Beautiful Natural Disasters

Chapter 169

Vol 2 Chapter 159: Limit test

Next, do some limit tests.

After all, magic is finally given to the dogs to use, and safety must be guaranteed.

Especially black magic, but naturally poisonous things, if one day encounters a rogue guard who can’t do it and gets infected, I happen to be away again, then it will be troublesome.



****obj_handle(i)=Create thread (call teleportation array (“, [my.x+1000+rnd(i), my.y+1000+rnd(i), my.z+1000+rnd( i)], target set [null]), 10,,,,,,,,,,……);






It’s crazy, 10 billion teleportation arrays, each hole is 1 cm. After a while, the opened 1 cm of the space around me presents a fish-scale visual effect, densely covering every inch of the sky and every hole. Everyone can see a random shattered space, combining them together as if the space in front of them is shattered.

Then all the tens of billions of teleportation arrays were closed.

Fortunately, no special effects are added, otherwise I don’t know if it will get stuck, just like a network delay.

There seems to be no problem at present. The rogue guards successfully blocked all illegal operations that attempted to create threads, blocking all the effects of black magic.

Looking at the record, 10 billion calls were made, and there were more than 30 million attempts to inject. The probability is one-third, not low.

But fortunately, the old man’s anti-software is easy to use.

And 10 billion times, it also proves one thing from the side, that is, black magic energy is a big dog. Transmission magic, regardless of the size of the hole, seems to have a basic energy consumption. Opening a needle with a large eye is followed by a few hundred. Rice, the difference in energy is not too big.

Ten billion calls, it did not show any opinion, that is the meaning of sufficient inventory, which is approximately equal to positive infinity.

I am just worrying…

I don’t know why, how do I feel my chills are standing up?

Who is staring at me?

come! Face staring!

In the connection object, there is nothing but plants and small animals.

But this feeling is clear again.

Is there any side effect of 10 billion calls?

I opened a door and asked Cheng Wanli and the others to move things over for testing, to see what’s nearby.

They just started to make the machine, but Hulk told me, “Father, there is a lot of energy around here, like in the water.”

Hulk is a good boy who can’t tell lies. In other words, is there really plenty of energy around here?

What caused the experiment just now?

Black energy?

It’s easy to try.

I quickly sent Cheng Wanli and the others back.

stood far away and left for five kilometers, “Hulk, you drive in the form of the Hulk, and pay attention to protect the old man.”

After   Hulk came out, he stood in front of me. I opened a 1cm portal, and the destination point was where I was experimenting just now.

If there is dark energy right now, then I can ignite it by throwing a white energy?

After    threw it over, he immediately closed the portal and covered his ears.

The actual effect is that there doesn’t seem to be any movement there.

After waiting for ten minutes, there was no movement, so that kind of energy is not black energy?

Hulk and I passed it back again, “Hulk, can you absorb this energy?”

“Yes, daddy.”

has become a giant energy?

“Then you take a look.”

I didn’t see Hulk’s movements, and I felt that the thing that made the hair stand upright around me quickly dissipated, and Hulk also slowly changed from the Hulk to the Golden Giant.

At this time, I found out that Hulk still had a pair of trousers before. After turning into a golden giant, it was torn apart.

It seems that Banner has also worked **** the materials, at least Luhuoke doesn’t have to worry about being naked.

But the Golden Hulk is too big. That guy is like hanging a tank dangling there. What kind of cloth can it cover?

Hey, that’s not right, I now have magic, I can add mosaics to the Golden Hulk!

Just, after adding this, how does he feel like a flower girl in a skirt?

No, no, no, this can’t work! Hulk is a hunk, is this to laugh at the enemy?

But for the time being, I couldn’t think of any clever way, so I had to give up.

“Daddy, I can’t finish it! It’s so super, and Hulk can’t finish it!”

“Okay, stop and change back.” I pay attention to the process of Hulk and Banner, no virus sub-threads are created, so these energy is safe.


After    changed back to Banner, Banner immediately said anxiously: “Father, a lot of the ground and the sand on the ground have been moisturized by energy and turned into something that can provide energy.”

He bent over and grabbed a handful of sand to show me, but my eyes widened and I couldn’t see the difference in the sand.

“I can’t see it.”

“But after Hulk transforms, you can clearly feel that a layer of about 10 meters thick sand on the ground carries this energy.”

“What’s the use of that? You can’t eat sand.”

“I’ll try to see if it can be purified! Father, you open the door for me. Father, can this door teach us? It’s so convenient!”

“Go, go, it’s not time yet.”

I opened a fixed door for them, which is Kama Taj’s magic door, so that they can come here to do research, and I ran to another distant desert again.

Before running, I copied a copy of Kama Taj’s library in Banner’s mind. Reading makes me happy. I dozed off because of my old age.

Have I forgotten something important?

Yes, yes, also gems!

I’d better go and pay it back first. I may have forgotten it when I drag it. I thought this gem was my own. When someone came to ask for it, I might even let the dog bite. That would be too embarrassing.

It’s still a matter of jewel minutes, do some research and get it back.

Open the teleportation array I invented, and I must surprise them this time!

Let’s open that dojo, there are many people there.

This formation is 18 meters, right?


Ding Ding Dang Dang…

My eyes changed, and then I heard some unpleasant sounds…

Fuck! The old man forgot to change the special effects!

The ancient one is so dead, right in the dojo!

She came over with a smile Your Excellency, welcome to come again, you…Yes, what kind of magic is this? …It’s cute. ”

I really want to tell them, can I go home and do it again? Do you want to clear their memory and start over?


Oh, by the way, I said that I would bring them gifts, but I also completely forgot.

I am so old?

“How about? My newly developed magic for girls, is it beautiful?”

Now I can only say so hard, there are more men here and fewer women, only two, but seeing the expressions on their faces, I think it’s worth the money.

Forget it, the old man has a thick-skinned face and doesn’t care about small things.

“I ran out of time gems, and I’ll give them back to you.” I took the gems out of my space and handed them to Gu Yi.

I won’t get rid of the rice and slipped away. The smiles on the faces of these male wizards made me very uncomfortable. I don’t need to look at them. I know they must be laughing at me, except for the two little female wizards.


“Teacher! Do you know this magic?”

“Teacher, we want to learn that, can we?”

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