Beautiful Natural Disasters

Chapter 138

Vol 2 Chapter 128: Kama Taj

I slept, and when I woke up, I was in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal.

This sleep was really carefree and refreshed after waking up.

Only Banner was left in the plane. He said that the other three had already left and were looking for a place.

I got off the plane with Banner and went to find a hotel to stay.

“By the way, Banner, how is your girlfriend? Is she willing to settle in Taoyuan Town?”

“Her father stopped her, and at the same time, made a condition with me if…”

I saw what he couldn’t say from his instant message, “Promise him! I agree.”

“But I don’t think he should mix his daughter’s love with his interests.”

“Banna, this is just a trivial matter, isn’t it just to train a few genetic enhancers for the military? Now Vegeta…oh no, Belloc should also start soon, and it will be an era of national evolution. , These are nothing.”

“…Thank you father….Thank you.”

After a while, he asked again: “Father, will aliens really invade?”

“Yes, definitely, because I have seen some pictures of the future.”

“How is their strength?”

“The strength of the first batch is average. Hulk’s level 6 transformation is enough to deal with, you don’t have to worry, oh yes, I forgot to tell you, Hulk’s transformation, the green one is level 6, and there is gold behind him. Level 7, gray level 8, black level 9, the higher the level is, the higher the price is estimated, so if you don’t use it, try not to use it. Hulk’s race is different from yours. You are an ordinary human being. He is called The giants in the eternal tribe, but it may also be the eternal tribe in the giant tribe that we talked about backwards. I will confirm this later when there are comparative data. Let’s say that for the time being. The gene you first studied should be this gene. , Has the characteristics of immortality. It seems that Hulk is not a human race, but don’t reject him, don’t giants also have personal characters.”

“Daddy who can’t.”

“Well… there are many languages around here. I will collect them. You can save a lot of language troubles when you are here in the future.”

“Father, you are actually very powerful. Just like this, everyone can immediately learn and master other languages. In many legends, no **** has such a magical technique.”

“Haha, Banner, have you learned to flatter? Yes, I have improved. Dad likes to listen.”

“Father, I’m serious!”

“I know I know… Haha, anyway, you are smoother than before. This is progress. In the future, if you want to be a principal, this is also a skill.”

“Father, there are no students after the school opens.”

“When I learn magic or divine art, Taoyuan Town will truly have a foothold. We will not be afraid of anyone to suppress it. Then we can rest assured that the children who go out will come back. Not to mention this, let’s go out. Walk around and eat some of the specialty foods here by the way.”

Whether things are good or not, it depends not only on smelling, but also on reading the other’s brains. I only believe this now. The language offensive is useless to me.

I quickly found a few conscientious vendors and asked Banner to have a meal, which made him mistakenly believe that Nepalese food is so delicious, so he quickly learned his lesson.

It’s a tradition not to pay for meals, but I have something to give to each other, such as proficient in English, which is old and valuable to them, and can be ridiculously expensive to foreigners who travel.

After eating, I went shopping, each place has its own characteristics, that is, I don’t have a good memory. Maybe I have eaten before, but I forgot after a long time, and it is the kind of completely forgotten, but this There is also an advantage, that is, it seems that the world’s cuisine will never be finished.

In the evening, the three of Garcia came back, but there was no good news.

I guess it may be due to language barriers, so I have added a dozen new languages I just collected.

“Father! One of your newly added languages is Kama Taj’s language. It can correctly explain the meaning of Kama Taj as a hidden land. From whom did you learn it?” Garcia After getting the new language, I will react immediately.

“Hey? Right… I didn’t pay attention, you guys wait, I’ll search for it…”

The modernization of Mandu is also quite good, with a well-developed steel bar network, and my superpowers have spread for about 20 kilometers.

I compiled a one-time small program and inserted it into everyone’s main process. After the thread is executed, those who meet the conditions will automatically report their location to me.

I quickly found three people, distributed in different places.

I checked in their minds and I really found the location of Taj Kama!

These three people are from Kama Taj Town. They are ordered to stay in Kathmandu for a long time. Pay attention to those who inquire about Kama Taj, and report some external developments to Kama Taj. After all, there is no Internet at Kama Taj. , That is a different dimension space.

Gu Yi pulled the entire town into a dimensional space, and the entrance was placed in a remote village, so according to the previous finding method, unless Garcia met these three people, and they were their guests, otherwise, Garcia and they don’t even want to find it.

Fortunately, I came, and Garcia also keenly discovered this.

“I already know where Kama Taj’s entry point is. It is a different-dimensional entrance. Tomorrow we will visit them directly and recharge our energy in the evening. The wizard may have some means we don’t know.”

Early in the morning of the next day, I took them for a ride and reached the foot of the mountain, and then walked more than 30 kilometers along a small road up and down to reach this remote village.

I found the dimension mouth, and looked at this void with weird codes very puzzled.

Several people saw us standing at the entrance of the dimension and surrounded us. From their minds, they were the ‘security guards” guarding the entrance.

“Mr this is a private property, please leave.”

“I know your entrance is here. Tell Gu Yi that there is a **** looking for her.”

That person “very obedient” entered the dimension mouth with a means I didn’t understand, and I wrote down the code changes.

It’s just a call with parameters, “Garcia, get ready to fight, I’ll try to send you in first.”

Garcia took out two daggers and held them in her hands. She had put on the armor when she set off, and she didn’t need to prepare any more, “Okay, daddy.”

I tried to change the reference object to Garcia using the method of the person just now, and then suddenly I saw Garcia disappeared in front of me, and I also lost Garcia’s name in the list of connected objects with super powers.

Subspace can separate my superpowers!

This is a trouble…

I like the beauty of natural disasters.

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