Beautiful Natural Disasters

Chapter 176

Vol 2 Chapter 166: Elementary Battlefield One

He chose to enter and watch. This is a bird’s-eye view from the perspective of God. You can see many figures running or moving on the beach.

The shore defense artillery and machine guns in the distance vented their firepower frantically at these allied forces, which had no bunkers.

They can see that some people have blood bars on their heads and names, but most people don’t.

All of a sudden, he realized!

Those with health bars and names are real players!

There are not many players left on the battlefield. I just clicked it roughly, and there were only about twenty people.

Suddenly a round of shells exploded, and suddenly there were five or six people missing, and there were three others with a little blood skin left and started to drag the blood out, but after crawling less than ten meters, the blood skin was gone, and the blood bar disappeared. The name is gone.

One more minute, before he had time to take a look at the German defense line, he exited the spectator mode.

The game prompt says that all players are dead and the game is about to restart. The waiting time is half an hour.

This thing is addictive!

In this era when the game is still 2D-based and 3D only has a rough low-grid model, they were served a gluttonous feast at once, which directly made them lose their interest in any other entertainment projects.

Tony Stark also participated in this battle. After watching the movie, Pepper lost interest in this, because this thing is obviously not suitable for normal girls.

The three words “girl” are very suitable for Pepper at present. Pepper is getting younger and younger recently. This has been seen by many people. The younger Pepper is, the more Tony feels that he cannot be selfish. Harm her, unless he solves the palladium poison problem on his body.

And this genetic enhancement is an opportunity.

He rented a single room, just not to interrupt his thoughts.

What’s bad is that he, who was vying for the first place, tried his best to stand at the forefront. He thought he could get a head start or something. As a result, he let the machine gun be swept to death before he jumped out of the hatch.

After   , he watched the whole journey from God’s perspective, trying to find the best route.

His brain is still very useful, and he quickly found a thread that he considered the best, and then wrote it down.

When the half-hour break time comes, the game restarts. Tony, who re-enters the game, has completely forgotten what he saw from the perspective of God.

The last encounter seemed to him at this time, just like a dream he had just dozed off. When he woke up, he had forgotten more than half of the things in the dream, but he still remembered some things, and then thought of ways to go back. Change the position, because he thinks that the dream may be a kind of revelation, reminding him of what is about to happen, although there is no scientific basis, he decided to believe it once.

An hour later, the machine gun fired as scheduled. He saw that the few standing in the hatch were swept to death. He was very grateful. Then he tried to climb out of the sideboard. The physical fitness in this game basically reflected reality. The quality of the house.

Although he has been poisoned by palladium now and has become a lot weaker, he feels that he is completely free from swimming at fifty to sixty meters.

But he overestimated himself. Although he was not targeted by a machine gun, he only swam five or six meters desperately. The equipment on his body dragged him to the bottom of the sea. He was anxious to get rid of any concerns on his body, but just now The desperate movement caused his lungs to urgently need oxygen at this time. The more anxious people are, the easier it is to make mistakes, and the soaked knots will become extremely difficult to untie, so he removed two knots and the third knot. It became a deadlock. He saw someone swimming past a few meters ahead. He wanted to catch him for help, but the person was obviously very sensitive to his surroundings, so he avoided it from a distance. Seeing his swimming posture, he knew it. This man is a guy who asks for life in the water.

Seeing him swimming far away, oxygen ran out, sea water poured into his lungs, acupuncture-like sensation came as scheduled, he knew he could not run away, so he might as well take this opportunity and think about it. Is there anyone worth thinking about.

“Pepper, I’m sorry, I can’t come back…, Annie…my daughter, you have to listen to my mother…”

After waking up from the game again, he “f..k” went on for a while before he re-entered the game.

After entering this time, he didn’t study any route anymore. After entering, he might not remember it anyway. He began to study how other people could run farther.

But it’s a pity that this is not a track and field competition. There are people with outstanding running speeds, but these people have run more than a dozen or 20 meters, and then they are easily caught in a pool of blood. The German positions are more than just Machine guns and cannons, and a large number of German soldiers.

This is not a movie. Each of these soldiers is a living person. Each of them is the protagonist. They don’t think this is a game or a movie and then let you go. Anyone or something they think is a major threat. Focus on sight and firepower.

What if you understand it? This is an unsolvable problem.

This game is not as simple as imagined. It is impossible for the people in Taoyuan Town to come up with a naive thing. Think about Cheng Wanli. If that guy shoots this game, it would be a nightmare.

So, is this a real world?

But… it will restart! So it is a game!

Such a real game, what can I do with it?

It will not take the initiative to lower the difficulty because you are naive, helpless, and lack of physical fitness. It is a real battlefield.


If you remember correctly, when you enter the game, there is a small sign that says “Elementary Battlefield”

In other words, maybe, it still has intermediate and advanced battlefields? Dealing with enhanced humans?

The junior battlefield has been so difficult to deal with, what is the situation of the intermediate senior?

In this elementary battlefield survival time is calculated in seconds, is it in advanced battlefields in milliseconds?

But I, Tony Stark… (omitted)

I will definitely get the gene fortification 0.3.

After entering for the third time, he quickly took off the burden on his body, but what greeted him was a pistol bullet of the squad leader. He was killed on the troop carrier and then thrown into the sea, becoming a negative teaching material.

For the fourth time, he pointed a gun at the crew of the troop carrier, and wanted him to get close to the coast and open the cabin, but the squad leader was killed.

For the fifth time, he hid behind the squad leader. He thought he might be able to reach the shore, but a machine gun bullet killed them both.

For the sixth time, he was shot in the water after diving with someone.

For the 7th time, he opened the cabin and died.

For the 8th time, he was dragged to death by his comrades.

For the 9th time, he was already collapsed, and the system refused him to re-enter, so he could only go back to the hotel to rest.

The next day, he did not enter the game, but went back to New York, put on some makeup, and made people unable to recognize who he was. After thinking of a way, he went to the Angel Realm. The money didn’t work here, so he spent the day. The time followed the crowd in circles.

For that game, he also worked hard.

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