupying one row, and approximately all have formed a balanced balance of power.

There are tens of thousands of people, boundless, and the police have completely lost control of this place. They were originally a good group of people in the eyes of Ms. Swann. After all, they helped maintain order before, but the group of politicians took advantage of their rights and relationships. , Betrayed them all.

Even if the National Guard is recruited now, they can’t do anything against this tens of thousands of people. They can’t shoot at them, right?

Now dozens of media are watching. The previous scandal has been enough to make them bear their backs. Now it comes out again. Believe it or not, there will be riots.

But they also want to have Ms. Swan alone, what should they do?

What makes the believers crazy is that the leaders of the three religions also decided to walk for holy in order to show their sincerity!

Are some old men crazy?

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