Beautiful Natural Disasters

Chapter 149

Vol 2 Chapter 139: White mouse

Until the energy source in his chest was torn off, Tony looked at the person who was drifting away as if he were in a dream.

Even though Pepper has been telling him these days that there is hard evidence that he still doesn’t want to believe that Obadiah is the manipulator behind the scenes.

He didn’t know how long the **** numbness lasted, but he knew that he could only withstand it for three minutes.

He struggled hard, but it was useless except to move a few millimeters. The villa was quiet and lifeless, like a luxurious tomb.

No! No, Annie is doing homework below! He set up a small chemistry laboratory for Anne… well, it’s the perfume laboratory. Anne usually stays here on weekends, and Ms. Perrin has been taking care of little George at Pepper’s house recently.

God bless, let Annie come out and play.

He tried to make some movement, but the living room was too big, and the sofa was two meters away from the fruit bowl on the nearest table!

Why do you usually put the table so far away?

Is it magnanimous?

Every second seems extremely long and short, which **** invented this thing?

Also, even if Annie finds herself, how can she rescue herself?

I am too confident, and the result is that there is only one energy battery!



The previous piece, Pepper made a gift!

is in the laboratory!

God, your favorite cub is calling you, let Anne come out to show off her Anne perfume again, I swear I will not spit on her anymore! I will like all her perfumes and I want to praise them!

GOD, Please…

Maybe he really is God’s favorite cub, suddenly there was a movement in the basement, he heard a light step, it was Annie’s footsteps!

My favorite God, I really am your favorite cub. I will definitely carry your cross with me in the future. I didn’t bring it before because I feel that none of the quality of the cross satisfies me.

Annie walked in front of him with a small bottle and pointed to the bottle to show off: “Dear prospective uncle with an IQ of around 250, how does this perfume taste now? It took me two hours to make it carefully. , Got rid of the previous regulations, completely innovated a new style… Huh? What’s wrong with you in a big shit? Is this perfume poisonous? Give you…”

Annie finally discovered Tony’s abnormality, Tony stared vigorously to draw Annie’s attention to his chest.

“Big shit, isn’t it a joke?”

Tony still kept his eyes indicating the place of the energy battery on his chest.

“Huh? Why doesn’t your battery light up? It won’t break down, right? Wow, haha, you have a big shit, and you have today? Didn’t you say that your IQ broke through the sky, and the things you made are completely impossible to be defective? Wow? Haha, what shall we do this time? I feel like you are like a doll with a loose clockwork…”

Although Annie was venomous, she hurriedly lifted the clothes on his chest to confirm.

But when I opened it, I found that the battery was missing!

“Who took your battery.”

Tony gave her a look that you finally understood, and then immediately gestured down the entrance of the stairs with his eyes.

“Oh , I see, there is a gift battery downstairs, can that work? Blink your eyes to show that it is OK,…OK, I’ll get it.”

Annie dropped the bottle in her hand and ran downstairs. When she came up for a while, she was already wearing a pair of rubber gloves in her hand. It was the gift battery made by Pepper in her hand.

Since the end of the thread was pulled outside, it was easy to connect it. Annie said while pretending: “I found that you are creating a conspicuous flaw for yourself. I said, you moved this thing to your ass. Isn’t it okay? You have to be exposed to let people know your cover. Everyone knows that this is not desirable. What is your IQ for? It’s really not good. You can make this battery a self-destructive device without you. If you agree, it will explode if you take it away. When you are a melee fighter, you must learn to be ruthless. You don’t have any ruthlessness. I think you should protect yourself and launch missiles from afar… Okay, After it’s installed, why can’t you move? Did I pretend to be wrong? Sleeping means I’m pretending to be wrong… yes? Why can’t you move?”

Fortunately, Tony’s eyes motioned, indicating that he was all right, and then Annie sat next to him and watched him.

After waiting for ten minutes, the numbness slowly subsided. This feeling was just like taking anesthetics. Fortunately, it did not affect brain activity. Otherwise, once he passed out and fell asleep, there would be no need to say what happened at this time. Yes, the news should be posted on his servant tomorrow.


“No thanks, you have to strengthen your IQ, I don’t need to worry about the normal ones above 250, are you… there is something wrong with this place.” Annie pointed to her head.


“Who did this?”

“O…B…Dai…Ya, Ann…Ni, quickly…inform…Pe…Per, she…maybe…in…danger…”

Annie hurriedly called Jarvis, and called Pepper.

“Anne? Why are you looking for me? Are you done with your homework? If you are done, I will do the newly purchased workbooks. I am very busy now!”

Annie rolled her eyes directly: “Auntie Obadea just now took away the battery from the big **** chest, and paralyzed him, almost killing him, but now I helped him install a gift battery in the basement. Haven’t you recently I have been investigating him, hoping to be careful, maybe he has some terrible conspiracy!”

“God, how dare he do this! But don’t worry, I am following S.H.I.E.L.D.’s… Uh, professionals, and some policemen. Three people have been arrested just now. They have confessed to Obadea, and we are preparing Go catch him, I will bring back Tony’s battery by the way. He can’t escape. Also, Annie, don’t call Tony a big shit! Let me hear it again and beat you when I go back! How is Tony’s situation now? ?”

“He is slowly recovering.”

“Okay, let’s do this first, I will take someone to his villa to find him.”

After hanging up, Annie curled her legs around her knees and tilted her head to look at Tony, “Uncle Tony, how are you now?”

“Better.” Tony raised his hand, and then touched it. It still felt numb, but he was able to move.

He stood up and started to move.

“Oh! By the way! I have a good thing that may be useful for the way you look now Annie ran down the stairs again, and after a while took a test tube of pink liquid and came up,” Uncle Tony, come, Take a sip and you’ll be fine immediately! ”

“What is this?”

“In order to increase the sensitivity of others to my Anne Fragrant, I made some potions to increase the nerve response. Don’t worry, it is safe. I tried it with Xiaobai.”

“Which little white?”

“Little white mouse.”

“But I am a human!”

“It’s all the same, come on, take a sip, your palsy symptoms should be cured immediately!”

Tony thinks what kind of nerve potion a child can make, it is probably some alcohol mixed with some pigments and some essence. He is a little dabbled.

wanted to take Annie’s test tube, but Annie thought he might drop the test tube on the ground, so she did it for him.

The end result was that a tube went into Tony’s mouth.

Smashed his mouth, Tony tasted the taste of the wine. It tasted good, better than the famous wines he had ever drunk. Is this thing used with perfume? In the future, can I sneak into her laboratory from time to time to go smoothly?

After feeding Tony, Annie did not know where she took out the pen and paper, and carefully observed Tony’s situation…

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